Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1889 The Fourth Disaster 53

An Ran first issued an order in the name of the Emperor - An Ran had already ascended the throne - to order various places to stop attacking each other. After no one listened to her words, she began to dispatch players, with the capital as the center, and began to spread to the surrounding areas to quell the civil strife.

She didn't make any distinction, picked the easy or difficult ones, and just rushed over. With the players here, even the powerful Sang people could be defeated, not to mention the people in the Central Plains who couldn't even defeat the Sang people, they could only fight their own people. Coward.

However, for the sake of her compatriots, except for some people who had done the most terrible thing to massacre the city, she would never let them go. She would give warnings to others before beating them, asking them to stop, and then beating them again to give them a chance. .

Some people who knew that An Ran was powerful stopped when they saw that An Ran was coming, and accepted the recruitment.

Of course, there are some who know that An Ran is powerful, but have tasted the wonderful taste of the local emperor and do not want to stop giving up power. Although they know that An Ran has eliminated the Sang tribe and is very powerful, they always take chances and think about three things. The prince's men have been fighting the Sang tribe for such a long time, and they have suffered countless losses. With such remaining strength, they may not be able to defeat themselves. In this way, I can try to resist.

This kind of overestimation of one's own capabilities and insisting on causing harm to the common people, Enron directly asked the players to bulldoze each other.

Even the San tribe can deal with it. There won't be much of a problem in quelling the civil strife. It's just a matter of time.

Because he knew that the players could deal with the local emperors, An Ran did not pay too much attention to quelling the chaos, and spent more energy on how to maintain the operation of the court.

Players can do a lot of things for her, but the government still needs indigenous people to run the court, because only a very small number of players are interested in being an official. Who wants to be an official with too many restrictions? It is better to be a free person.

At this time, the third prince's mother-in-law was also picked up from the secret stronghold by An Ran and became the queen mother.

The Queen Mother, who was born as an ordinary palace servant, was originally not very courageous. In addition, the previous incident of the third prince being exiled and her being thrown into the cold palace also frightened her, so she became even more timid. Even though she was brought back to the palace by An Ran, Normally he doesn't want to see people, he just wants to hide in his own palace and use it as an abandoned house.

Although she only wants to be a waste house, she still cares about her daughter, so sometimes when An Ran comes to pay her respects, the Queen Mother will inevitably step back and ask her nervously: "Now that you have become the emperor in a female body, what will happen to your heirs in the future? I I heard someone outside saying that someone in the court is urging you to draft? What should you do? You can’t do it if you don’t choose. If you choose, you will definitely be exposed. "

She was really afraid that if she was exposed, her daughter would be kicked off the throne, and she would suffer disaster again. The previous incident where her daughter was exiled by the late emperor and then sent her to the cold palace really frightened her. That kind of It felt like something she didn't want to feel again.

An Ran comforted her and said, "Don't worry, concubine, I will handle it properly."

Just spend money and buy an artificial intelligence to replace the show girl.

Although in ancient times with extremely backward technology, buying artificial intelligence was not cheap, but in order not to expose your identity, you had to spend it.

Thinking of this, An Ran couldn't help but regret that when she was doing interstellar missions and could buy artificial intelligence cheaply from the mall, she only bought the male artificial intelligence and not the female artificial intelligence. She was thinking that the male artificial intelligence could serve as a critical moment. Her partner, but she didn't expect that one day, she would be a woman disguised as a man, and she would need a female artificial intelligence to protect her. Because she didn't expect it, she didn't buy it, so now she had to spend a huge amount of money to buy it, which made her feel sad. He was bleeding, but there was nothing he could do. After all, if he didn't do it this way, it would be difficult to explain it to him.

After hearing An Ran's words, Empress Dowager Lu said, "I'll be relieved if you can handle it properly." In fact, she wasn't relieved at all. She was still worried, thinking about how An Ran could solve such a thing. It's just that An Ran comforted her again and again, so she couldn't keep nagging for fear of annoying others.

An Ran is naturally not just a comforter, but will actually implement it. After all, as the government becomes more and more stable, the voice calling for the draft becomes louder and louder. If she continues not to draft, others will find it strange, and she does not want a child. It's not realistic. After all, if you don't have children, where will the heir be? She didn't want to look for it from the clan, because she didn't want to give the country she had worked so hard to give to others, and let those clans who got something for nothing sit and win. Her children were her own children. She could accept it, but she couldn't accept letting others win. She Not stupid.

So on this day, An Ran suddenly "blessed" a certain palace man and made her a concubine. After that, he announced to the court that there was a woman in the harem and he was not planning to draft for the time being.

This palace man is naturally the artificial intelligence purchased by Enron.

Not long after, a boy and a girl were born, a boy and a girl.

At first, Empress Dowager Lu thought that the child was found somewhere, and thought that in order not to reveal her identity, she had to do this. It didn't matter whose children they were, as long as her daughter and herself would not be exposed.

But later I saw that the child looked like An Ran, and I couldn't help but wonder. One day, I quietly asked An Ran: "Why do they look so similar to you?"

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