Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1461 Extremely Drought World 15

After listening to the request of the Queen Father and Queen Mother, Zhang Yuanyuan and his wife were naturally unwilling. It is so difficult to get rice now, why should two pounds be given to them?

Wang's father saw that Zhang Yuanyuan and his wife were unwilling, so he said to buy them at the market price. Of course, they had no money now, so he wanted to exchange potatoes and sweet potatoes with them.

Zhang Yuanyuan and his wife saw them doing this, so they reluctantly agreed. However, they had another dispute over the quantity of the exchange, because the price offered to them by the Queen Mother was lower than the market price.

If they want to exchange some potatoes and sweet potatoes for their precious rice, they will naturally refuse and insist on paying the market price. If they don't pay the market price, they won't exchange.

Wang Meimei hadn't eaten rice for a long time, and she wanted to eat it. The Queen Mother loved her, so she had no choice but to persuade her father and Wang Xinguo to agree. At a price similar to the market price, she exchanged some rice with Zhang Yuanyuan and his wife to make porridge. Give Wang Meimei a drink.

Either the Queen Mother insisted on changing, or the King's father and Wang Xinguo were reluctant to take so many potatoes and sweet potatoes, just to exchange for two kilograms of rice. It was not cost-effective.

But such a small amount could not be drunk for long. At that moment, the Queen Mother couldn't help but think of the food of Li Anran's family, and thought to herself, if she had not divorced Li Anran, wouldn't the Li family have so much food now, wouldn't it be as much as they want?

Thinking of this, the Queen Mother couldn't help but feel disgusted with Liu Meihua, who had nothing but feasting and drinking at Wang's house.

——The Queen Mother This is a typical person who doesn’t cherish what she gets and regrets when she loses.

I hated An Ran so much before, for fear that An Ran would be better, and thought it would be better to marry Liu Meihua. Now that I have actually married Liu Meihua, not even half a year ago, I hate Liu Meihua again. I guess because of her character, no one will like her.

Seeing that the price of rice outside had skyrocketed, An Ran said to Father Li and Mother Li: "At first you thought it was not good for me to divorce, but now it seems that it is the right thing to do. The Wang family has stopped growing rice a long time ago. There is no rice at home." We need to save food. We have rice at home. If we don’t give it to them, we can’t watch them starve. Give it to them. It’s five hundred yuan a catty, and it’s still going up. If you don’t give it a hundred catties, you can give it ten Even those who weigh 20 pounds feel distressed. After all, the Wang family is stingy. From Wang Xinguo to the Queen Mother, they never gave me or my children anything. In the past, Wang Xinguo was rich and never raised us, but now we are rich. , if we are required to support their family, then they will think and feel aggrieved."

After hearing this, Mother Li couldn't help but nodded with the same feeling and said: "Of course, what you said is right. If we are still in the in-laws, their family can't find food. We have rice, so we can't just look at it. Fortunately, we are divorced, so we don't have to give anything." Yes, it’s pretty good.”

She also heard that the Wang family was in trouble. The family had to consume a lot of food every day and could not grow enough to eat. After hearing this, she was not only unsympathetic, but also a little gloating about the misfortune. I can’t even eat it, so I deserve it.

"There are many people out there who are in need of food. Is our home still safe?" An Ran asked.

Li's father said: "Don't worry, we are safe. The village is also afraid of outsiders coming to rob us, so we have set up a patrol team to patrol 24 hours a day."

An Ran knew that this was not only the intention of the village, but also of the superiors. The officials were also afraid that chaos in the countryside would lead to chaos in the city, so the superiors notified each village to set up patrol teams to prevent anyone from causing chaos in the countryside.

"What about the village? No one in the village comes to extort anything from our family, right? If so, tell me, I'm the one doing the martial arts. I've been practicing martial arts very well recently. The master said I have talent." An Ran said.

"Don't worry, no, there are not many families in our village who have no food. You said at that time that you should buy rice and save it. I didn't buy it myself, but I persuaded people in the village to buy it. Many people listened at that time. Now many families still have surplus rice. At most, someone exchanged other things for rice with our family, which is considered fair and reasonable, and no one blackmailed our family." Li's father said.

An Ran couldn't help but nod after hearing this. When she persuaded Father Li to buy grain, she also asked him to persuade other people in the village to buy it. After all, it is safe only if everyone around you has something to eat. Otherwise, it is very dangerous for you to have something to eat alone. It’s difficult to keep food even if you want to do it.

Especially ask your parents to persuade a few relatives to buy it. After all, if your relatives don’t have anything to eat, will you give it to them then? It’s not like not to give it, give it, give it to this, it’s not good not to give it to that, give it all, the Li family has quite a lot of relatives, from Li’s father’s side, from Li’s mother’s side, plus her sister Xin Ran There are more than ten families in total, and the Li family cannot afford to supply them all.

Now I feel relieved when I hear from Li's father that all his relatives bought grain and saved it. Now they all have grain and they won't ask the Li family to borrow it.

Because Li's father had seen An Ran demonstrate her current level of force, he was very relieved that An Ran and her children were living in the city. Of course, the main reason was that the country was now very strict. Although everyone didn't have much to eat, no one dared. After all, if you try the method on your own body, even if you don't eat enough, you are still alive. If you try the method on your own body and your life is lost, then it is not worthwhile.

Of course, the main reason is that many people in the city own more than one house, and if they really can't survive, they start selling their houses.

Although no one wants the house now, so the price has dropped by more than 1 or 2 points, but no matter how much it falls, a house that used to be worth 1 million or 100,000 or 200,000 will always be sold, because there are always some people who want to take advantage of this situation. The opportunity was missed, of course, mainly because the person selling the house did not propose that they could only trade with grain, but could trade with both money and grain. If the trade was limited to grain, many people might not be able to trade so much grain. , after all, food is hard to find now, and it is hard to buy it if you have money, but when it comes to getting money, people who had saved a lot in the past can still get so much money.

And if you really sell it and get 200,000 yuan, although food is hard to find now, you can always feel more at ease when you have money in hand. In this way, as long as there is food to sell, you will always have money to buy it. Two hundred thousand yuan is not much, but I can afford two hundred kilograms of rice, or more potatoes and other miscellaneous grains. When I have so many things, it will not be a problem to last for a year.

However, before the people could despair, rice prices skyrocketed in June and lasted for several months. By the National Day, in order to celebrate this festival, the official announced that starting from this month, the country would use grain reserves to increase the number of grains per person. You can buy five kilograms of rice or flour, or various amounts of miscellaneous grains, at the "civilian" price of fifty yuan per kilogram every month.

This official action quickly stabilized the market. The price of rice, which had previously skyrocketed and exceeded the price of 1,000 yuan per kilo, which was still difficult to buy, finally fell back to the level of 1,000 yuan per kilo. It stopped moving for the time being, and An Ran knew that. , as long as the country’s grain reserves are still there, the price of rice can remain at this level. The reason is very simple. Although five kilograms per person per month is a bit small, you have to exchange for miscellaneous grains, plus you have to spend money from the market. If you buy some, you can try your best to survive. Since the food provided by the state is barely enough, the price of rice will naturally stabilize.

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