Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1454 Extremely Drought World 8

Parents don’t have any objections. After all, before the price increased to 1,000 yuan a month, some parents with low incomes have stopped sending their children to kindergartens to eat. After all, kindergartens only have meals five days a week. After a month, they probably only eat. Twenty-two meals only cost one thousand yuan. With that kind of money, it is better to eat at home. Although it takes a little time to pick up and drop off the children, it is worth it compared to the cost.

Miaomiao also likes to eat at home. Firstly, her mother’s food is delicious, but the kindergarten food is not as delicious as her mother’s, so she can’t eat it. Secondly, the food at home is good, but the food at school is not. As the price of rice and vegetables increases, Miaomiao also likes to eat at home. As children get older, the food provided to children in kindergartens is getting worse and worse. Some children can get used to it because the food at home has not been good recently, but the food at home is good and the food at school is not good. She cannot bear it. , so I am willing to go home and eat.

An Ran doesn't mind taking her home for dinner, because her child's kindergarten is near the community, less than five minutes away from home, and it's very convenient for her to pick her up and drop her off.

As for needing to cook it for her children...she needs to eat it for lunch anyway. There is no difference between cooking it for one person or two people, so it doesn't matter.

Miaomiao's food at home is good and has not changed much. However, for some children, the food at home is even worse than in kindergarten. Because as the price of rice and vegetables outside increases, some people with low incomes eat more and more food. Worse, some children have obviously lost weight.

In December, because the sun has been shining and it has neither rained nor snowed, this year has been a mild winter. Even in December, it is still about 20 degrees, while at this time in previous years, it was only a few degrees.

At this time, the price of rice exceeded one hundred yuan per catty. It was so expensive that many people could not eat it every day. Many people had already switched to eating other things, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, etc. The prices of these things were not so outrageous. .

It is said that because rice needs water, many places without water have not been planted this year. Those places that have not been planted cannot be left uncultivated. Many crops such as potatoes or sweet potatoes, which are more drought-tolerant, have been planted. Although the yield has decreased due to the drought, the More crops are planted than in previous years, and the output this year is higher than in previous years. Although the output of these two items increases, it cannot compare with the decrease of rice, but at least the output has not dropped, right? And it is said that the country will promote planting potatoes and sweet potatoes in areas without water to maintain food supply. These two things can survive with only a small amount of water. In short, they are more drought-resistant than rice, which requires a lot of water.

This is a very correct decision.

Enron knows that the reason why humans have been able to persist for more than ten years without rain is that, first, seawater desalination technology has blossomed everywhere, solving the most basic drinking water problem for mankind; second, the widespread cultivation of potatoes and sweet potatoes, as long as a With a little water, they can survive. Their output can barely cover the shortage of rice and flour. Although people still have nothing to eat and are very hungry, they have maintained a minimum demand and survived for more than ten years.

This is modern times, but if we put it in ancient times, after more than ten years of drought, people probably all flocked to the beach to eat seafood, and then ate up all the seafood, or starved to death and started cannibalism.

But in modern times, humans have developed drip irrigation technology and can use a little water to grow some drought-tolerant crops. Relying on the output of these drought-tolerant crops, people have survived, and there has not even been unrest like in ancient times.

But when it comes to individuals, although ordinary people are living very uncomfortable lives, because this is not a problem for themselves, nor a country, but a problem for all mankind, everyone's complaints are not particularly loud.

If it were a problem for one's own country, people might not be able to bear it. Since it is a problem for all mankind, especially looking at the situation in continent F and some war-torn areas, although life is indeed difficult for one's own side, it has not moved at all. It’s chaotic, the supermarket is still open and everyone can buy things, but the things are a bit expensive at most, so there aren’t many complaints.

Yes, supermarkets are still operating normally, but the prices follow market rules and are extremely high. Purchase restrictions on some products, such as rice, are generally limited to five kilograms per person per day.

But now it’s 100 yuan per catty, even if there is no purchase limit, not many people are buying it.

This is the result of state control. If it were not for state control, it is stipulated that every supermarket must provide a certain amount of food more or less every day. Otherwise, according to the nature of businessmen, they will definitely hoard it and wait until it is more expensive to sell it. .

In that case, when people see that there is no food for sale in the supermarket, they will become more panicked.

But under the interference of the government, no one dares to disobey and refuse to sell food unless they no longer want to do it.

An Ran knew that rice would rise to the sky in the future, but she did not take advantage of the current low price of rice to buy rice from the supermarket because she had rice and did not want to steal other people's rations. At most, she only bought it once or twice occasionally to show off. In this way, when she has rice in the future, and someone asks her why she still has rice, she can say that when she had rice in the past, she bought a lot and saved it.

She had plenty of it, but that didn't mean that others did, so An Ran told her sister-in-law Zhang Yuanyuan and sister Xinran that she felt the situation was not good and asked them to save more rice while the rice price was not going crazy.

Although Zhang Yuanyuan is a bit gossipy, she is not particularly bad, not to mention her sister. Why don't you take care of her, your biological sister?

Her sister Xinran and his wife had a lot of money on hand and could afford to buy some. After listening to her words, they bought some. However, Zhang Yuanyuan didn't have much money on hand, so she sighed and said, "Even if I want to buy something, I don't have the money to buy it. Before, I listened to you and stocked up while it was cheap. At the current price, my monthly salary is only 3,000 yuan, which is not enough for food and drink. I have no extra money to store food. As you know, my husband doesn’t have much either. The money is just enough to pay off the mortgage.”

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