Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1469 Extremely Drought World 23

Although the water supply was stopped, there was no chaos in the city for the time being - thanks to the patrols everywhere on the streets.

But neighbors who are short of water have knocked on An Ran's door to borrow or buy water.

No, that day an old lady from across the street came to ask An Ran for water.

The old lady's surname was Ma. After the original person moved here, she had chatted with the original person several times and passed each other's surnames, so An Ran knew her surname was Ma.

At this time, Mrs. Ma saw that An Ran had opened the door, and while looking into her room, she said: "Xiao Li, do you still have water? Lend me a bucket. When the desalinated seawater comes, I will I’ll give it back to you. There’s no water in my house, I can’t bear this anymore!”

An Ran didn't let her in because she knew that this old lady was difficult to deal with, and she didn't want her to see how much she had, and to pester her in the future, and take advantage of her every now and then in the name of borrowing.

Looking at the bucket she was carrying, which could hold at least twenty kilograms of water, she shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, I don't have much water at home, and I don't know when the desalinated seawater will come. I dare not borrow it.”

These days, those who are willing to spend money to buy are generally those who have some AC numbers in mind, and those who want to borrow are mostly those without AC numbers. After all, we don’t know when the desalinated seawater will come out. Now that the water has stopped, the water has temporarily become a Rice is even more valuable. People who have water are afraid of not knowing when the desalinated seawater will come out. They are not even willing to sell it, let alone borrow it. So those who say they will pay it back when the desalinated seawater comes are all in the market. Taking advantage, after all, who knows when desalinated seawater will come. Besides, seawater is incomparable with freshwater. Freshwater will be ridiculously expensive in the future.

As far as An Ran knows, this old lady is quite smart. She should have water at home. She borrowed water from her and said that she would pay it back with sea water in the future. She probably understood that it is cost-effective to store fresh water and pay back sea water. The fresh water can be sold in the future, and she pretended that others did not. Understanding this truth, she wanted to take advantage of it, so she came here to borrow it. After all, she didn't believe that such a shrewd old lady would not save water in advance.

Mrs. Ma did have water at home, and it was just as An Ran guessed. She expected that fresh water might be very expensive in the future, so she thought that An Ran, a young girl, didn't understand, so she wanted to deceive An Ran into saving the fresh water. In the future, she will return her sea water, and then sell the fresh water to make a lot of money. After all, the water supply has only been stopped for ten days, and the fresh water outside is sold for fifty yuan per pound. From now on, the price will be the same every day. It is very cost-effective to swindle water. .

Unexpectedly, An Ran refused immediately, which made Mrs. Ma startled. Seeing that An Ran was afraid that the water would not come for a while and there was no water to drink, she did not dare to borrow it, so she deliberately said mysteriously: "I have relatives in the water company. , he said that seawater desalination is almost done, and water will definitely come next month. So, Xiao Li, if you want some water, just lend me some water. I will definitely return it to you next month, even if it doesn’t come next month. Come, let me borrow the water and return it to you."

Mrs. Ma is quite well informed. The world where she originally lived did have water supply more than two months after the water supply stopped. Fortunately, it only stopped for more than two months. Otherwise, people who had saved water would not be able to carry it. There was no water supply for several months.

However, An Ran naturally pretended not to know, and said with a stubborn look: "How do I know whether what you said is true or false? If it is false, I will lend you the water. I have nothing to drink." What should I do? So I won’t borrow it, I won’t borrow it.”

Seeing that An Ran didn't believe her, Mrs. Ma became anxious, so she pretended to be pitiful and said: "Xiao Li, please take pity on me. Look at how much water our family of six consumes in a day! No water!" It’s really hard to drink!”

An Ran said with a dull face: "I don't have any extra water either."

Mrs. Ma couldn't help but feel unhappy when she saw that she just refused to borrow water. She said, "Why are you so cruel? You are a neighbor after all!"

An Ran secretly thought that a person who even deceived his neighbors had the nerve to say that others were cruel, so he said calmly: "Oh, in order to protect myself, I didn't lend out the water. Is that called cruel? If the water doesn't come by then, I will I lent you water, but we have no water to drink and are dying of thirst. Isn’t it your fault? Aren’t you even more cruel?”

Mrs. Ma said: "Didn't I say that if there is really no water by then, I will borrow it from others and return it to you."

"If there is really no water, many people will be without water. Where can I borrow the water from you? Isn't this a bad check to fool me?"

Mrs. Ma wanted to know that water would definitely come when she said it, but An Ran didn't believe it. So, seeing that An Ran would not borrow water, she had no choice but to leave. Of course, she was very unhappy with An Ran in her heart.

Although she couldn't borrow water from An Ran, Mrs. Ma didn't give up and continued to borrow it from others.

Not to mention, she really didn't know which floor she had tricked into lending her a bucket of water.

In addition to Mrs. Ma who wants nothing but nothing, there are also people who are really out of water and want to buy some water.

Regarding this, An Ran investigated and found that the other party was really out of water. It was very miserable, so he sold some, but not too much. At most, he sold a few kilograms to help the other party temporarily and let the other party have water to drink temporarily. She had the strength to find someone else to buy it. After all, she was selling too much. Don't let people think that she had a lot of water. She couldn't stand it when a bunch of people came to buy it and caught her picking out the wool alone.

Moreover, although there will soon be a supply of desalinated seawater, and Enron has stored a lot of water, enough to last for more than ten years, it stands to reason that Enron can sell more water and not worry about running out of water in the future.

However, just as Zhang Yuanyuan thought, she was afraid that desalinated seawater would be bad for her health, and Anron was also afraid. Therefore, although there would be desalinated seawater for use in the future, she would not be afraid of running out of water. But Anron had already thought about it when she was storing water. The desalinated seawater is only used for washing, not for drinking. The water for drinking is still fresh water.

In this way, even if Enron has a lot of money in stock, it won't sell too much when someone wants to buy it.

Moreover, before the supply of desalinated seawater, the price of this fresh water will be higher day by day. She sells too much now and suffers too much, so she can only sell a little bit to save other people's lives. She can't look at others. Isn’t it dead? There were too many and she wouldn't be stupid enough to sell them.

In this way, I sold five pounds of water to a person, and the old lady opposite saw it. She opened the door and said unhappily: "I asked you to borrow it, but you didn't. Why did you give it to someone else after borrowing it? Did I offend you somewhere?" , should you treat me differently?"

An Ran said speechlessly: "What do you think I borrowed? They bought it with money. If you are willing to buy it with money or food, I can also exchange it with you. Of course, even if you sell it, I won't sell too much." Yes, because I'm afraid that the desalinated seawater won't come out for a while, and I sell too much, and then there will be no water to drink."

Let Mrs. Ma spend money to buy it, and the other party doesn't sell much, so Mrs. Ma naturally won't buy it.

Anyway, she went out to pretend to be pitiful and sold miserably. If she could get free water back, why would she spend money to buy it from Li Anran? She is not stupid!

So immediately after hearing An Ran's words, the old lady Ma curled her lips and closed the door.

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