Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1615 True and False Princess 8

The squad leader's surname was Ye. After hearing what An Ran said, he had no objection and immediately walked up the mountain with An Ran.

But he said that after so many days, Anron's internal strength was much better. In addition, the ten people sent by General Luo to Anran were still his personal soldiers. They were all first-class masters. Then Anran told a few people about modern infantry. In combat mode, it was easy to defeat the untrained bandits in the village, so even though the number of enemies was more than twice theirs, An Ran and the others were quickly wiped out.

I had inquired about the reputation of this group of people last time and knew that these 20 or 30 people were all murderers and looters, not the kind who only robbed money without killing people, so An Ran didn't keep any of them to prevent these people from harming other people.

After this bandit den was wiped out, Enron's assets doubled, and he also had a ready-made small territory.

When Captain Ye saw that An Ran was planning to take over this place, he couldn't help but be surprised and said: "Princess, this, isn't this bad? People who don't know may think that you are a bandit, and that is not good for your reputation. It would be better to occupy a small town as a territory."

Anyway, the north is already leaderless and in chaos. Princess Fu'an can take over wherever she wants.

An Ran said: "It's okay. Let's occupy it here for now. When we have more money, it won't be too late to occupy the city and expand our territory."

Captain Ye looked at the speed of An Ran's money and thought that if he kept doing such a business without capital, the princess' wealth would have doubled in a few days. When the money was abundant, he could recruit troops and occupy a small town. It was much easier, so I had no objection to Enron.

After An Ran settled down, he would occasionally take a team of ten people to sweep the surrounding areas. When he saw refugees passing by, he asked if there were any who were willing to stay in the mountains to fight bandits. If there were any, An Ran would take them in.

Most people agreed because of the food and accommodation provided by An Ran. Some people heard that she was Princess Fu'an of the current dynasty and thought it was novel that a princess would do such a thing, so they came to have a look.

Anyway, the small cottage soon became full of people. Later, An Ran saw that there were too many people, so he moved to a larger cottage.

Captain Ye looked at it and hesitated to speak.

He felt that he should pick them up, rather than just accept them as long as they were willing. God knows that many of the ones the princess collected were brought by the family and they were too poor to survive. When they heard that the princess had food, they came here. It is not possible to fight at all.

Little did he know that An Ran was more inclined to take in those who took care of their families. Being able to take care of their families at least showed that they were of good character. They also remembered to take their children with them when they fled, and only the young and strong ones, not to mention 100% , but many of them must have abandoned their families, so when An Ran chooses people, she prefers to choose people who take care of their families. This is her experience in many worlds.

There are more and more people, but Princess Fu'an doesn't seem to be nervous about money. This is normal. After all, Princess Fu'an has been mopping up bandits of all sizes around her.

In fact, they don't know that the money they get from those big and small bandits is actually not enough to meet the expenses of more and more people, especially since Enron has established an army and maintaining the army is very expensive. However, Enron was able to survive because it used money from space to subsidize it from time to time.

By the way, since An Ran recruited troops here, General Luo has sent people here from time to time to seek refuge. At present, 10% of An Ran's team of 500 people are sent by General Luo.

However, General Luo will not send people all the time. He only plans to send a hundred people. If there is danger, it should not be a problem for a hundred people to protect him and escape safely.

He thought he had sent people, but An Ran didn't know. In fact, An Ran knew. The reason why he knew was because the spirit of those people was completely different from that of ordinary refugees. How could he pretend to be so good? After all, those soldiers were not professional actors. It was easy. The flaw was exposed, and then after some secret observation, they found that they were General Luo's people. After all, there were fifty people, there would always be someone who spoke carelessly, and then it was exposed, and An Ran observed it secretly.

Although she knew they were General Luo's people, An Ran was not unhappy because she could tell that those people were entrusted by General Luo to protect her. How could she be unhappy when General Luo was so kind to her.

So she just pretended not to know and accepted it. Anyway, it is good to have fifty people like this. At least firstly, they are absolutely loyal; secondly, these people have very good fighting power, which will help her sweep away the surroundings.

Her main goal for the time being is to wipe out the north. As long as she can achieve this goal, she will not care where they come from.

Gradually, Enron's reputation grew.

Of course, the main reason is that she is a princess. People are curious about how a princess does this. Many people find it strange and come to see it. Then after taking a look, they found that An Ran did a good job, so they stayed. More and more people gathered. If it weren't for the name of the princess, or else, although it could attract people, it would definitely not be able to attract so many people, especially not so quickly. people.

Captain Ye had always been worried that An Ran should not keep these people, for fear that there would be too many people and too few people could fight, which would eventually drag down the princess to death. Now that An Ran has done a good job, he is relieved, but he is still a little worried. After all, the army The most important thing to avoid is dragging your family with you. Winning the battle is better. Once you lose the battle, it is easy to lose morale, and the soldiers will shrink back and dare not fight for fear that they will die, no one will take care of their families, or even appear on the battlefield. Soldiers look for their own families, regardless of the situation of the war. In this way, even if it usually seems to be a strong army, in this case, it can easily become a weak army.

But seeing that An Ran didn't care, Captain Ye could only think of waiting for her to suffer a loss and then remind her. Otherwise, if she was making great progress now, she probably wouldn't believe anything he said, and she wouldn't be able to listen.

——But he may not have a chance to remind him. After all, An Ran has done these things in many worlds and is very experienced. Basically, as long as nothing unexpected happens, he will be fine.

Seeing the sudden increase in the number of people, An Ran decided to occupy a city as Captain Ye said to accommodate these people. Otherwise, she would not be able to accommodate them just by relying on a copycat, even if she was using the largest copycat now.

Finally, An Ran chose a city two hundred miles away from General Luo to settle down.

Such a small town is not too far away from General Luo. If something happens, General Luo will be able to rescue him in time.

At the same time, the distance is not too close, which allows you to develop your own power calmly, and will not let the two forces come into contact quickly, so as to avoid conflicts with General Luo due to one or other reasons, such as the distant fragrance and the near smell, etc. This The distance is just right.

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