Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1992 Spiritual Energy Recovery 6

On the contrary, this man thought that he was talented, but he did not believe that it was difficult for his country to have a talented person. If he disagreed, they would be willing to kill him. After all, killing one person would mean one less person, and his country would be affected in the future. If there are fewer "supermen", wouldn't it be detrimental to our country in the world that is about to enter the cultivation civilization? So he thought that even if he didn't agree to these people's requests, they wouldn't dare to do anything to him.

He thought well.

Seeing that he was reluctant to part with his talent, he was afraid that if he agreed to do such a thing, he would lose everything if Tai Xuanzong discovered it. He was unwilling to agree, and the people in the security department did not dare to do anything to him. Interested parties tried to persuade him.

It's a pity that this person is very timid. He is afraid that once he finds out, his future will be ruined. Even if he doesn't agree, their country's officials will not be able to do anything.

Naturally, An Ran didn't know about foreign talents being talked to by the other country's officials. After all, her abilities were still limited and she couldn't see things that far away. She had no interest in using puppets or monitoring the other party's every move.

However, she is not worried about what the other party can do, because as long as the other party comes to the sect, whatever he does will be known to the sect's formation immediately - the sect's formation has a function similar to surveillance.

As for the Kingdom of Jin, the Kingdom of Jin couldn't help but be disappointed when they saw that Taixuanzong did not refuse to recruit foreigners. Fortunately, the Kingdom of Jin had an advantage. After all, it seemed that Taixuanzong had no intention of putting various languages ​​on the website and wanted to test his talent. You must be able to speak the Xia language. Also, if you enter the Taixuan Sect in the future, if you are not good at the language, you will probably not be able to learn well. You will definitely not have the advantage over the local Jin people.

This is normal. Taixuanzong is a cultivation sect, but it is not like secular universities, which rely on foreign students to get subsidies, and rely on the number of international students to improve the school ranking. Therefore, many universities are somewhat foreign-friendly, as long as foreigners are willing to go to their schools as international students. , willing to collect any garbage.

Ren Taixuan Sect is a cultivation sect. It does not need to flatter foreigners, nor does it need to rely on the number of foreign monks to improve its ranking. In this case, naturally you can come if you like it, and you will be pulled if you don't come. They will not make any special arrangements for you alone - -In fact, Enron is too lazy to make it so complicated.

Not to mention how much fuss was going on outside, but since An Ran had recruited twenty people, she naturally added them all as friends on the website she created, and then left their contact addresses so that they could come to a certain place at a certain time and she would pick them up. When I go to the sect, I don’t pick them up at their homes one by one.

Not to mention other ordinary people who were very excited when they heard that they were going to the cultivation sect, even the people in the national team were also very excited.

This time, the national team mobilized hundreds of thousands of internal people who passed the review test in a short period of time. In the end, ten people were talented, and three of them were very talented and were honored to be selected.

Since I was honored to be selected, I was naturally excited when I heard that I could be in contact with Senior Sister Izumo and her sect.

When Senior Sister Izumo posted on social networking sites, they contacted her through private messages. Unfortunately, the other party did not enable the function of receiving messages from strangers, so they were unable to contact her even if they wanted to.

They also contacted the official social networking site and asked for help in providing the other party's information. Unfortunately, checking Senior Sister Izumo's information did not reveal anything at all and they could not be contacted.

Obviously, this senior sister Izumo is capable of recruiting disciples on behalf of Taixuan Sect. She is not the kind of person who specializes in cultivation. She is very familiar with modern affairs and knows that others will find her out, so she is prepared in advance. .

In addition, the official people did not want to offend anyone, so they did not forcefully ask her to contact them. Therefore, she was naturally excited to enter Taixuan Sect and have the opportunity to interact with Senior Sister Izumo openly.

Soon it was time to leave for Taixuan Sect. A group of twenty people headed to a certain city or place mentioned by Senior Sister Izumo.

The place An Ran chose was a small town at the foot of Zongmen Mountain. After all, she couldn't possibly go out of town to pick them up. At least she could save some time. After all, she was doing this during her lunch break.

——She has enough faith now, so she bought an incarnation. In this way, she does not need to do this on weekends, but can do it during her lunch break during school. After all, there are three people at noon. Hours of time are enough to do this.

The reason why she didn't choose weekends was because she was afraid that if she always acted on weekends, people would find out that she could only act on weekends, and then analyze why this was the case, so as not to find out her identity then.

No matter what, she still had to be careful.

A group of twenty people soon arrived at the small town at the foot of Zongmen Mountain. An Ran's incarnation had long been waiting there - An Ran had already let his incarnation pass. Now that he saw the time, he parted with a ray of spirit. The consciousness attached to it, but the real body was still taking a lunch break at school.

Soon, Senior Sister Izumo, who was hiding nearby, arrived on time while everyone was eagerly waiting.

Everyone was excited when they saw the female cultivator in the video right in front of them, and some people came up to say hello.

Senior Sister Izumo greeted everyone one by one, and then smiled and said: "You are quite on time, very good. It happens to be early, so I just happened to go over for lunch."

When everyone heard Senior Sister Izumo praising them for being punctual, they thought to themselves, how dare they not be punctual? They all came in advance, for fear that if they were not on time, then Senior Sister Izumo would leave, or they would feel that they were not punctual and would no longer be on time, wouldn't that be wrong? loss? So one or two people are naturally very punctual.

Just when everyone was thinking about it, they saw Senior Sister Izumo take out a small boat, but they didn't see any movement. They saw that the boat grew when the wind blew, and it soon became a big ship.

This thing is called a flying boat, and it is the most common means of transportation in the world of cultivation. An Ran bought it from the Creator System Mall. It is not expensive because of the average number of people, defense and attack capabilities.

Although it is a cheap product, it is still enough for this time.

In fact, in her dimension, there was a better transportation tool that she bought when she was in the fairy world, but that thing was so good that she was afraid of being suspected if she took it out for use. How could there be such a good thing in the Age of Ending Law, so she just bought it She used her faith points to buy such a flying boat from the Creator's system mall. Anyway, she had a lot of faith points now, so she could still afford such a cheap flying boat.

Seeing that the light boat turned into a big boat after being taken out, Senior Sister Izumo flew on it and then called everyone to come up.

Everyone climbed up from the string of the boat before they had cultivated their skills.

After going up, I couldn't help but look around curiously.

Although this is a bargain, it is produced in the world of cultivation, and it still exudes the extraordinary style of the Xian family in every aspect. The first is its exquisiteness. The hull is made to be radiant, smooth and smooth, which is obviously not something that ordinary craftsmen in the world can create; The second is luxury. Many places are dotted with gems - this is normal. In the cultivation world, gems are not valuable, but gems are beautiful. Most people decorate with gems for decoration.

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