Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 166 The time-traveling woman with system 14

Not long after, Emperor Xianming and the Empress came over, and Anran saluted them. Emperor Xianming asked her to lie down without any ceremony, chatted with her for a few words, and then started to do business - asking Anran to treat him.

An Ran asked Emperor Xianming to stretch out his hand, put a towel on it, and then felt his pulse - in this era, men and women were not close to each other, so in order to isolate contact, they had to do this. This was why An Ran besides seeing a doctor for his father, Mr. Ye , the reason why they basically don’t treat other men. There is no way. The restrictions of this era are inconvenient. If no one dislikes the emperor, it is estimated that the Queen Mother and the eldest princess will not ask for An Ran to treat the emperor. No matter how male or female they are, I don't care about giving or receiving, and I don't care about saving my life.

An Ran checking Emperor Xian Ming's pulse was naturally a pretense. In fact, after Emperor Xian Ming came in, she had already scanned Emperor Xian Ming's brain with her spiritual consciousness, and she knew more or less what was going on. According to An Ran, this should be a brain tumor. According to modern The method is that surgery must be performed to cure it properly. However, in this era, it is not necessary to say whether the doctors of this era have this technology to cut the emperor's head. Even if they do, they would not dare to do it. After all, brain surgery is extremely complicated and one cannot do it. If you are careful, something will happen. Who can guarantee that they will not cause problems? So who dares to do it?

But Anran is different. She has the healing water spirit root, which can use spiritual power to regulate the diseased area and slowly return it to normal.

Of course, she couldn't say this. After all, she was treated with magic. How could she explain that she had magic? So naturally, I treated other people as usual, using normal medical techniques.

So An Ran immediately said: "Your Majesty, the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother, mother, I am afraid that there is a tumor in your Majesty's brain, which will oppress your Majesty's brain, which will cause your Majesty to have a splitting headache. After a while, I will prescribe some medicinal herbs for treatment. In addition, It must be combined with the herbal medicine for treatment, acupuncture, dispersing congestion and blood. The course of treatment is about half a month to a month. This is my wife’s treatment plan. I would like to ask Your Majesty, the Queen Mother and the Empress to decide whether to follow my wife’s instructions. for treatment.”

After saying this, An Ran prescribed the medicine and wrote down the acupuncture points, procedures, etc. for Emperor Xianming and others to review. Then he and Tang Xin withdrew, leaving space for Emperor Xianming and others to discuss.

Her plan cannot be said to be completely ineffective. This prescription and acupuncture plan are the best arrangements she has made based on the medical skills of this era. They have a certain inhibitory and even therapeutic effect on benign tumors, but the key is that she does not I can guarantee that this thing can completely cure Emperor Xianming, and it is not clear whether the tumor in Emperor Xianming's brain is benign or malignant, because she has not learned modern medical skills and does not know how to distinguish the two (but from the original memory, , Emperor Xianming is not dead yet, it should be benign for the time being). In this way, this plan is naturally for outsiders to see. The real method still has to be treated with immortal water and spiritual power.

In the room, the Queen Mother said to Emperor Xianming: "Your Majesty, the Ai family thinks that Ye's plan is good. Do you want to show this plan to the Imperial Hospital? If you think there is no problem, then treat it as soon as possible? It can also help you get better early." The pain ends at the end of the day.”

The queen said: "As long as there is no danger, I think you can give it a try."

The Queen is also one of the people who does not want anything to happen to Emperor Xianming.

The queen is not without a son, but her son is still very young, only five years old. If something happens to Emperor Xianming at this time, even if her son is the legitimate son, I am afraid that Emperor Xianming will not be able to make him the prince. After all, he is too young, and Jiangshan Sheji , it’s not a child’s play, I’m afraid I’ll have to choose from a few adult princes. When the new emperor comes to the throne, people will definitely value their biological mother, and what will happen to her, so she naturally doesn’t expect anything to happen to Emperor Xianming at this time. He also tried every possible means to get Emperor Xianming to cure him.

The eldest princess had no say in this matter, so she could only wait for Emperor Xianming to make a decision.

Emperor Xianming was obviously suffering from the pain, so he nodded immediately and said: "I think this plan is good. I will show it to the Taiyuan Hospital. If it works, we will start the treatment sooner rather than later."

He was really suffering from the headache. Seeing An Ran prescribing medicines and writing plans for himself so calmly and methodically, he subconsciously felt that An Ran was powerful and powerful, even more powerful than the people from Tai Hospital - after all, Tai Hospital When the people there were treating her, no one could be as calm as her. Everyone was trembling with fear. If An Ran could be so calm, he must be confident in his own medical skills. Therefore, Emperor Xianming naturally felt that An Ran was better than the people at Tai Hospital. It has to be powerful - it will definitely cure itself. In addition, the headache is unbearable. Seeing An Ran like this is like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw. How can he not want to be cured immediately?

Since Emperor Xianming was willing, the matter was quickly settled, and the chamberlain took the plan to Taiyuan Hospital to let the people at Taiyuan Hospital see if there were any problems with the plan.

Not only did the people at Tai Hospital think there was no problem, they also praised the good prescription and the correct selection of acupuncture points, and unanimously agreed that this plan was feasible.

——The people at Taiyuan Hospital could not cure Emperor Xianming's illness, and they were already trembling for fear of being blamed. Then they heard that Ye Anran, a famous female doctor in Beijing, came to the palace to offer advice. Thinking about her background, and the other party's plan was indeed Very good, no problem, so naturally I started using it, thinking that this plan is already very good. After the treatment, I don’t say whether it can be cured, but it will definitely be relieved. They praised it like this, there will be no problem, it can alleviate or even... If it is cured, then if they praise it like this, they will be able to take advantage of it; if it cannot be cured or even alleviated, then Ye's background is strong and she should not be punished. Even she, the chief physician, will not be punished, let alone them. They will be punished. Besides, they all agreed with the hospital. If something goes wrong, we can't kill them all. Punishment will not lead to blame.

They had thought clearly and praised Enron's plan as having only benefits and no risks. Of course, the premise was that the plan was indeed fine, and they could not open their eyes and talk nonsense about an obviously problematic plan.

Since everyone from the Imperial Hospital agreed, Emperor Xianming would not delay any more and immediately asked someone to boil the medicine. After drinking the medicine as instructed by An Ran, he asked An Ran to come in for acupuncture treatment.

After a lot of busy work earlier, it was now afternoon. An Ran and others had lunch in the palace. After lunch, Emperor Xianming drank the medicine, and An Ran began to perform acupuncture.

An Ran was applying acupuncture while using water spirit power to treat the lesions. Emperor Xian Ming felt that his head felt much more comfortable as An Ran moved. It had never taken effect so quickly. This was something that had never happened before, so he didn't pull out the needle yet. Emperor Ming then repeatedly said to the Queen Mother, Empress and others: "Ye's treatment is effective and I feel much better. Ye is indeed a miracle doctor as my mother said!"

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