Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1473 Extremely Drought World 27

Looking at the robbers who screamed miserably, Father Li and Mother Li had reason to believe that these people probably had several broken ribs, and it was not certain whether their internal organs were injured.

But they didn't sympathize. After all, if their daughter hadn't been so powerful, they would have been robbed right now, and they might have been the ones who fell to the ground.

An Ran saw that Li's father and mother were dumbfounded, and said: "Mom and Dad, please call the village chief immediately to see if there are any other members in this group. If there are any, ask the village chief to follow the patrol. Contact the team and let them stop the person."

An Ran thought that he had solved the problem very quickly. It was estimated that the other gangsters were still loading food and had not left yet. If they called now, if they were quick, they should be able to stop them in time.

After hearing this, Father Li and Mother Li came to their senses and hurriedly called.

Soon, Father Li hung up the phone and said, "The person in charge of the village told me to tell the patrol team immediately."

An Ran nodded and said, "That's good."

Father Li looked at the groaning people on the ground and said, "What should we do with these people?"

"Call 110 and ask the police to drag the person away, or call the village patrol team and hand the person over to them." An Ran said.

Father Li thought for a moment and said, "Call the police. If the patrol team doesn't stop the others, the police can catch the others with these people in their hands."

An Ran nodded and said, "I think so too."

Li's father immediately called the police.

About half an hour later, the police came over and were surprised when they saw the four people lying on the ground groaning. The leading policeman asked: "What's going on?"

An Ran said: "I shot a little too hard, but there were four of them. I was afraid that my shot was too light, and if I didn't knock them down for a while, they would counterattack and we wouldn't be able to withstand it, so I shot hard. It was definitely self-defense." , there is a camera in my living room, if you don’t believe it, you can watch it.”

Some time ago, An Ran installed a camera at home. In this way, even if she is not at home, if Li's father and mother encounter something like today, there is a camera that can capture the person and submit it to the police. There is also a chance to catch the person. , to get the food back.

At that moment, the police took notes, retrieved the camera data, and took the person away. There was such a commotion, and it was almost three o'clock. An Ran was afraid that the child would be anxious if he didn't see her when he woke up - An Ran didn't understand the subtle point. It was a long time to sleep in the hole. After all, it took too long and it was not good for the body - so I went upstairs.

After looking at Miaomiao, Miaomiao was still sound asleep and had not been awakened. An Ran felt relieved and continued to sleep.

Father Li and mother Li are old people. They woke up now. They couldn't sleep for a while, so they called the village to inquire about the situation.

The next day An Ran asked Li's father and Li's mother the results of their inquiry.

Li's father said: "We have all been arrested. There are quite a lot of them. There are twenty or thirty people. Some people ran away at first, but the few people we sent to the police station confessed, and then the police were dispatched again. We also caught all the other people, and the food that was stolen by those people was also snatched back. The patrol team just called me and told me the latest situation."

An Ran smiled and said: "It will be good if everyone's food is recovered, otherwise many people will have nothing to eat, which will be bad."

After all, the end of the world is still many years away. If there is no food now, and in a few years, the country will no longer distribute affordable food, it will be even more difficult to survive. See if their family has food by then, so don’t come and besiege them. Their home is not in good condition, but since everyone around them has food, they can feel more at ease.

"The patrol team said that it was thanks to you this time. They also heard from the police and the police station that you beat four people by yourself. They said they couldn't understand that you were so powerful." Li's father said excitedly.

This was the most exciting thing for him.

In the past, he had always been worried that their family was made up of old, weak women and children, and there was no strong man at home, so that the food in the family would not be robbed - so Father Li put the food in his room, trying to protect it with all his strength - -Now that he saw that his eldest daughter was so skilled, even more powerful than those strong men, Father Li felt relieved, thinking that after this incident, his daughter's reputation for being very skilled would spread throughout the country, and she would come all the way. The robbers didn't know the situation and didn't dare to say anything, but at least the locals didn't dare to steal his things when they saw that he only had two daughters and no son.

Before, he was afraid that there were people in the local area who had no food to eat. After a long time, they could no longer survive. Don't form cliques and bully people like them who did not have a son to support the family. Although he still had a son-in-law, the son-in-law was It's not enough for a person sitting in an office to be fierce and ruthless like a countryman. In this world, what the countryside needs now is someone who is fierce and ruthless - but now An Ran is very powerful, not inferior to men, no, even more powerful than men, he is There is nothing to be afraid of.

After solving this major matter, An Ran was relieved. At the end of the long vacation, she took her children back to the city.

Soon, Zhang Yuanyuan came to An Ran again to gossip.

At this time, she had just sent away the royal father and queen who had been staying at her home for a month.

But he said that after Wang Xinguo took care of his father and mother for a month, he sent him to Zhang Yuanyuan and his wife.

They had no reason to shirk now and had no choice but to keep it.

Fortunately, after a month, they had already made preparations, so when the royal father and queen mother came, all the extra things were put away, except for the rations bought from the state, and part of the water was also put away. Just in case the royal father and queen mother spend so much money and ruin everything, the children will have no fresh water to drink from now on.

So the royal father and the queen mother, who were planning to go to their youngest son's house to eat and drink and live a good life for a month, saw that Zhang Yuanyuan only brought out so little food every day, which was almost the same as what they ate at the elder's house. How could this be done? They couldn't help but get angry. , the Queen Mother was a little better, the King Father was a person who could not live a bad life, and immediately said angrily: "When I came last time, there were obviously a lot of things, where are those things?! Just use these things to send us, you have Are you doing this to me? Do you want to abuse your parents?"

It is normal for the King's father to live a poor life, otherwise he would not be able to save money before the end. After all, the Queen Mother is a traditional rural woman. If the King's father had not spent the money lavishly, how could the Queen Mother have How dare she spend all the money her husband earned when he didn't spend any money? Therefore, the only person the old couple said was really spending money lavishly was the prince's father.

Zhang Yuanyuan was too lazy to pay attention to him. Wang Fu was furious for a long time before Zhang Yuanyuan said calmly: "I'll just eat it this month. This is not normal."

"How is it possible? There are so many things!" The royal father and queen mother didn't believe it.

Zhang Yuanyuan said: "I don't believe it. Anyway, there are only so many things. If you like it or not, if you don't like it, go to the boss's house, or ask Wang Qing to find it for you. Anyway, I only have so much on hand."

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