Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1470 Extremely Drought World 24

Seeing that Old Madam Ma was settled, An Ran couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She was really afraid that this old lady would keep pestering her. She was not afraid of what the enemy would do to her. After all, if she really wanted to do anything, she could directly put the opponent's sack into her. I am afraid of such an old lady. To be honest, she is not bad enough to beat the other person. However, if she is not careful, she can easily get entangled with the other party and become extremely annoying.

There was no water supply in the city, so Li's father and mother called An Ran to ask if there was a shortage of water and if they would like them to send some water.

An Ran said: "No, I have saved a lot of water a long time ago, just enough for food and drink. As for you, the well water is getting less and less. I bought a water purifier. You can filter it before drinking."

If there is less water, it will become turbid. An Ran is afraid that eating that kind of water for a long time will be bad for the health of the couple, so he bought a water purifier a long time ago. But before, there was still plenty of well water and it was very clean, so he didn't need it. An Ran was afraid that it would be bad for the couple. Even the two elders didn't know how to use it. Now, the water in the well was low and turbid. I thought the two elders would know how to use it, so I brought it out.

Sure enough, although Li's father and Li's mother said verbally that the water can be used after settling and there is no need to spend that money, after An Ran said that the things had been bought, they did not force An Ran to sell the things, but just let An Ran sell them. The water purifier was hauled back.

After An Ran installed the water purifier for Li's father and Li's mother, he asked other people in the village about their drinking water situation. After all, some families in the village also drank tap water from the county after moving into the newly constructed rural buildings. There were no wells, and Maybe there is no water in Jingqian now. These people don't know if there was water before. If there was no water, it would be a little difficult now.

Li's father said: "Many people know how to store water, so it's okay for the time being. At least our rural areas are better than those in the cities. At least one toilet needs to be flushed in the city. Some people in the countryside have dry toilets and do not need to flush the toilet. Although people installed new flushing toilets a few years ago, but now there is no water for flushing, many people have to solve the problem in the wild, which can save a lot of water."

An Ran nodded and said, "That's the truth."

Li's father said: "Why don't you come back and live there? There are too many places with water in the city."

An Ran said: "I still have to take my children to school and there is no way to come back. Besides, I save the laundry and dishwashing water for flushing the toilet, which is enough. In fact, city people also have ways to save. In the past, whether it was for defecation or urination, They all flush the toilet, but now they can only flush the toilet and let the urine go. Although the smell is a bit unpleasant, it can save some water, and there is nothing we can do about it."

The truth is, An Ran feels that life in the city is more convenient, better informed, and safer. Although there are patrols in the village, the area of ​​the village is too large, so even if there are a lot of people patrolling, it would be too much if they are spread over the entire village. It was thin, so in fact, it was safer in the city, because there were teams patrolling every other section of the city. Since she had no shortage of food and drink, she naturally wanted to stay in the city.

Of course, it is mainly related to the fact that she often takes things out of the space. In the city, children are not aware of how many things there are. She takes out whatever she takes out and will not doubt it. But at home, she has to move things back. Her parents would definitely know how much there was, and it would be difficult to explain the situation if there were any extra items.

This alone makes living in the city impossible.

When Father Li heard An Ran mention the issue of his children's education, he stopped persuading him.

Although the current situation is very bad, as long as the situation is not desperate, people regard the education of their children as the most important thing.

Just when the price of water was getting higher day by day, Zhang Yuanyuan came over and cried to her: "The old couple have gone too far! We have no water. The old couple knows that my family has a lot of water, so they insist on us lending it to them. I still don’t know when the desalinated seawater will be available. Besides, even if it is available, I also want to leave this fresh water for my children in the future. I don’t want to lend it to my parents at all, but the old couple said that it is my children’s use. The child can't drink without water. He is so young and will die of thirst. If I don't give it to him, am I trying to die without saving it? I really don't want to give it to them. Besides, once I give it to them, it will be a bottomless pit. After all, the old couple I have never known how to save. I think that if I have water, I will definitely use it lavishly. When I run out, I will ask for it and force me to take it out at the cost of human life. Sooner or later, I will lose all my water. However, you said I should What should I do!"

An Ran said in surprise: "Don't they store water? Shouldn't they? Although they know how to enjoy themselves and never suffer themselves, they still have this insight."

She knew that the Wang family was short of water, because she heard Zhang Yuanyuan say that although the Wang family had a well, it was not deep and the water supply was cut off some time ago. Fortunately, the rural drinking water project in the past two years provided every household with running water, so there was no water. After that, I started using tap water from the county. Although tap water costs money and rural people are reluctant to use it, they have to use it even if they are reluctant to use it after there is no water.

Zhang Yuanyuan said: "Yes, but there are six of them, and everyone is not the kind of person who uses water carefully. They use it when they want, and it will be used up quickly. I guess they all think that anyway, they It’s all gone, and I still have some at my house. Why are you so afraid, so I hurriedly asked for it from my house when there was no water? I really don’t know what to do now.”

In this situation, even An Ran would find it difficult to be in Zhang Yuanyuan's position. For no other reason, the royal father and queen mother stood on the moral high ground and threatened Zhang Yuanyuan with Liu Meihua and Wang Xinguo's youngest son, saying that if he was not given water, he would be hungry. Even if she died, she just refused to save him. This crime was too serious and she couldn't bear the burden.

"I think they are just threatening you with children, and they don't dare to actually starve the children to death. After all, they have to rely on children in exchange for food. So if you are not afraid of your reputation getting bad, just ignore them. You have to really If you don't give it, they will definitely find other ways, such as asking others to buy water. Although water is expensive now, it is not impossible to buy. After all, there are always people who have hoarded a lot of water. They ask you for it just to take advantage." An Ran road.

Zhang Yuanyuan gritted her teeth and said: "I think this is the only way, there is no better way. I know, they just want to take advantage! We will be raising two old people soon, and when I think of them doing this to us, I don't want to raise them! Too much Too much for them.”

When Zhang Yuanyuan scolded the Queen Mother, An Ran just listened and did not express any opinions. After all, she was an outsider now and there was no need to get involved in this matter.

When Zhang Yuanyuan went back, she did as An Ran said, ignoring the entanglement of the royal father and queen mother.

And Wang Qing also knew the nature of his parents and his eldest brother and his wife - his eldest brother was a brainless man, and Liu Meihua was greedy - and he also agreed with his wife's idea of ​​not borrowing water, so he didn't say anything when his wife ignored their parents' entanglement. .

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