Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1455 Extremely Drought World 9

Zhang Yuanyuan and his wife belong to a group of people with average income in this city.

Her salary is 3,000, and her husband's salary is 5,000. Although the house they live in is in an old community like Anron and has a similar price, it is larger than Anron's house. Naturally, the monthly mortgage payment is also higher than that of Enron. The couple has to pay off a mortgage of 4,000 yuan a month. The couple adds up to 8,000 yuan, so they have to repay a mortgage of 4,000 yuan. The remaining 4,000 yuan is indeed only enough for food and drink at a time when prices are soaring, and they cannot afford to buy extra food.

"Fortunately, I listened to you and bought some when it was only fifty yuan a pound, otherwise I really can't afford it now."

In fact, An Ran persuaded him earlier, but Zhang Yuanyuan thought at that time that the price of new grains might drop when they come on the market, so he would buy it then.

Who would have thought that when new grains came on the market, grain prices not only did not fall, but actually rose.

Seeing something was wrong, she quickly deposited the batch.

It's a pity that she didn't have much money on hand and only saved two hundred catties. Now she regretted it to death. She regretted that she didn't listen to An Ran and save more when she was only ten or twenty yuan.

"You must have saved a lot, right?" Zhang Yuanyuan said enviously.

An Ran said modestly: "It's not bad."

She can't say much for the time being, lest it spread to the ears of the Queen Mother, and don't let the Queen Mother be tempted. It would be bad if she doesn't agree with her son's divorce.

She reminded Zhang Yuanyuan and her sister that as for her family, she didn’t have to worry. Her family hadn’t finished the food last year, and they were planting it again this year. If none of it was sold, her family’s two-year food stock could last for five or six years. Year.

It is estimated that rice will not be planted next year, but her family will respond to the national call and plant potatoes and sweet potatoes in the fields. Although her family does not have drip irrigation technology, she cannot plant a lot, but even if she plants a small amount, it is not like other people who have nothing to eat. , a hat like this, plus the previous rice, can last at least ten years.

In the end, there was really no food to eat, and it was about to rain. In addition, the country would also provide a little food, just like in the original world, it would be no problem to last until the end of the world.

Besides, in this world, when the food prices were skyrocketing, she reminded Father Li to buy some to save. Although he may not have bought rice, he probably bought some other things to save, such as potatoes, corn, flour, etc. It will definitely be better than the original world.

In his original world, Li's father was deceived into selling several thousand kilograms of rice. Later, although he had some land and planted some things, due to drought, there was very little and they could only make ends meet. As time went by, the old couple He passed away due to long-term malnutrition, leaving only the original mother and daughter struggling to survive.

If the apocalypse doesn't end soon, the original mother and daughter may not be able to survive.

As for An Ran, she naturally didn't want to see this scene, and she didn't want her parents to have to live a hard life and die early.

There is no need to worry at home. As for others, such as the Queen Mother and others, she did not remind them.

They were going to drive her away in a few months. Why was she so kind?

As far as An Ran knew, as food prices soared, at this time, the small boss next to Liu Meihua became nervous because his business could not continue, and he began to stop providing money and materials to Liu Meihua.

Liu Meihua herself is a moonlighting person, and she has always had some money to dress up and have fun. At this time, the other party did not provide her with money and materials, and she could not survive. By chance, she heard that her ex-husband Wang's family had started farming in her hometown, and there was food available, so she borrowed the money. In the name of visiting her daughter, she began to contact the Wang family, and began to seduce Wang Xinguo when he returned home for the New Year.

The Queen Mother felt that it would be good for her granddaughter to remarry her former daughter-in-law, and under Liu Meihua's instigation, she felt that Liu Meihua was right. She was afraid that Wang Xinguo would use money to help others raise children, so she agreed to Liu Meihua's idea of ​​remarrying and began to persuade her son to agree.

In March next year, Wang Xinguo came back because his company closed down, and began to work hard to support himself by farming in his hometown. The two quickly got together, and then Wang Xinguo filed for divorce from him.

In other words, in less than three months, she will be able to get rid of Wang Xinguo. This is what An Ran is happy to see. Anyway, she has not found any benefit in marrying Wang Xinguo. This Wang Xinguo is a mama's boy. What does the Queen Mother say? What's the matter? His mother was afraid that the original mother and daughter would take advantage of their Wang family, so he would not give money to the original mother and daughter. Therefore, when the original mother married her, in addition to finding a mother-in-law to support herself, She didn't see any benefit in marrying someone, so why bother to make trouble for herself by marrying such a person.

An Ran was right. At this moment, Liu Meihua, after being dumped by the small boss and having problems eating, did come to the Wang family.

The Queen Mother really didn't want to see her at first. After all, this woman was shameless. She ran away with a rich boss for money, hurt her son, and made her son a joke in the village. How could she like her.

But...her doting granddaughter had a mother-daughter nature, and was quickly impressed by Liu Meihua bringing some snacks. She couldn't stop Liu Meihua from coming to her home and saying that she wanted to see her daughter.

She thought, since her current daughter-in-law doesn't live here anyway, she doesn't know about her son's former daughter-in-law's visit, so there's no need to worry.

After Liu Meihua entered the house, she began to persuade Wang Xinguo to divorce An Ran.

This is what she told the Queen Mother: "It is not easy to make money in the new country. It would be a huge loss to raise their mother and daughter with money in vain."

On this matter, the Queen Mother told the truth, saying: "The new country did not raise them, they all raised themselves."

Liu Meihua secretly laughed at Li Anran for being stupid. He married a man and didn't know how to make money and let the man support him.

So he immediately said: "Even so, there will be trouble in the future. Mom, you may not know that according to the inheritance law of our country, if there is an eventuality in the new country - of course I am not cursing the new country, I mean there is an eventuality, after all In our country, the average life span of women is longer than that of men, and Xinguo is much older than Li Anran. If Xinguo leaves first, this house will fall into the hands of Li Anran and his daughter, and Meimei can only get one. Diandian, how is this possible?"

The Queen Mother did not blame Liu Meihua for saying unlucky words, but was shocked by what Liu Meihua said. She was a rural woman and did not know this. When she heard what she said, she couldn't help but said: "How could it be! This is something from our Wang family!" "

Liu Meihua sighed: "But the law does not matter. If something happens to the new country, Li Anran, his wife, will automatically get half of this house; the remaining half will be divided equally between Li Anran, Li Anran's daughter and Meimei. At that time, we, Meimei, will only be able to get one-sixth of the house that New Zealand has worked so hard to provide, but it will basically fall into the hands of their mother and daughter."

Liu Meihua deliberately exaggerated the facts in order to scare the Queen Mother so that she could drive away Li Anran. Then she could remarry Wang Xinguo, so that she would have someone to support her.

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