Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1641 The real and fake princess 34

However, Enron did not stipulate that those who were slaves could leave without redeeming themselves, so as not to offend too many people's interests, they would cause trouble, causing instability in the newly acquired territory, and casualties among the people. She finally accepted it peacefully, naturally. I don’t want to see all the hard work go to waste.

Therefore, it only stipulates how much money was spent to buy them, and the redemption fee now cannot exceed double. Otherwise, it is usury, or usury exploitation, and they will be sent to jail; slaves cannot be prohibited from redeeming themselves, otherwise it is restricting personal freedom. According to the North laws, they must also be severely punished by the law.

In this way, the interests of those wealthy gentry with hundreds of servants at home were not harmed, and they could accept it a little.

Once the slaves were assigned a field, their family would be able to earn enough redemption money in the future with three acres of land per person. Therefore, after some people were assigned a field, they borrowed money from relatives, friends, or the government (this was done by Enron) Banks can borrow money by mortgaging their land management rights, and the interest rates are very low. As long as they plant the fields for a year, they can usually pay back the money. After all, slaves are not worth much these days, and it won’t cost much to redeem them twice. , as long as a family has dozens of acres of farmland, it is not possible to pay off the borrowed money in a year) and redeemed themselves. After all, they can only enjoy various benefits issued by the court after regaining their free status. They do not want to miss it, resulting in In the homes of the rich and powerful, there was no one to wait on them, and there were no tenants to help cultivate the fields in the village.

If Enron hadn't stipulated that slaves were not allowed to redeem themselves, or else these people, seeing that all the slaves were going to run away, which would affect their own interests, would be really capable of not allowing slaves to redeem themselves.

But because Enron stipulates that slaves are not allowed to be restricted from redeeming themselves, they don't dare to try the law themselves - there is no way, those who have tried are all in prison, how can the rest dare to mess around? And as long as their property is not robbed, they can't afford to fight to the death.

With all the people gone, although you can hire people to do things with money, the people you hire are different from the slaves you once owned.

They are their own slaves. They hold the power of life and death for each other, so they can do whatever they want to them. If someone is unhappy, even if they can't kill them, they can find a reason to beat them with a stick, or even sell them to a terrible place. , are all possible, and such power makes the slaves fearful, so they naturally dare not serve them carelessly.

As for the hired ones... if they are not happy with the job, they can leave at any time and go to another job.

They are used to having the power of life and death over others, but now that they no longer have the power to respect others, they are naturally not used to it.

More importantly, even if you want to hire people, you may not be able to hire people, because now every family has three acres of land per person, and in most families, apart from the elderly and children who cannot work in the fields, the young ones who can farm, If you can't just plant your own fields, who would go to the wealthy gentry's house and help them plant their fields?

The wealthy gentry could not find anyone to help them, and many of their fields were deserted. Now this group of people was anxious. After all, if the fields were not handed over, they would be deserted to the point of no income. How would they live in the future? What's more, What's more, I heard that Princess Fu'an is the most cunning. In the north, the abandonment law was introduced a long time ago. Abandonment is not allowed. If the abandonment lasts for more than two years, the management rights will be taken back. If you want to farm, you can apply again. By then, they will have no one to farm. , it will be regarded as abandonment and the fields will be taken back - although their fields belong to them, they are not surprised that An Ran will confiscate their fields on the grounds of abandonment.

But when I think about those who peacefully revolted, many of them saved their fields, and some of the forces in the north also bought a lot of fields. They didn't have anyone, so how did they deal with the fields?

If they can handle it, so can they.

...As a result, after asking about it, I found out that Princess Fu'an stipulated that soldiers can retire after serving in the army for three years without being upgraded. Retired people will not only be rewarded with fields, but if you are willing, you can also join some engineering team built by the country to give They paid a salary and helped the court build water conservancy and roads during the off-season. During the busy season, they signed contracts with the farmers and helped them farm. They were responsible for giving them how much food per acre, and they didn't have to worry about anything else.

Because you can earn much more money by joining the engineering team than by farming at home. After all, farming can only make money for so long, but by joining the engineering team, you can make money all year round, so you will naturally earn more, and it is said that you can earn more money. Is there any pension insurance? If you pay for it for fifteen years, you will get a pension when you are old, so you don't have to worry about your children and grandchildren being unfilial and unable to survive.

Therefore, most of the retired soldiers are willing to go unless there are not enough people to farm at home.

Generally speaking, those soldiers usually have enough manpower for farming at home, because Princess Fu'an used to recruit soldiers, mostly asking families with more than three boys to sign up. If there are enough boys in the family, these retired soldiers can be recruited. Going to work in the engineering team will not affect the family's farming. Moreover, even if it does, most people are willing to let their sons go as long as there are no special circumstances. After all, who will not want to go if they get so much money a year and will be paid when they are old.

Therefore, Princess Fu'an's royal engineering team has a large number of people, and there are people in the fields of the northern power.

And this... those in the south who have not handed over their fields will not be able to enjoy it, because the Royal Engineers only farm fields for those whose ownership belongs to the state.

This Royal Engineering Corps belongs to the imperial court, and he can help whomever he wants, and these people in the south don't dare to say anything.

But in this way, no one is cultivating their fields. It would be too frustrating if they were nationalized according to the land abandonment method in the future.

But they didn't dare to make trouble. After all, the south was becoming more and more stable, and Anron's army had also established a firm foothold here. It was too late for them to make trouble now.

Just when they were thinking about how to end this matter, An Ran handed them a letter and asked them that they could only hand over 30% of the land in their hands and keep 70%. Of course, they would also keep 30 years of management. They can keep the good land in their hands and hand over the bad land and ask them if they are willing; as long as they are willing, the Royal Engineering Corps will be able to serve them immediately.

Those southern gentry who were worried and panicked and felt that they would suffer too much if they handed over their fields. If they didn't hand it over, they would be afraid that it would still be confiscated in two years. Seeing Enron's arrangement, although they still suffered some losses, they still agreed. He paid 30%, and also said that he would hand over the bad farmland, and then immediately let the Royal Engineering Team help with farming. This year’s income can still be guaranteed, so the loss is not too big, and because the loss is not particularly big, at least the fields are gone. Everything was confiscated, which made them unable to think about making trouble, lest they lose everything if there was trouble. Now that they didn't make trouble, they still saved most of the family property, so they naturally chose to agree.

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