Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1647 Investing in Life 2

Becoming a winner in life is not a difficult task, but the requirements are a bit unreliable. The original person said that she didn't believe it. She was just that bad and couldn't make any money no matter how much she invested. She wanted to see if An Ran had that ability. If she didn't pass Other methods, just through investment, can help her make a lot of money and make her a winner in life.

It's not impossible to invest, but it depends on the original person's salary - the original person is currently working in the county, and the monthly salary is only 1,800 yuan (yes, you read it right, it is 1,800 yuan, according to her online review) Those gossip forums said that the per capita salary in first-tier cities was 10,000 yuan, but the original salary in this small county was only 1,800 yuan. When An Ran first found out about it, he couldn't believe the original memory he read. You know, Nowadays, the salary level of many people is already very high. I only earn 1,800 yuan a month, which is really shockingly low. I still have to give my family 800 yuan for living expenses every month. I can only save a month. With one thousand yuan, it is impossible to turn over. The funds are too small. Even if she has great abilities, even if she can turn over over time, she will not be able to turn over for the time being. But waiting for too long is like waiting until she is old to turn over. , then what pleasure is there?

Fortunately, the original person has a limit of 100,000 yuan from a certain treasure - she has a credit card that she always uses. She puts all her salary and income in that credit card. She also often uses that credit card to buy things. She uses it frequently and has a good limit. If you want to borrow money, the amount you can borrow is also not low.

At that moment, An Ran borrowed 100,000 yuan from Jiebei and prepared to buy a fund.

This is very risky.

Because it is very simple. The daily interest rate for borrowing money is 40,000 yuan. In other words, if you borrow 10,000 yuan, the daily interest rate is 4 yuan. Borrowing does not mean repaying the principal and interest together after one year, but a part of the principal and interest must be returned every month, so the actual annual interest rate has reached more than 15.6%.

As for ordinary people, who can guarantee that they can earn more than 15.6% of profits in a year by investing in funds? That is, Enron had enough experience to take the risk.

In addition to this money, there are also the original savings that were defrauded by P2P before.

That was the original person's hard-earned money, and Enron would not just let it disappear.

Others may not be able to find this group of garbage, but Enron's computer technology is much more powerful, so it is not difficult to find it.

Immediately, I followed the clues left by those people on the Internet and finally found this bunch of rubbish. After deducting the 20% of the income that belonged to the original person from the other party's account and the 20% of the income guaranteed by them and the original person, I conveniently transferred them. Send the information to the police station and let these harmful people go to jail.

I have been fighting outside for many years and have saved 200,000, which is actually quite a lot. After all, I have a low education and cannot find a good job. My early money was used to pay off my family’s debts, and my early wages were also low. The money saved is also less, so being able to save 200,000 yuan is really a lot. It can be said that the original person saved it through frugality. This is also the reason why the original person felt very desperate after finding out that he had been cheated. .

Two hundred thousand, plus the income of 40,000, a total of 240,000, plus the 100,000 borrowed from Borrowing, and the original more than 10,000, a total of 350,000.

With so much money, An Ran felt that it was quite a lot, so he was ready to get started.

At that moment, An Ran took a look at his original fund of more than 10,000 yuan.

The original person bought 5,000 yuan of liquor and 5,000 yuan of crude oil. Well, they were all trapped badly, and these two chickens continued to decline.

In addition, there were four thousand pieces scattered, and nearly ten chickens were bought. Many of them seemed to be duplicates. Obviously, the original owner didn't understand the details at all, so he just bought them based on his feelings.

These ten chickens also have their ups and downs. Anyway, no matter whether the market rises or falls, her account will always fall. Who let her have two plague chickens that keep falling every day?

No wonder the original body couldn't bear it anymore. Looking at the investment situation, he probably couldn't sleep.

After An Ran understood the situation, she ignored the two plague chickens for the time being. For the remaining ten chickens, if she felt they were good, she would increase her position. If she felt they were not good, she would be ready to clear out the positions and reduce the number of holdings.

Then I started to pick new energy, semiconductors, 5G and other chickens, and decided to invest.

She has understood that this country is preparing to launch 5G next year, and the wind has begun to blow now. Although it is only spring and it is still early before next year, we can plan in advance and wait for the wind to come.

As for new energy, it has been strongly promoted by the country. There is also news that major international new energy vehicle manufacturers are preparing to build bases here, so the situation should be good.

For others, be prepared to buy some agricultural chickens, consumer chickens and medical chickens when prices plummet. Buy one and hold it for a long time, and ignore it for the time being.

As for bank chickens and infrastructure chickens, Enron sees that the country does not seem to have favorable policies for banks and infrastructure construction. On the contrary, these two types of chickens have been falling. Enron does not plan to build positions for the time being. It will not be too late to buy at the bottom and build positions when there is news.

After doing this, it was already late at night, and An Ran fell asleep. She had to go to work the next day.

But An Ran planned to finish this month and stop doing it. After all, the salary was too small and it was a complete waste of time. With that time, she might as well learn about financial information at home.

As for staying at home and not working, if her grandchildren asked her, she would just say that she was investing. They would know about it sooner or later anyway, so she might as well say it now. As for whether her grandchildren would think she was whimsical, It's none of her business whether he scolds her or not. If he scolds her so much, she will rent a house to live in. She won't be stupid enough to endure it like the original person did.

The next morning, An Ran got up at seven o'clock. During dinner, her grandma said to her, "Your aunt has introduced you to a man. You should talk to him and try to meet him this weekend."

After An Ran heard this, the hand holding the tea egg couldn't help but pause.

The original person has this matter in his memory.

After getting to know the other person's situation, the original person found out that the other person was an unemployed rural vagrant who had not even graduated from junior high school and was forty years old - to put it bluntly, he was an older rural bachelor who could not marry a wife. When she was introduced like this, she felt that her aunt was humiliating herself, so she didn't even see her. Her aunt, who was not easy to mess with, was unhappy and started spreading rumors about her in the village, saying that she was sick, so she I'm so old and haven't gotten married yet.

If she wants to say that she is not sick, does she still have to go to the hospital for a checkup and show the diagnosis certificate to others? Besides, why? Why does she have to prove that she is not sick when she is so good?

She was already in a bad mood, and her aunt continued to spread rumors about her. The original person couldn't help but ask her if she had any evidence that she was sick.

As a result, her aunt denied that she had said such a thing, scolded her for being ignorant, introduced her to the wrong person, and now she is still unjustly accusing her of saying such a thing, and then said that even if she said it, she said she was not sick. That's fine. If you're not sick, why haven't you gotten married yet?

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