Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1888 The Fourth Disaster 52

Not mentioning the regrets of Emperor Yongfeng and his son, but saying that after the San clan killed Emperor Yongfeng and his son, they began to escape. After all, the people of the third prince of Da Qi had already entered the capital, and it would be too late if they didn't run away.

When King Sang heard that An Ran would not accept any compromise, he sighed and began to retreat under the protection of his guards, thinking that he could escape.

But I never thought that An Ran, the senior figures of the San clan, would all be on wanted missions, and their profile pictures would be taken because An Ran sneaked up to these people. Now that An Ran's martial arts skills are not low, he could naturally sneak up to these people and take pictures of them. Pictures - placed in the mission so that the mission map can show the direction of their activities, so they thought they could escape, but that was impossible, because the higher the status, the more generous the mission rewards, so the people who were staring at them didn't know How many of them, even if they took dispersed actions, did not escape the pursuit of players.

However, their scattered actions were more or less effective, because the players all ran to block those senior generals, princes, and even Sang kings, princes, and grandsons who had the most generous rewards. Therefore, the middle and low-level Sang people took advantage of the players to stare at the clan members. Many opportunities have passed away for people with high status here.

An Ran didn't care that these people ran away. After all, she didn't just stop dealing with the Sang people after fighting this time. She would continue to cause trouble for them in the future. After all, if anyone came to invade her country, she wouldn't deal with them. , just drive the other party home and that's it. The other party will definitely not take him seriously. Only by beating the other party away and crippling him can other countries be frightened and other countries not dare to follow suit.

She planned to drive them far away until they caused harm to the Western world, so she didn't mind if some people ran away this time.

Soon the capital became empty just like Zhenbeiguan. In addition to sending players to monitor the movements of the San tribe to prevent them from coming back, An Ran began to make repairs in the capital and was preparing to move its future base to the capital.

After all, they have occupied the capital, and Emperor Yongfeng and his son are dead. Next, she can ascend the throne, and then a new plot will begin.

Although the mission of the game system is to allow her to gain the world, ascending the throne does not mean she has gained the world. After all, the world is still in chaos, so she must calm down the chaos and stabilize her position before she can claim the world.

And after completing the game mission, it does not mean that this system will disappear and players will not be able to enter. As long as she is still there, the game can continue.

As for her leaving this world, she doesn't know if this world can still summon players, but by then, she will be gone and will not care about these things.

As Anron regained the capital, many people who had fled due to the San tribe's siege of the capital came back.

Enron has released some more accounts, in which players maintain law and order in the capital and count population, housing, etc.

Players who inquired about the movements of the San tribe also reported to her that the San tribe did not return to their territory immediately, but retreated to a city a hundred kilometers away from the capital to defend themselves.

An Ran understood that the Sang people were like hyenas, waiting around.

If An Ran sends people to drive them away, they can't defeat them and they will retreat; if they don't drive them away, they will wait and see what happens. If An Ran cannot defend the capital, they will come and fight again.

And Enron would definitely not give them time, and immediately sent players to drive them away.

The Sang people also never thought that Anran did not first settle down the internal affairs and then fight against the outside world, but actually sent people to deal with them before the chaos in the world was settled. This made them wonder whether Anran had a bad mind. After all, you have internal chaos. If you continue to fight against foreigners before it is settled, aren't you afraid that your own people will oust you from the throne?

The reason why they did not leave before and stayed on the side was because they felt that An Ran would calm down the civil strife and would not have time to fight them. In this way, although they had withdrawn from the capital, they had not left the country and were still in the Central Plains, so they could still enjoy this colorful world.

Even though they lost many high-level officials during the breakout of the capital, including King Sang, they were still unwilling to give up the piece of meat they had bitten, and still lingered in the Central Plains.

As a result, they showed no mercy to them, and even the civil strife was not settled, but they only wanted to drive them away, so that they could no longer enjoy this colorful world. It was really annoying.

But because the players were too fierce, they had no choice but to leave.

However, they will not flee. Instead, if the player attacks them and they cannot defeat them, they will give up some territory and defend the next city; if they can defeat them, they will not retreat.

They just thought that the Third Prince only had so many people, and when they were used up, there might be no one left to fight them. In this way, as long as they didn't run away, there would still be a lot left on hand. Will not all the land in the Central Plains belong to them by then?

With this idea in mind, even though the San people know that the players are crazy, they don't just run away when they see them. Instead, they always fight first and then run away if they can't beat them.

However, when they retreated again and again, and almost retreated to the place where they exited, they found that there were still so many of the Third Prince's men beating them. They couldn't help but frown, thinking about how the Third Prince's men could continue to attack them all the way. Come on, didn’t a lot of people die too? Also, the Third Prince must have some people to quell the civil strife. If this is the case, why are there still so many people and not fewer people?

They didn't know that players could survive, so they were naturally confused when they saw that the number of players sent by An Ran to expel them was still missing.

Although they were confused, because these people looked different after death, they didn't know that these new people were the previous players, they just thought they were newcomers.

Then I had new doubts, thinking that the new person recruited by the third prince could be so powerful?

No matter how many doubts they had, in short, because Enron sent players to expel them, they still retreated to their own territory outside the customs.

An Ran saw that the San people were driven back to their hometown, and for the time being they stopped issuing tasks to expel the San people, and began to shift their focus to civil strife.

More than a year has passed since the San tribe invaded, An Ran fought back from the border, and now An Ran sends players to drive the San tribe back.

Losing the time of the central court for more than a year is enough to cause chaos in the world that has lost order.

In particular, Emperor Yongfeng did not know how to rule. During his reign, refugees were everywhere. This disorder caused chaos in various places. Even though Anron had invaded the capital, the refugees in various places did not stop fighting. They did not stop fighting because of Anron. After entering the capital and preparing to ascend the throne, she gave an order to stop the war and submit to her, but continued to fight and fight for territory.

Anran's attention had been on the Sang people before. As long as no one attacked the capital, she would leave those forces alone for the time being.

Now that the San tribe has been driven back to their hometown, An Ran has time to deal with this group of people.

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