Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1483 Good luck and good pregnancy 2

Even if the bad luck BUFF is removed, Gu Gao doesn't like the original person in the first place, so naturally he will still scold him if he doesn't like it.

After listening to Gu Gaoshi's abusive words, An Ran left speechlessly. What's an egg worth? She collected a lot of food in her space. Is there anything delicious she wants to eat? Will you covet an egg from Gu Liufu? Just looking at it makes you want to eat it? Gu Gaoshi is really good at thinking, and that's right. When a person wants to curse, he can pick out the bones in the egg, and he can find some excuse to curse.

However, in the Gu family, being able to eat one egg a day is indeed an excellent treatment. Those boys do not have this treatment, only Gu Liufu has it.

Gu Liufu felt a sense of accomplishment when he saw An Ran being scolded by Gu Gao and ran away. He thought about this little girl, are you jealous of me with your abilities? Go ahead and get scolded every day, now you couldn't help but smile proudly.

Although she has traveled to this ancient time, she does not have to fight with this or that like the heroines in those novels about house fights and palace fights. She looks so ferocious and non-kind that no one dares to be friends with her. She doesn't She needs to fight with anyone because she has a golden finger - unbelievable luck. Whatever she wants can come true. Anyone who dares to treat her badly will be unlucky. So, what else does she need to do? As long as Just live a comfortable life. There is no need for others to think that she is a bad person and that she is scheming. When others see her without scheming, they like her even more. After all, who doesn't like a little girl who doesn't have scheming.

If other people lived in ancient times, the girl's status would be low and she might not have a good life, but she was different. Her incredible luck made her life very comfortable. If this was a novel, the name of the novel should be " Gu Liufu's comfortable days in ancient times"!

Fortunately, she had a fetal transfusion and knew who was the boss of the family even before she was born. Then she arranged a dream for Gu Gao to have a fairy come down to earth. Look, now she won't suffer anything.

An Ran didn't know what Gu Liufu was thinking at this time. When she came out, she followed Gu Gao's instructions and went to pull weeds in the field.

She is still young, so she only does things like pulling weeds and weeding pigs. Her two older sisters are already doing laundry, cooking, etc. As for their mother, there are The two eldest sisters are busy doing more arduous tasks in the fields.

As for the three men and Gu Liufu, they don't have to do anything.

Not only did they not have to do anything, but they were not scolded like those who did things. They would not even be scolded, especially Gu Liufu. Not only would he not be scolded, Sanwu would also be praised by Gu Gao from time to time and stuffed some for her. Delicious food, such as eggs, sugar water, sugar, sweet potatoes, etc. Who makes Gu Liufu the lucky star in Gu Gao's heart, the person who can bring benefits to the Gu family.

This is not a lie, because in order to consolidate his status as a fairy in Gu Gao's heart, Gu Liufu would use his luck to make wishes from time to time. For example, if he wanted to eat chicken, he would go to the mountain and pick up pheasants. If you eat pork, you can encounter wild boars when you go to the mountains, and they will not hurt her. You will kill them yourself.

After such things happened several times, Mrs. Gu Gao couldn't believe that Gu Liufu was a fairy descended to earth, so she praised her highly and wanted to rely on her blessing to let the Gu family live a good life.

Of course, An Ran would not do such hard farm work all the time. She would practice martial arts quickly and make plans later.

Otherwise, if she doesn't practice martial arts to protect herself, just like her original self, even if Gu Liufu can't curse her, God knows if she will find other ways to cause trouble for herself after she fails, such as using her luck to force someone to hit her. If you don't have the ability to protect yourself then, you will be in trouble.

Besides, if it continues like this, how can it be possible to deal with Gu Liufu and change the fate of the original person? After all, if he is powerless, he will end up with the same fate as the original person.

It's a pity that this body cannot cultivate mental or spiritual power, otherwise things would be easier to handle.

If you want to still practice martial arts while being ordered by Gu Gao to do things all day long, you can only try to be lazy and play around to find time, such as saying you are tired after doing it for a while, taking a rest; going to bed early at night (this is not a problem) (old people in ancient times went to bed early) and got up late in the morning; etc. Anyway, I just try to squeeze in as much time as possible to practice so that I can protect myself as soon as possible.

She prefers to do hogweed hunting because she can do it slowly and use the time saved to practice martial arts.

The morning passed quickly with countless peaceful rests.

However, her lazy and slippery behavior immediately attracted abuse.

Although there was no Gu Gao family in the field, there was the original mother, two other aunts and two sisters. They were digging the ground not far away, preparing to plant vegetables. Seeing that An Ran was not going to be around for a long time, they ran to the side to take a rest. After another rest, Aunt Gu couldn't stand it any longer, so she started talking to her, saying, "Wufu, what are you doing? You're just lazy!"

Aunt Gu was the best at flattering Gu Liufu, so when Gu Liufu became prosperous, their family also rose accordingly.

However, apart from being good to Gu Liufu, she was not good to others. After all, she was not a good person. She flattered Gu Liufu. In the beginning, she did it because she looked after Gu Gao and valued Gu Liufu. She wanted to please Gu Liufu. Mrs. Gao, let Mrs. Gu Gao see that she treats Gu Liufu well and is satisfied with herself; by the way, befriending Gu Liufu so that Gu Liufu can say good things to her in front of Mrs. Gu Gao is also good for her.

Of course, when Gu Liufu became rich later, he naturally wanted to please her even more.

Without these benefits, she would not have been able to flatter a loser. Her attitude towards Gu Liufu was probably the same as towards other girls who she considered useless.

Since other people were not as beneficial to her as Gu Liufu, as long as she couldn't stand it, she would naturally not feel good about it, so she saw that An Ran was slacking off, so she said this.

An Ran pretended to be exhausted and said, "I'm tired."

Third Aunt Gu spat at her and said, "Bah! Even pulling out weeds can tire you! It's so easy to avoid the serious!"

After speaking, he looked at his original mother, Mrs. Li, and said, "Sister-in-law, you just don't care about your daughter?"

Although the original mother was cowardly, she also felt sorry for her child. If the child said she was tired, then she must be tired. After all, Wufu never lied, so after hearing Aunt Gu's loud shouting, she muttered: "The child is still young. , it’s possible to be tired.”

Aunt Gu was naturally dissatisfied when she saw that Mrs. Li didn't listen to her and scolded An Ran, so she said with a sincere expression: "Who will want a girl like this in the future if you are shirking the easy and evading the hard? You are not afraid that she won't be able to marry." What a good family! Don’t say she’s still young, so don’t be afraid. She’s already ten years old, and we’re going to get married in a few years. Whether it’s good or not, others will see.”

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