Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 165 The time-traveling woman with system 13

The Queen Mother actually played a lot of role in this process. She mentioned An Ran's medical skills to the emperor and boasted that An Ran's medical skills were so amazing - although in fact they were just about enough - the emperor was moved after hearing this and decided to give it a try anyway. Even the imperial doctors couldn't see it, so he treated it like a dead horse. If it worked, it would stop his headache.

An Ran said: "Since Your Majesty and the Queen Mother dare to let me try it, there is no reason why I dare not. I am willing to go to the palace."

Princess Jingxian couldn't help but feel slightly moved after hearing An Ran's words.

Ye is not that kind of idiot. She naturally knows the risks of entering the palace to treat the emperor. After all, if something goes wrong, but the matter of losing her head is not like treating her and the Queen Mother, she will Forget it, there is nothing important between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. It seems that the Queen Mother may lose her head if she is not careful, but since all she sees are minor problems, there is no risk. Unlike the emperor, this is a matter of the head, unlike ordinary people. Headaches and brain fever are different. If not only it is not cured, but it becomes more serious with treatment, it is dangerous.

But Ye knew that there were risks and was still willing to give it a try. This meant that she was willing to risk losing her head and wanted to help the emperor. Thinking like this, could the eldest princess not be moved? At that moment, he couldn't help but patted An Ran on the shoulder and said repeatedly: "Good boy, good boy."

She and the Queen Mother naturally hope that the emperor will be fine. After all, the son is the emperor, the brother is the emperor, and the grandson is the emperor, and the nephew is the emperor. The feeling is completely different. The son and brother will be good to you, but the grandson and nephew may not necessarily.

Then he comforted her and said: "You don't need to be nervous, just like when you showed me and the Queen Mother, just treat it if you can. If you can't, just say it. Don't worry that the emperor will blame you. The emperor is a good emperor and will not blame you for no reason." your."

"Yeah, I know." An Ran nodded.

She has been in this world for a few years, especially after entering Princess Jingxian's mansion. Because she has close contact with the royal family, she knows more about it. In addition, she was originally from the emperor's uncle's family. Although the emperor's uncle, Mr. Ye, has passed away. Well, the head of the family, Mr. Ye, is just the emperor's cousin, and his relationship is not that good. But after all, he still has contacts with the royal family, so he still knows a lot about the old emperor. Whether it is from the original person or from what she knows, It can be seen that the emperor is not a bad person, at least he is not the kind of emperor who frequently beheads people. This is also the reason why she dares to enter the palace for treatment. If she changes to a moody one, An Ran still has to consider whether she can help the old emperor by treating his illness. , to prevent the third prince from developing.

"But I have to tell my husband, after all, I can't make the decision on such a big matter without permission." An Ran said.

However, An Ran's attitude obviously won the satisfaction of Princess Jingxian. At that moment, Princess Jingxian said: "This is what it should be. Go talk to Xin'er."

In fact, Princess Jingxian had already asked her son before asking about An Ran. However, her son was a little unhappy, fearing that an accident would bring disaster to An Ran. However, she was reluctant to bear the pain of her uncle's illness. After being in a dilemma, she finally had to say, let An Ran do it. Whatever Enron decided, he had no problem with it.

Since he said this, I think as long as An Ran agrees, he will not object.

Sure enough, when An Ran asked him for his opinion, Tang Xin said: "Personally, I don't want you to go because I am afraid you will be in danger, but my uncle is in so much pain and I am worried about him, so I don't know what to say. Well, you can make up your own mind, no matter what your idea is, I have no objection."

Since Tang Xin said this, then this trip to the palace is naturally decided.

An Ran said this to Tang Xin: "After practicing medicine for so many years, I still have some confidence in my medical skills. In addition, the Taiyuan Hospital can't handle it. Even if I can't handle it, no one will say anything. As for not only failing to cure it, but also making His Majesty's disease worse and worse, and making people blame me, I won't let this happen, don't worry."

Tang Xin thought of An Ran's miraculous medical skills and felt that it made sense, so he was not as worried as before. In addition, he had already said to listen to An Ran, so he was less worried now and naturally would not object, so he said: " Well, you can go into the palace and give it a try."

Since it was agreed, and the old emperor's illness did not wait for anyone, the weather was fine that day. After everyone had breakfast, they prepared to go to the palace.

An Ran himself is not nervous, but Tang Xin is a little nervous. He is afraid that if An Ran fails to cure his uncle's disease, someone will find trouble for An Ran. He wants his mother to reassure him that he must be prepared in this regard. Once someone throws poison on An Ran, There must be measures to deal with sewage.

Princess Jingxian naturally promised again and again that such a thing would not happen. Even if it happened, she would have countermeasures, which made Tang Xin feel better.

Seeing that Tang Xin was so worried about herself, An Ran couldn't help but be moved, thinking that Ye Anyun and others thought he was a waste and not worth marrying, but she felt that she liked such a man with a pure nature, a gentle personality, and a simple man, more than those with deep thoughts. It's much more comfortable to get along with.

While the group was talking, they arrived at the palace.

Everyone first went to the Queen Mother's Cining Palace and prepared to wait for the emperor there.

Because she is both the niece of the Queen Mother and the granddaughter-in-law of the Queen Mother, she has entered the palace quite frequently since An Ran traveled through time. Although she knows everything about the situation in the palace, she will never be like those who just entered the palace. Feeling on edge.

However, the Queen Mother was still afraid that she would be nervous, so she repeatedly reassured her that there was nothing to worry about, just like treating her normally.

"Just do whatever needs to be done. If it can be cured, treat it. If it can't be cured, just say it. Don't put any psychological pressure." Queen Mother Ye told An Ran.

"Yes. My wife understands." An Ran responded.

Before she married into the Tang family, Lord Tang had already granted Tang Xin a seventh-grade Yin title, so she was now a seventh-grade child and could be called a courtier's wife. Otherwise, she would have to call herself a commoner's wife if she was white.

Feeling that An Ran was comforted, Empress Dowager Ye immediately ordered someone to invite the emperor.

He is said to be an old emperor. In fact, the emperor is not old, he is only in his early forties. However, because the princes are all adults, and in this era, people over forty can be called an old man, so he is called the old emperor.

Although the emperor is not old, the pain caused by head wind in the past two years has made him look haggard and aged. You must know that when he was not in pain in the first two years, the emperor took good care of himself and looked like a thirty-year-old man. Almost the same, he is still very handsome and extraordinary, which shows the impact of illness and suffering on people.

Happy Women’s Day to everyone!

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