Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1616 True and False Princess 9

With a city, everyone's living conditions will be better. In addition, An Ran has several generations of experience in governing, so the arrangements are in order, and everyone's life will soon be on the right track. After all, the current life of a refugee in the north, It is not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster. As long as there is a safe place and people quickly start their lives and production, life will naturally get back on track soon.

Seeing An Ran running the government in such an orderly manner, Captain Ye who followed her, and even General Luo and others who were far away, couldn't help but marvel. They thought she couldn't handle it, but they didn't expect that now that they have a territory, they can still manage it properly. Sure enough, it seems that people from the royal family are different. They watch the emperor manage politics every day, and it seems that she can manage this small town easily. But she doesn't know if she can handle it as the place is big.

Unlike An Ran, who established her own power in other worlds and was often looked down upon by others, felt easy to bully, and often attacked because of her identity as a woman, in this world, she is the only one who can attack others. She does not attack others, except in the country of Wu. No one attacked her. The reason was very simple. Everyone knew that the person who established the power was Princess Fu'an of the Tian family. In this way, no one from the various parties in the melee in the North came to attack her to avoid being attacked. After all, Princess Fu'an's slogan is to expel black people. If you don't fight black people, you fight Princess Fu'an. People who don't like you will use this as an excuse to attack you, so Anron's current identity makes her It's very moist here.

Others did not attack An Ran, and An Ran would naturally not attack others. She would only gather the refugees, and then occupy the empty cities to expand her power. Anyway, the north was now in chaos, and there were many empty cities for her to occupy, so she did not have to fight with others.

An Ran was not worried that no one would attack her. She would not be able to unify the north in the future. She thought that when her half-brother, Concubine Su's son, the new emperor ascended the throne in the south, she would see her power grow in the north. As she grows older, sooner or later, someone will attack her. She can just wait for that day.

Not only was no one attacking, the refugees kept flocking to Anran, probably thinking that others could not be trusted, but the power established by the royal princess was official, so could it still be trusted?

Although there is no logic in this statement, after all, the emperor of the Tian family cannot manage the country well, has lost the country, and caused the people to become homeless. How can the princess of the Tian family do it?

However, ordinary people cannot understand the truth. They have a blind mentality. They always feel that the official one is definitely better than the private power. After all, even the official one is not good, and the private one has even lower credibility. Who do you dare to believe?

Not to mention, although their thinking was illogical, they were still right to go to Anron.

And as people said that Enron lived and worked peacefully here, more and more people defected, allowing Enron to expand its territory to the surrounding areas again and again. As a result, Enron's territory expanded to 1.2 million square kilometers in just a few months, which is approximately equivalent to modern times. The territory of one or two provinces.

An Ran bypassed the Gu'an City area and left it under the control of General Luo. She followed his sphere of influence and, like a small tree growing vigorously, began to develop rapidly in this vast land in the north.

Although other chaotic forces in the North generally do not attack Enron, it does not mean that the Uzbekistan will not fight.

At first, Uzbekistan did not notice Enron, but due to its rapid development, Enron expanded to one or two million square kilometers in a few months, with a population of several million, Uzbekistan soon took notice.

After getting the attention of the Wu Kingdom, when they heard that this huge force was built by a princess of the Qi Kingdom, or a princess who was kidnapped by them and then ran away, and the slogan was to expel the black people, they took full notice. I got up and thought, I have to put an end to the power established by this princess, otherwise wouldn’t it be a slap in the face of the country of Wu? After all, the kidnapped woman could actually run away. Even if she ran away, she had established such a big power. How could she not be exterminated? The greater the power, the more people will laugh at them.

So the Wu Kingdom immediately began to mobilize troops to attack Anran.

Because she was the concubine of King Zuodu, King Zuodu commanded this battle.

Of course, An Ran is still a rabble in their eyes, so with the status of King Zuodu, it is naturally impossible for him to come and fight in person. Instead, he asks his men to come over and teach An Ran a lesson.

Not only did the Wu people want to take over An Ran's territory, but the new emperor who had just succeeded in the battle for the throne in the south also hoped that the Wu country could take over Princess Fu'an's power. After all, they all ran away, and a princess actually Instead of running away, they organized a resistance force in the north. Doesn't this slap them in the face and make them look useless?

Not only the new emperor thinks so, but those aristocratic families also think so.

Although he thought so in his heart, the new emperor could not say these words on the surface. Not only could he not say it, but he also wanted to cheer An Ran up, say words of praise, praise An Ran's bravery, and encourage her to drive away the Wu people and to Otherwise, if we don't say anything, the people in the south will probably despise them for running away even more.

In addition to the new emperor and the Wu people who wanted to take care of An Ran, Concubine Su also wanted to take care of An Ran, the general of the Wu Kingdom.

Ever since she heard that Princess Fu'an had successfully escaped, Concubine Su had been nervous, fearing that An Ran would go back and tell people everywhere that she was in the north, how she flattered the people of Wu State and what ugly things she did, which would be bad. After all, she had heard that In the south, his son won and became the emperor. In this way, if he wants to go back, he may still have the opportunity to go back in the future as the Queen Mother. In this way, his scandal will naturally not be exposed. Once it is exposed, even if his son wants to It was not good to welcome him back, lest he lose face if he went back. Therefore, when she heard that An Ran did not go to the south, but built a site in the north, which angered the people of Wu State, she hoped The black people could wipe out An Ran. That way, she would be wiped out by the black people before she could go to the south to tell her scandal, and she wouldn't have to worry about being told about it in the future.

But unlike the applauding reactions of the new emperor, Concubine Su and others, when they heard that the Wu people were going to attack, the people under An Ran were frightened, fearing that the Wu people would attack the city. Thanks to Princess Fu'an's various policies, the family property they saved will be lost again, and even their lives will be lost. Many people want to run away.

However, because Enron's policies were better, even if they escaped, at most the residents on the front lines would flee to the rear under Enron's rule to watch. There were very few people who escaped from Enron's rule. The reason is very simple. They lived under Enron's rule. It's very comfortable. Each person can get three acres of land, and they don't have to pay taxes. They only have to pay taxes if they exceed three acres. This is not a good thing outside, so how can they want to run away.

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