Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1484 Good luck and good pregnancy 3

Li's face turned red after being told by Aunt Gu. An Ran looked at it and was about to say something when Gu Sifu's voice came from the road: "It's time to eat!"

Eating was the top priority, so neither Aunt Gu nor An Ran were in the mood to argue about these things and hurriedly followed Gu Sifu.

Yes, in this poor and backward world, people only eat two meals a day. When they get up in the morning, they have one meal at nine or ten o'clock, and then they keep doing it until they have one meal at four o'clock in the afternoon. After eating, they continue to do it. It was dark before I came back to rest.

Fortunately, there is something in Enron's space. When we were pulling weeds, he took something from the space and ate it. Otherwise, no one would be able to bear it when he got up in the morning and worked on an empty stomach until now. Thinking of this , An Ran can understand the original jealousy towards Gu Liufu very well.

Not only does Gu Liufu not have to do anything, but he also has eggs and other snacks to eat in the morning, so he will never go hungry. But she, who is only one year older than Gu Liufu, has to work hard in the fields on an empty stomach. She will be jealous of Gu Liufu. Very normal.

It's just jealousy, and I haven't done anything. This is a normal human emotion.

It's a pity that she met a psychopath who was determined to retaliate. He even cared about the childish words uttered by a child and took it seriously, which cast a lifelong curse on him.

As I said before, Third Aunt Gu is not an easy person to get along with. No, after returning home, Third Aunt Gu complained to Mr. Gu Gao, saying that An Ran was lazy and didn't do anything at all.

When Mrs. Li heard that Aunt Gu and Mrs. Gu Gao had complained, she couldn't help but feel uneasy. She knew in her heart that a scolding would be inevitable for herself and Wufu. She couldn't help but look at An Ran anxiously.

Sure enough, Mrs. Gu Gao's face darkened at that moment, she slammed the bowl on the table, and said to An Ran: "You damn girl, what did I say before? If you don't do something, don't even think about eating! Since you haven't done anything, you have been If you're lazy, don't eat this meal either!"

Then he scolded Mrs. Li and said, "Forget it for today. If the fifth girl is still lazy in the future, you will also be punished!"

She deliberately manipulated An Ran to make An Ran worry about Li and do things honestly.

Mrs. Gu Gao kept her word and when the time came to share the meal, she did not share the meal with An Ran.

As the culprit who caused all this, Third Aunt Gu didn't feel guilty at all. On the contrary, she said to Ms. Li: "It doesn't matter if she is hungry. If she is not hungry, she will not know how to be diligent. This will harm the child. She will grow up in the future." No one wants her when she's older, but it's your fault that you didn't educate her well."

"..." Faced with her mother-in-law's scolding, Mrs. Li naturally did not dare to say anything, so after listening to Aunt Gu's words, she did not dare to refute, lest her mother-in-law would scold her, so she could only listen.

An Ran saw that there was no food to eat, so she didn't say anything and went back to the house. She secretly thought that it would be better if she didn't eat. At least it saved her some time. She could practice martial arts while everyone was eating. Anyway, she was already hungry. full.

Seeing An Ran get off the table and go back to the house, Mrs. Li was worried that she was hungry, but because her mother-in-law was staring at her, she didn't dare to do anything small and could only worry silently.

Gu Liufu on the side saw that An Ran was not doing anything and was hungry. He couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. He secretly thought that this Gu Wufu was not only jealous, but also a slacker. If everyone was like her, wouldn't the Gu family be drinking from the northwest wind? It was right for Mrs. Gu Gao to punish her like this. After all, rewards and punishments should be clear.

As for her never doing anything, she was never punished by anyone, and there was never any clear distinction between rewards and punishments. Even if she didn't do something, she would criticize those who did it for being lazy... Could she be the same as those like Gu Wufu? How much benefit has she brought to this family by using her golden finger? Isn't it right not to do things?

It sounds reasonable, but it is completely unreasonable, because in truth, she has not brought much benefit to the Gu family, at least not yet.

The reason is very simple. Her golden finger is not unlimited in use. If you use it once, it will consume a certain amount of lucky energy depending on the size of the matter. If the energy is not enough, you will not be able to make a wish, so she only makes a wish once in a while, so that people can see it. Her abilities support her, and what she gets from making a wish once in a while is naturally incomparable to the crops harvested by other people's work. Therefore, Gu Liufu feels that he has brought benefits to the Gu family, so he can feel at ease. If she doesn't do things, according to her idea of ​​clear rewards and punishments, she is lazy and deserves to be punished, because her current contribution is simply not as good as those who do things.

The Gu family ate very quickly, and they were done eating in a short time. That's right, and there was nothing delicious, so how could they not eat quickly?

So soon, someone pushed the door open and came in. An Ran quickly stopped and pretended to be sad and sat there.

It was Mrs. Li who came in. Like a thief, Mrs. Li took a snack that had been there for who knows how long, handed it to An Ran, and said: "This is what your grandma gave me last time I went to your grandma's house. You take it." Let’s eat.”

When was the last time you went to your grandma's house? The original body didn't have this memory in her body, so An Ran heard this, but she didn't dare to eat it, for fear that the food would expire. If she got a stomachache after eating it, she would have to spend her life points to buy medicine from the mall for treatment, which would be a big loss. But it was hard to refuse Mr. Li's kindness. After all, it was hard to explain why he hadn't eaten all morning and wasn't hungry yet, so he took it immediately but didn't eat it on the spot.

Li didn't rush her. He touched her head and went out.

After Mrs. Li went out, An Ran put the pastry into the space.

After eating, it was time to do things again.

This time An Ran got what she wanted to do most - kill pigweed.

Now that she had free time, An Ran couldn't help but feel happy, and immediately carried the basket and went out.

An Ran entered the mountain, found a quiet place, and began to practice martial arts.

After practicing for an hour, An Ran finally felt a little angry, so An Ran stopped and went to fight pigweed.

She was not a real child, but an adult. Naturally, she would not play with hogweed like a child, so she caught a basket of pigweeds in a short time.

However, because it took her an hour to practice martial arts, the total time was still very long. So when she went back, she was scolded by Gu Gaoshi again, saying that she was too slow and it took more than an hour to finish a basket. Pigweed, how long will it take to get enough pigweed? There are three pigs at home, and a basket of pigweed is not enough, so Gu Gaoshi scolded them like this.

An Ran didn't argue with her, and immediately poured down the pigweed, walked around Gu Liufu and his three male grandchildren who were playing in the yard and had nothing to do, and hurried out again.

In the past, Yuan Shen always looked at them with envy when she saw that she had to do things while Gu Liufu and the four of them didn't have to do anything and could play in the yard. However, An Ran felt nothing and went out without even looking at them. .

Gu Liufu looked at it and couldn't help but glance at her in surprise, secretly wondering what happened to Gu Wufu today. He was not like before, always looking at them eagerly and reluctant to go out. How could he leave so neatly today?

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