Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1460 Extremely Drought World 14

For six thousand yuan, it was a little used car that was bought for 120,000 yuan. It was so worth it, An Ran was very happy.

The Wang family felt uncomfortable. They felt as if they had given An Ran 120,000 yuan and allowed An Ran to take advantage. However, they were not in the mood to think about it at this time. The Wang family quickly used the 6,000 yuan given by An Ran. With the money, I bought some rice, potatoes, corn, and sweet potatoes to save in order to avoid losing money due to rising food prices in the next two days. However, according to the consumption of the Wang family, these things can last for a month or two.

Here, An Ran bought a car, picked up Miaomiao from kindergarten in the afternoon, took some things, and returned to her hometown.

She doesn't have to worry about her belongings being stolen if she leaves, because she has already bought an interstellar home defense system and placed it in her house. Not to mention thieves, even nuclear bombs may not be able to blast her house open.

When Father Li saw the familiar car, Mother Li thought Father Wang was here, but when her daughter got out of the car, she couldn't help being surprised and said, "Why is Wang Xinguo's father's car here with you?"

An Ran smiled and said: "Their family had no money to use, so they sold the car. I knew his car was good, so I bought it for 6,000. It will be more convenient for us to go out in the future. I came back this time just to let you see me." 's car."

"What are you spending money on to buy a car? If you have that money, why don't you buy food and save it?" Mother Li was worried about money.

An Ran smiled and said: "Yes, I have saved a lot. But I think it is too inconvenient to go back and forth from the city to the countryside without a car, so I have to buy this. After all, I can't carry a lot of things with me every time." I hit her when I was in love with Miaomiao."

After hearing this, Father Li nodded and said, "It's only six thousand, and I bought a car with no faults. It's a good deal. Taxi is also expensive, so it's not bad to buy one."

As for food, there is a lot of food at home now, and he is not worried about running out of food. He didn't know at this time that there would be a drought for more than ten years. He thought that it would last for two or three years at most, and then it would definitely rain, so there was no need to worry. , so I support my daughter taking advantage of this great opportunity to buy a good car at a cheap price.

With a car, it is more convenient for Li's father and Li's mother to go shopping in the city. In the past, when they bought things, they would take them back on their motorcycles. They couldn't carry much and it was too troublesome. Now that An Ran has a car, An Ran can help them take it back.

Father Li said: "Now that we have a car, we can also carry water from the river to irrigate the fields. The water in our well is really not enough for irrigating the fields."

An Ran was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then agreed, saying, "Okay, call me when you need me."

Although she felt that it was not good to lift water from the river, as it would dry up the water, but...other people did it this way. If she wanted to tell Father Li that this was not good and that she couldn't do it this way, Father Li would probably think that she was in trouble. Come on, after all, you are about to die, and you still say such things, isn't it because you are out of your mind? So I could only agree.

So within two days, when Anron returned to his hometown, he took the water storage bucket with him and went to the river to pick up four buckets of water.

Her water storage bucket weighed fifty kilograms. She filled the water with two hands, one in each hand, and went back and forth twice. A man nearby was stunned and gave her a thumbs up and said: "Dali Female King Kong! Amazing!"

You know, many people sit in offices now, even men, it is difficult to easily lift something weighing one hundred kilograms, let alone women. No wonder the man was surprised to see An Ran can easily lift two buckets of water.

An Ran looked at it and couldn't help but smile.

She came here in June last year and has been practicing martial arts for nearly a year now. She has a lot of internal strength. Carrying a hundred kilograms of water is not a trivial matter.

When Father Li saw that she had brought two hundred kilograms of water, he couldn't help but be happy and said, "If you mix it with manure water, it can be poured at least three times."

Now because there is no water, they water little by little, unlike before the apocalypse, they sprinkle it randomly.

Because An Ran helped carry water, Father Li and Mother Li planted two more pieces of land, and the food problem was once again alleviated.

Not long after Enron bought the car, it finally rained. This was the first rain this year. In the first half of last year, it rained once a month. In the second half of the year, it rained once every two months. Now, it hasn't rained for three months.

Because it finally rained, all places tried their best to artificially increase the rain. On the ground, as early as last year, the sewers were temporarily replaced with plates and sealed to prevent water from flowing out. The waste flows away from the sewers and is transported from temporary pipes installed on the ground to a nearby reservoir.

It's a pity that even if we try our best to artificially increase the rain, the rain only lasted for two hours, and when it was the strongest, it could only be considered a moderate rain. It is usually light rain. There was not much water on the ground, and several nearby reservoirs were not full. .

Although it is not full, it is better than before, and it can at least be used for a while.

And Miaomiao couldn't help but feel strange when she looked at the rain, because since she gradually became wiser, she could see the rain less and less, so can she not be surprised by it?

An Ran and her children stood on the balcony to enjoy the rain, because for a long time in the future, there will be less and less rain. When the children grow up, don’t forget what rain looks like, so An Ran took She, look at the rain more.

It finally rained, and then it was sunny again. Since it was April now, the sun was already very strong, so within two days, the effect of the rain disappeared and the ground was dry again.

But no matter what, the rain finally eased the drought. The price of rice in the supermarket is as crazy as ever, but the price of vegetables has dropped slightly, because this rain should increase the supply of vegetables slightly.

But since it hasn’t rained since then, rice naturally cannot be sown. It is expected that there will be no harvest this year, and there will still be a food shortage. So in June, the prices of rice, flour, etc. in supermarkets are getting more and more crazy. It has almost reached 500 yuan per catty. The supermarket says that each person can buy only five catties per day. In the past, there may have been some savings because some people still had some surplus food at home and did not buy it because the price was too expensive. But now, people often buy it as soon as it is released. After buying it all, the people who bought it may want to hoard and resell to make a fortune, or they may have no surplus food at home. Although it is no longer possible for people to eat rice with every meal, they always have to eat something. People who only eat cereals cannot bear it. After all, rice has been the staple food in the past. How can I survive eating only grains?

The Li family is not worried about food, but the Wang family is getting more and more worried, because the food they used to sell their cars for has been eaten up, and people really can't eat just potatoes and sweet potatoes from the fields. I also want to eat some rice and flour when I go down, but these two things are not only expensive, but sometimes not available, and I can’t even eat them if I want to.

So just as Zhang Yuanyuan was worried, the royal father and queen mother saw that their youngest son had rice, so they shamelessly asked him to give them two kilograms of rice.

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