Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1648 Investing in Life 3

There was no point in arguing with such an unreasonable person. After that, the original person stopped contacting Aunt Sun. However, because of this incident, he felt even more depressed. He thought that his life was already a failure and uncomfortable. , but as a result, there are still people bullying me like this, what’s the point of living?

It can be said that although the original person's inner weakness was one of the reasons for her suicide, the hostility, cynicism, slander, etc. from Sun's father, Sun's aunt, and Sun Anle were layer upon layer of damage, just like a slow knife. It was like cutting off flesh, slowly forcing the original body to death.

At this time, An Ran listened to Sun's mother and did not intend to refuse like the original person for the time being, lest Aunt Sun spread rumors outside. However, she would not let go of Aunt Sun who had hurt the original person, so she was thinking about how to deal with Sun. Aunt, said: "Okay."

If she doesn't agree, her grandson's mother and grandson's father will make a fuss, so she will agree, but when the time comes she will find reasons not to go to the appointment, because the original person has been on several dates, and it was obviously arranged by her family. , but others said that she had dated many boyfriends, but none of them were successful. Her tone of voice was as if she was some kind of immoral woman.

So her life is so funny.

When she was young, she listened to her parents and stopped studying. As a result, she failed to pass the college entrance examination and her life got worse and worse. Her father also said that she would never have been able to pass the college entrance examination.

When she was young, she listened to her parents' advice and went on a blind date. However, because there were so many people who didn't fall in love with her, outsiders spread rumors that she didn't know how many times she had talked to people.

In the final analysis, it's not that the original person is too stupid and listens to her parents in everything. She didn't understand when she was young. Maybe she is a bit stupid. If she listened, there is nothing she can do about it. But now, there is a reason why she doesn't listen. The reason is—— She doesn't have an independent house. If she did, her parents told her that she could live in her own house, but she was so bad that she didn't even have her own house and lived in her parents' room. Let her go on a blind date, even if she doesn't go on a blind date, because under the same roof, if she doesn't go, it will annoy her to death.

Therefore, in view of the attitude of her grandson's father and grandma, as well as the fact that there are too many gossips in the countryside who like to spread rumors and stigmatize the original person, and the poor living environment, as long as she has a little money, she has to buy a house as soon as possible Move out so that she doesn't have to listen to them criticize her or hear people in the village maliciously slander her.

After hearing what she said, Grandma couldn't help but glance at her. No matter what, she usually frowned when she asked her to go on a blind date, and then asked her if she had found something unreliable for her again, and then just a little After getting to know her, she began to refuse if she didn't like it. It was really rare for someone to agree honestly like today. She couldn't help but think, this girl is not up to something again, right?

But because An Ran agreed, she couldn't just make trouble and ask her if she wanted to do something again, so she had to endure it. After An Ran had finished her meal, she got on her electric bike and left, and then she said to Sun's father: "She Dad, the girl agreed so readily today, isn’t she doing something famous?”

Sun's father said disapprovingly: "You are unhappy if someone doesn't agree, but you are suspicious of someone if they agree. It's really hard to do."

"I'm not afraid that if she agrees on the surface, she might do something secretly," Sun's mother said.

Sun's father said: "What are you afraid of? We'll talk about it later when we really want to do it."

Grandmother thought that this was all she could do, so she nodded immediately.

It takes twenty minutes to ride an electric bike from An Ran's home to work in the county town. It's usually fine. But when it's windy, rainy, snowy, or cold winter, it's really inconvenient. And the salary is only 1,800, so An Ran only He said that after this month, she would stop doing it. The price/performance ratio was too low.

An Ran works as a clerk in a small food factory in the county, doing paperwork, which is quite leisurely. When he is free, he also does some odd jobs. After all, the county is not prosperous, and the food factory is also very small, and there are not many things to do, so it is easy to get free time. , if you don’t do some chores, your boss might be unhappy because you are idle, and he will be laid off and have to find a new job. I am afraid that it will be difficult to find a job that is more leisurely than this one, so I have been very diligent.

But when An Ran came to work, since she was a clerk, she would only do the clerk's work. She would not care about other things that were not her responsibility. As for whether this would make her boss unhappy and lay her off, she would not care. If she cares, just cut her off and save her from resigning.

Facts have proved that An Ran felt that she had better resign early because she was afraid that she would not work for more than a month, because at 2:50 in the afternoon, she was going to look at the fund to see if there was anything to buy or sell - funds usually opened in the afternoon Purchases made before three o'clock will be calculated according to the net value of the day. In this way, Enron needs to watch the rise and fall of the fund at around 2:50, and then decide to buy or sell.

Just when An Ran was about to go to the bathroom and check her phone - no matter how stupid she was, she would not check her phone directly in the office. It would be okay to look at it for one or two minutes, but if she had to look at it for ten minutes, her boss would probably be unhappy, so she could only She excused herself to the restroom and prepared to read for a while - at this moment, the boss asked her to print out a document and said that she would need it right away. Then he stood next to her and waited. The reason was that the document was written by the boss himself and he was going to let An Ran read it. Make modifications as you hit him.

Okay, An Ran couldn't see the situation of the fund anymore. After packing the things and sending the boss away, An Ran found out that there was indeed someone he wanted to buy, but because of this matter, he was delayed and didn't buy it.

Such an accident made An Ran think that she had to resign, otherwise it would be bad to look at her mobile phone at work. After all, she had to have professional ethics, but if she didn't look at it, she wouldn't be able to buy and sell funds at 2:50, which would be very troublesome.

So when she got off work, An Ran went to her boss and told her to resign.

Because An Ran has not shown that he is not active at work, and he is very serious at work, the boss thinks that An Ran is a good person, so when he heard An Ran said that he was leaving, he naturally tried to persuade him to stay, saying: "Do you think the salary is less? I'll give you a two hundred increase." , two thousand, what do you think?"

An Ran lied without changing his expression: "No, it's my own problem. I have something going on at home recently and I'm too busy, so I have no choice but to resign."

When the boss heard what she said, he didn't hold back much. After all, he was just a clerk, not an important backbone. He just wanted to recruit another person, so he approved it.

An Ran immediately went to the finance department to settle the bill and left.

That's the good thing about small companies. They don't need to do any handovers. Anyway, the clerks don't have much to hand over.

After returning home, during dinner in the evening, An Ran told his grandchildren about his resignation.

Grandma couldn't help but be stunned when she heard this, and said: "Okay, why are you resigning? If you resign, how will you make a living in the future?"

"Oh, I plan to speculate in stocks and buy funds in the future, and make money from this."

Rural people don't know what funds are, but they still know about stocks. When Sun's father heard this, he frowned and said unhappily: "What kind of stocks are you speculating in? That's gambling! What should I do if I lose the bet?"

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