Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1642 The real and fake princess 35

However, this plan is for those who have never committed any crime in their family. If someone in the family has committed a crime, especially if they have committed a murder, it will be different. Those who have committed heinous crimes will definitely be dealt with, even if they trade their fields for their lives; generally speaking, As long as the crime is not the death penalty, the other party's family will be asked to use farmland to pay off the crime. According to the current law, the sentence will be how many years, and then how much farmland will be used per year to pay off the crime.

After doing this, those who had not followed the dragon were satisfied; and those who had the power were not dissatisfied. After all, their fields had not been lost at all. In the past two years, the Royal Engineering Corps has They serve, and their income has not been lost. They have made much more than those who have not followed the dragon. Seeing that they have gained more benefits than those who have not followed the dragon, they are naturally satisfied.

In fact, they thought they would not be able to harvest much grain if they let the Royal Engineers farm the fields, but later they discovered that the contract signed by the Royal Engineers was very reasonable, and they could harvest more grain than if they rented it to tenant farmers.

It turns out that the Royal Engineering Corps has advanced experience, excellent grain seeds, more advanced tools, and can manage water conservancy in a unified manner, so it produces a lot of grain.

Unlike tenant farmers, farming is scattered and cannot be managed uniformly. In addition, they are cautious and always want to keep more food for themselves and always report losses and disasters. Therefore, the food that can be harvested from one acre of land is limited.

Unlike the Royal Engineers, they plow, weed, and harvest together, and they all come at the right time. They are usually not here, but do other things.

And they provide grain by the mu, sign a good contract, and they will definitely give that much grain. Even if there is a disaster, they will be responsible for it themselves. They will not report disasters, damage, and arrears like tenants, and ask them to collect. In other words, They can maintain harvests despite droughts and floods, and they don't have to have many thugs to collect collections like before. And because they often collect collections violently and violently, they have a reputation of being rich and unkind. Sometimes they even kill people and have blood on their hands. Now they It’s much easier, just wait to collect the food.

Not only is it much easier, they can harvest more food, they don’t have to hire collection thugs, and the labor cost has also been reduced a lot. So as they come in and out, they make much more money than before when they let tenants rent crops.

Because their income has increased, they no longer have any complaints about Princess Fu'an taking their fields back to the state.

The only bad thing is that they grow a lot of food. After giving it to them according to the contract, the Royal Engineering Corps will be left behind a lot. People are greedy. Seeing that the Royal Engineering Corps can get so much, it is natural to covet it. But it is a pity that after signing Once the contract is signed, it's none of their business.

But there's nothing they can do about it. The food they receive now is much more than before, and they don't dare to protest. After all, if they don't like it, if they don't grow it for them, where can they find someone to help them grow it? The private engineering teams have just started, and some of them are very unreliable. Unlike the royal ones, which have absolute credibility, they dare not use them.

At this point, things in the south are settled.

After settling matters in the south, An Ran was ready to ascend the throne.

As for General Luo, she plans to wait until she ascends the throne to deal with it.

This time, because of Emperor Jianfeng's abdication edict, An Ran ascended the throne without any mistakes.

In addition, things have been basically handled and on the right track before, so ascending the throne is no different from not ascending the throne, and it does not add any more burden to her.

After ascending the throne, he has become a great hero. There is nothing to say, it is just a matter of process.

A funny thing happened during this period.

Xu Qian and others, who had fled back to the south with her before, came to establish friendship and asked her to see if she could arrange something for them because of the hardships they had shared.

Xu Qian and others were all from a noble family in the north at that time. After escaping from the north and returning to the south, under the operation of the family, they all became officials of varying sizes. Xu Qian, in particular, was a man of outstanding ability. , when An Ran took over the South, he had already become the Minister of War, ranking third grade.

Although he is not an important minister in the cabinet, he is not an ordinary official either.

However, all this came to nothing after Anron took over the South. After Anron took over the South, he did not hire any officials from the South. All officials who wanted to serve in the new court had to re-examine according to the northern system.

And because of the Northern Examination, those who pass the examination first serve as officials, and then they are promoted from officials to officials after doing well. This is completely different from the traditional separation of officials. Naturally, no one among the high-ranking officials is willing to take this kind of exam and become a minor. Officer, wouldn’t that mean you’d be laughed to death? Therefore, although the dignitaries complained that none of them would be used after Enron took over the South, currently no one is willing to take the exam to reenter politics, so currently no one is serving in the new court.

And this is unbearable for those ambitious people, including Xu Qian and others. Thinking that they and An Ran had escaped together, An Ran might arrange something for them for the sake of this. So Xu Qian and others approached An Ran and made this request.

An Ran almost forgot about these people. Although Xu Qian and others had never caused any trouble to her in her original world, in this world, these people were not friendly to her. More importantly, Xu Qian himself was in her original world, causing harm to her. General Luo, the die-hard loyal minister, is the culprit. It is strange that An Ran would arrange any official positions for them.

Besides, the north now adopts a modern education system and examination system, and the officials are also here. These people have never taken the examination. Can she go through the back door for them and give them official positions? How to convince the public? The system can no longer be implemented.

So An Ran said immediately: "We have a system here, and everyone follows the rules. If you are willing, you can take the exam, otherwise, if I give you a back door, wouldn't the system be in vain?"

"Can't you be accommodating? Our relationship is like this. If you help us arrange something, I believe others won't say anything..." Xu Qian said.

Seeing what they were going to say, An Ran said coldly: "Actually, it's my generosity that allows you to take the exam and become an official. Otherwise, based on your behavior, I won't use you at all."

Xu Qian and others felt a little guilty after hearing this, and thought to themselves, could it be that she knew about the bad things they said about her in the south? However, Xu Qian decided to pretend not to know. Since Princess Fu'an didn't mention it clearly, he just pretended that he didn't understand, so he still forced a smile and said, "Is there anything wrong with our behavior?"

An Ran said: "When I was rumored by Emperor Jianfeng that I was not the real Princess Fu'an, you obviously came back with me, but I didn't see you help me refute the rumor out of consideration of the hardships we had shared. But now it's not true." Do you know that under the guise of sharing adversity together in the past, you asked me to arrange an official position for you? Why are you so thick-skinned?"

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