Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1474 Extremely Drought World 28

Everyone should be filial to his parents. If Wang Qing wanted to be filial to his parents, she would not stop him.

But she thought that Wang Qing definitely didn’t want his parents to eat and drink everything, so he definitely wouldn’t take it. Anyway, with so much stuff, he could make ends meet, but he wasn’t able to live like that as the king’s father and queen mother expected. It's just eating and drinking. What's the point? The boss is barely making a living, and other people are also barely making a living. In this world, who dares to eat and drink? After all, God knows when the end will end.

Oh, in my hometown I just have to make ends meet, but when I get to their house, it’s no longer possible? Is eating like this abusing your parents? Don’t you just think that they have a lot of stuff at home, so they can eat and drink as much as they want, and why are they angry because they don’t have anything to eat? But why? They have so much stuff that they can waste it? We don’t know when the end of the world will be over. If we are like them, they spend all their time and can’t save much. What if the country stops issuing cheap food in the future and they don’t save food? What will they do if they have nothing to eat? You always have to think about the future. You can't waste it all right away when you have something to eat, like they do, not caring about tomorrow's affairs today.

She didn't care if they ruined their own things, but she couldn't do it if they wanted to ruin the things she had managed to save.

Moreover, don't yell at her, they are not her mother-in-law. They don't think it's good to yell at their son. They should be filial and their son should be filial. Why are you yelling at her?

So Zhang Yuanyuan immediately asked the two elders to find Wang Qing.

Wang's father saw that Zhang Yuanyuan was too lazy to pay attention to them and pushed them to Wang Qing, so he couldn't continue yelling at her. After all, they had asked them to find Wang Qing, so it was useless for them to keep fighting her.

So the king's father smiled and said to Wang Qing Qiqi: "Xiao Qing...isn't there enough food to eat with so much food?"

Wang Qing said coldly: "I am a young man and I have to go to work. I have enough to eat, so why is there not enough? Besides, I think my eldest brother's family only eats so much. Everyone eats so much, so why is there not enough? ?”

After his parents forced him to give him water, Wang Qing became more and more disgusted with the royal father and queen.

Before the end of the world, their husband and wife were quite wealthy. The two bosses were lavish and he could bear to ask for money from him. Now, with the few resources they had, they would be unable to survive without them. In the face of life and death, they didn't care about him at all. He wanted to snatch the last thing from him, which touched his bottom line. Naturally, he couldn't stand his parents, so he said this now.

When Wang Qing said this, Wang's father couldn't help but feel embarrassed, and he had to remain silent at the moment. After all, his son only ate so much, so what else could he say.

Moreover, he also mentioned Wang Xinguo. What he meant was that they only ate so much at his eldest brother's house. Why couldn't they eat so much at his house? The king's father had nothing to say. What could he do? He said he didn't have a good meal at his boss's house, so why don't he just wait to go to his house and eat more good food?

When Wang Qing finished eating and was about to go to work, Wang's father kept staring at him, wanting to see if Zhang Yuanyuan had stuffed him with extra food. Once he had stuffed it, they were ready to make a fuss, saying that Zhang Yuanyuan would give them a little bit. , hide yourself and eat delicious food.

Unfortunately, no. Wang Qing finished eating and left without having any communication with Zhang Yuanyuan.

Zhang Yuanyuan did not go to work and started to clean up the housework.

It turned out that because the Queen and the Queen were here, Zhang Yuanyuan told her husband that she would not go to work and would take care of the housework at home. Otherwise, if there was no one at home, the Queen and the Queen would definitely dig things around. After taking it out and eating it all, they will drink the northwest wind from now on.

Wang Qing naturally agreed. He didn't want to be without food and drink in the future, so Zhang Yuanyuan didn't go to work at the moment.

"I have always worked, but now I have to work because I have two old people to support. I am missing thousands of dollars. Do you think this is irritating or not?" Zhang Yuanyuan complained to An Ran.

An Ran knew that Zhang Yuanyuan was in trouble and wanted to replace her. The Queen and the Queen were at home, and she was worried that there was no one at home, so that she would not have to go to work. The things would either be eaten by the Queen or Queen, or they would be moved to the old man's house. .

So after hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's complaint, he couldn't help but nodded and said, "You are really unlucky to meet such a person."

Zhang Yuanyuan sighed and said: "That's right! They say some people cheat their fathers. This is the first time I've seen people cheating their sons. We don't expect them to help their children like other parents do, but we can We can't harm our children. It's not that we don't support them, but we can't make demands that exceed our conditions, right? At this moment, we don't want to live frugally, but also want to eat and drink. I don't care if they want to cheat themselves, but Can you please stop cheating us and stop talking about us? My son is only a few years old anyway. They are a lot of people. How dare they eat all the food and let their children starve to death in the future? I really don’t know what they think. of."

An Ran said calmly: "Don't you understand? They have been such selfish people for decades. They only care about living a good life for themselves. They never care about the life and death of their children. Naturally, they will not care about their grandchildren. If they do, If so, you wouldn't have saved a penny that year. When you buy a house, wouldn't a penny of help be able to help you? It doesn't mean that parents must help their children buy a house, but since they can't save a penny, When you come down, you can see their attitude towards life.”

Not to mention that the Queen Mother loved Wang Meimei, it was because she didn't need to spend money, it was Wang Xinguo's money that was spent, so she loved her. After all, who wouldn't say a few words of concern.

Moreover, there was a reason why he showed so much love for Wang Meimei at that time. He was afraid that his own granddaughter would be bullied by the original mother and daughter, so he protected her extraordinarily.

Look, now that Liu Meihua is back and An Ran and her daughter are gone, the Queen Mother treats Wang Meimei like that.

After hearing this, Zhang Yuanyuan couldn't help but patted her thigh and said, "That's right!"

Every time I see other parents who can help their children, but their two elders can't help, forget it. When the children provide for housing and support the children, and the economy is tight, they still have to squeeze money from the children. Zhang Yuanyuan said to Wang Fu Wang My mother couldn't help but be unhappy. This was also the reason why her relationship with the King's father and Queen Mother had always been bad.

"Did they stop arguing after that?" An Ran asked curiously.

"It was still noisy, but I was at home looking after the house, and they couldn't rummage around, and Wang Qing ignored their quarrel, so after a month, he went to the boss's house unhappily," Zhang Yuanyuan said.

"You can relax for a month." An Ran said.

Zhang Yuanyuan sighed and said: "It's better for you to be comfortable and not have to wait on your parents-in-law. I don't know when it will be over."

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