Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1581 Demon Concubine 10

Things at home are easy to settle, but some things in the court are difficult to settle. After all, there are many things. Even if she affects Emperor Yuanfeng, Emperor Yuanfeng is willing to listen to her suggestions, but the court may not necessarily listen. Emperor Yuanfeng wanted to implement it, but he couldn't.

For example, Enron is determined to promote commercial tax at the moment. In the future, when the commercial tax revenue comes up, the agricultural tax will be reduced and the burden on farmers will be reduced, so that farmers will not rebel due to the heavy burden in the future. After all, farmers can live a good life as long as the burden is not heavy. That's pretty good. Who's full enough to want to fight?

But this matter is difficult to implement, because many ministers in the DPRK and Central Government have businessmen in their families, and they are vested interests. If they want to raise business taxes, it is not to kill them, so it is impossible to pass. When this is mentioned, those people He would cry to Emperor Yuanfeng or give advice, saying that he could not compete with the people for profit.

In addition, we want to reform the current agricultural tax, implement the method of apportioning every person per mu, and increase tax revenue. Even this measure cannot be implemented.

In fact, there are still shortcomings in dividing the land among the people, but it can bring a lot of financial income to the dynasty in the short term. With money, you can do a lot of things.

But the key point is that most of the ministers in the DPRK and China have vested interests. Who is willing to implement this?

An Ran saw that the imperial court had become corrupt to a certain extent, and those with vested interests formed a civil servant group to obstruct the development of various policies that were not beneficial to him. In the end, he had no choice but to encourage Emperor Yuanfeng to seek wealth overseas.

If you don’t have it at home, go look for it outside, at the head office.

If you go overseas to seek wealth, you will definitely be able to get money. After all, even if you are not lucky enough to find any gold or silver mines, you can still make money from trade alone. Secondly, you can also strengthen the navy to avoid the great Zhou Dynasty in the future. Falling behind in the ocean race kills two birds with one stone.

An Ran thought like this, and happened to come across an opportunity that day.

On this day, Emperor Yuanfeng suddenly looked at the place where An Ran lived and said: "Well, the treasury is not rich and nothing can be done. The palace where my concubine lives is too old and I don't even have the money to help you renovate it. What you said last time I think it's a really good idea, but I can't implement it, and I can't get the money. It's annoying, those bunch of rubbish in the court, every time I look at them, I'm so angry that I can't sleep. .”

In fact, Anran's palace is considered very good among palaces, and it is magnificent. However, because Emperor Yuanfeng dotes on her, he still feels dissatisfied when looking at some old places, so he said this.

An Ran heard what he said and thought that this was an opportunity to express his own thoughts, so he did not deny what Emperor Yuanfeng said and said that his palace was very good. He only said: "Your Majesty, calm down. For those who only think about themselves and not I know it’s not worth getting angry about the rubbish that Your Majesty shares. Since they don’t agree with what you do in our big week, that’s fine. Don’t we have a navy? Just let the navy set sail and go to Nanyang, the West and other places to find some It’s nice to have the money back. It also saves us from having to keep the navy army every day. Now that there’s no war, it’s a waste to keep it there.”

Emperor Yuanfeng shook his head and said: "It can't be that easy. There may not be money outside, but it will cost a lot of manpower and material resources to build big ships. The ministers will not agree."

An Ran said: "It doesn't necessarily mean you have money, and it doesn't necessarily mean you don't have money. Anyway, in Da Zhou, we can't find any opportunities to make a fortune. We can't just look outside? The navy is already maintained, and the boat may Let’s change it. If you don’t want to spend that little money, how can you get rich? We have no money now and can’t do anything. When we have money, it will be easy for Your Majesty to just clean up the garbage that doesn’t share your worries.”

Emperor Yuanfeng couldn't help but feel moved after hearing An Ran's words. He was so short of money that he panicked, and finally decided to try An Ran's suggestion.

As a result, although this proposal was controversial in the court, it was finally passed, and the court sent navy troops out to find money. This had no interest entanglements with many ministers in the court, so they could agree.

As for spending some money to build a big ship, the money is not theirs anyway. They protested a few words. If the emperor insists on insisting, it is none of their business if they don't make a fortune by going to sea in the future. On the contrary, they can use this to continue to criticize the emperor. Something went wrong.

——This is also a blessing. Fortunately, the maritime trade of this dynasty is not very developed. Otherwise, the maritime trade has become prosperous and colluded with the important ministers of the dynasty. For their own interests, it is estimated that even going to sea, some ministers will find reasons to object.

Seeing that this was successful, An Ran couldn't help but nodded secretly, thinking that it would be great if he could go to sea to find money. As long as he found the money, the risk of rebellion in the future would be reduced.

One of the important reasons why the world will be in chaos in the future is that Emperor Yuanfeng has no money to spend. As for agricultural taxes, due to serious land annexation, the wealthy gentry have many ways to evade taxes, and the more they pay, the less they pay; as for commercial taxes, the tax rate is extremely low, which is basically Not much money could be collected, so the imperial government had too little money to make money. Emperor Yuanfeng saw no solution and cleverly created a name to collect taxes. The farmers, who were already burdened by land annexation, soon couldn't bear it anymore. There was a drought that lasted for several years, and the world was in chaos.

In the final analysis, although Emperor Yuanfeng was incompetent, under normal circumstances, there was no problem in maintaining his status. After all, he was not like those famous tyrants, kings, and foolish kings in history who were debauched and immoral. What he did was not worthy of praise. Although it is good, it cannot be said to be bad in terms of historical rankings. Under normal circumstances, it would not be the king of subjugation. It would end up like that later. This is caused by many reasons.

But among these reasons, there are big reasons why nothing can be accomplished due to the growth of the civil service clique and the quarrels caused by party disputes.

But now that once overseas trade is successful and there is a place to bring in money, Emperor Yuanfeng will not increase taxes, or even reduce taxes. In that way, farmers will not be unable to survive, and perhaps the rebellion that happened in the original world will not happened.

Of course, in order to cope with the continuous drought in the coming years, when An Ran has money, he will also persuade Emperor Yuanfeng to build more reservoirs and canals, and then store more grain to survive those years, otherwise it will be regarded as a disaster for the farmers. Tax, but if God doesn’t help, something will happen.

While An Ran was worrying about these things, the shipbuilding went smoothly and he went to sea soon.

The original niece is also married. Because Emperor Yuanfeng keeps giving her rewards, she has money on hand - of course, this wealth is relative to an individual and is still very small for the country - Naturally, I also gave my eldest niece a lot of dowry, so that she could get married in a glorious way.

Anyway, those things were not bought from the mall, but obtained in this world. She had saved too much and couldn't take them away with her. She might as well use them in this world. She only had to have enough for herself, and she didn't need to hold them in her hands all the time. , not for anyone to use.

And Zhang Yuanniang's glorious marriage seemed to herald the official rise of the Zhang family in the capital. After that, the girls and boys all said good things about getting married.

With the marriage of powerful forces, the Zhang family's connections have become wider and wider. Coupled with An Ran's continued favor, the Zhang family has naturally become more and more prosperous.

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