Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1580 Demon Concubine 9

However, Song Yuwen has the military and political power in Yunzhou, so he is afraid that he will not be willing to leave. After all, if he leaves, his foundation will be destroyed for many years. He is used to being a local emperor in Yunzhou, so how can he be willing to start over somewhere else? , when the time comes, I am afraid that both parties in the court will be encouraged to fight for him to stay in Yunzhou. Song Yuwen is a local official and naturally has his own backers in Beijing. In this way, Emperor Yuanfeng wants to move him. All difficult.

Of course, that will happen in the future. Now, she can take her time and don't have to think about it so much for the time being.

What she needs to worry about now are court affairs and some matters at home, which she also needs to pay attention to.

For example, right now, the original eldest brother's daughter has reached the age of marriage.

My family had become commoners before, so I definitely couldn't choose a higher position for marriage. After all, even if I wanted to, I couldn't.

But now, the family has become the palace of the Duke, and Miss Zhang has become the granddaughter of the Duke. In the future, her father will inherit the title. Even if she is demoted to the title, she will at least be the daughter of the Marquis, so she can naturally marry someone with good conditions.

So when selecting people now, she has to help observe and don't let people marry into unreliable families. After all, there are many high-ranking families in Beijing who are in trouble. Some may not be in trouble, but they belong to both sides of the party. , who often accuses her of being a demon concubine, she naturally cannot let her niece marry into such a family, and it will be difficult to be a good person in the middle.

So when Zhang's mother discussed Miss Zhang's marriage with her, An Ran mentioned these opinions.

Zhang's mother said: "Even if you don't tell me, I will naturally know it. After all, you can't marry into a family that will cause you trouble."

But in the end, the person that Zhang's mother and Mrs. Zhang were looking for (the nephew's daughter-in-law of the original body came in not long ago, An Ran's sister-in-law and other second-generation people were upgraded to wives, and Zhang's mother was also upgraded to an old lady) were still in trouble. .

It should be said that Zhang's mother and Mrs. Zhang also chose the right person, so the person they chose was naturally not a family that would cause trouble for An Ran, but... this family was not good in the original memory.

Like the Zhang family, this family has an empty title. It belongs to the family of the former Queen Mother (because of this status, she often has contact with the palace, so it is normal for the original person to know about their family's affairs). Now that the Queen Mother is gone, the family has changed. There was little progress among the men, and Emperor Yuanfeng's affection for his wife was mediocre, so he gradually declined. He was worthy of the Zhang family, a newly established noble family.

And since they are from the Queen Mother's family, they are naturally on the side of the emperor. They cannot be two factions fighting each other. Logically speaking, there should be no problem with this.

However, from the original memory, An Ran knew that this family was quite unreliable - in the world where the original person lived, after Song Yuwen and others broke into the capital, they knew that as the emperor's wife, they could not get any favors, so they fled quickly. .

However, they were afraid that they would not be able to escape with too many people, so they made a cunning operation - in addition to the elders and male grandchildren, the female grandchildren and young daughters-in-law were all left behind. In the eyes of the men in their family, it was obvious that Do you think that if a daughter is gone, she is gone and she can still regenerate; if a daughter-in-law is gone, she is gone. Anyway, those who marry young wives are all young. When you go to a new place, if you have money, are you afraid that you will not be able to marry a new wife?

Therefore, for a family like this, it's okay to pay it off in normal times. At the critical moment, the woman must be sacrificed. Isn't this a big fire pit? It's just a bit invisible. After all, it's not in a critical moment. It can't be seen. Let the eldest niece marry her. , can An Ran feel at ease? After all, a person's life is still long. What if one day he fails to take care of her and something happens to her and she is sacrificed? Don't blame the family for marrying her to such a family?

However, the other party's family is doing well now. They are not in danger, and they cannot see the scumbag nature. An Ran sees that the Zhang family has chosen such a person and wants to stop it. She really doesn't know how to stop it. After all, she has to find a strong reason. , if you stop her for no reason, the original sister-in-law might even be unhappy, thinking that her sister-in-law has stretched her hands too far, and even the parents do not have the right to decide on the niece's marriage, and she is the sister-in-law.

In the end, An Ran could only suggest that Zhang's mother and sister-in-law do a thorough investigation to see what the family's family tradition and conduct were like, so as not to let her niece suffer.

Zhang's mother and Mrs. Zhang agreed wholeheartedly after hearing this, but An Ran could see that they were not very concerned about it. They probably also thought that the Queen Mother's family's family tradition and conduct were not bad, so there was no need to investigate.

When An Ran saw this, there was nothing she could do. After all, she couldn't force others to investigate carefully.

I thought to myself, forget it, with her here, the Gao family (the Queen Mother's maiden family) should not dare to treat their niece badly.

The result was beyond her expectation.

Not two days later, when Zhang's mother entered the palace again, An Ran asked about the progress with the Gao family. Zhang's mother said to her with an ugly face: "It's bad."

An Ran couldn't help being surprised and said: "What's wrong?"

Zhang's mother couldn't help complaining: "Fortunately, you asked us to check it, but we didn't check it carefully, so we just checked it casually. Guess what happened? Well, only then did we know that Mr. Gao was so lecherous. We have two children. I asked why they fell in love with our family. After all, people outside are always saying that our family is the wife of a demon concubine, and our reputation is not very good. They are still willing to marry us. They just want to trick your niece. ."

An Ran secretly thought, she just said that a scumbag cannot become a scumbag all of a sudden, there will definitely be a criminal record, there is such a thing as dare love, that's good, finally you don't have to worry about what will happen to the Gao family in the future after your niece marries the Gao family. It's just a matter of cheating on my niece.

So he immediately comforted Zhang's mother and said, "Mom, don't be anxious. My niece is not very old yet. Take her time to find her. Don't be in a hurry."

Zhang's mother nodded and said: "I'm not in a hurry. Thanks to you, my family has become a prince. No matter how bad your niece is, she can't be worse than she was in the place of exile. If it weren't for you, Our family is still in exile in the Exile Land, so I really have to worry that your niece will not get a good marriage and will suffer when the time comes, but no matter what happens now, she won't suffer anymore."

An Ran smiled and said, "Yes, the family will get better and better."

With her here, the Zhang family will not be as miserable as they were in the original world.

After this accident, when Zhang's mother and Mrs. Zhang chose a marriage for their original niece, they did not need to investigate carefully without An Ran's instructions. So when An Ran heard about the marriage they had found for Zhang Yuanniang again, she found that it was true. It's much more reliable. The person I'm looking for this time has not heard any scandals in the original world.

So An Ran didn't express any objection at the moment, and the Zhang family took charge.

This is the family matter that An Ran worries about, mainly to check for the family and not let them get into trouble and find unreliable in-laws for the girls and boys at home.

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