Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1452 Extremely Drought World 6

The reason An Ran knew this was because her sister-in-law Zhang Yuanyuan told her.

Zhang Yuanyuan has a gossipy nature and likes to chat with people about things like that.

An Ran couldn't help but laugh and cry after hearing this. In fact, she wished Wang Xinguo wouldn't come back. After all, she didn't want him to come back and have sex. She had to spend money to buy fantasy props in order to have different rooms. It would be great if he didn't come back now, which would save her trouble.

Although Wang Xinguo didn't come back, as a loyal and honest man, he didn't care about An Ran and her daughter at all, so that day he entrusted the Queen Mother to go check on An Ran and see how she was doing. After all, she quit her job. She has no income and no idea how she survives.

So that day the Queen Mother called and asked if An Ran was at home. After getting a positive answer, she came over to visit An Ran.

When An Ran heard that the Queen Mother was coming, she put away the things that were on the surface. The rest of the things placed in various cabinets, she did not have to worry about being discovered. First of all, the things placed in the cabinets were also boxes and could not be seen at a glance. When she found something, even if the Queen Mother opened the cabinet, she would not be able to continue opening the box. Secondly, the Queen Mother would not go through her cabinet specifically. When she came here before, she would just take a look and leave.

An Ran thought well. When the Queen Mother arrived, she didn't mean to look through her cabinet, but just looked around.

"I brought you some pumpkin cake I made," said the Queen Mother.

Food is expensive recently, so the Queen Mother bought some pumpkins and made pumpkin cakes. Although the price of pumpkins has also increased, it is much cheaper than flour and rice. The pumpkin cakes made into pumpkin cakes taste very hungry and are better than eating pure rice. Or steamed buns are cheap, so the Queen Mother makes some cakes and eats them from time to time.

There was a famine a few decades ago, and people at that time came here like this, cooking various grains to eat.

An Ran took the bag handed over by the Queen Mother and said, "Thank you, Mom."

No matter what she said to Wang Xinguo, it never came to her, and now she always wanted to thank people when they gave her things.

The Queen Mother looked at her living room and said in surprise: "Why are you putting such a big bucket of water here?"

An Ran said: "It hasn't rained every day. I was afraid that the water in the city would stop someday, so I picked up some water and stored it here."

The Queen Mother smiled and shook her head and said: "Silly girl, didn't you go see the big river? There is still water in the big river. The tap water in our city comes from the big river. As long as the big river has water, we have water."

This 18th-tier small city has a big river, but this is normal. Many cities in the south have rivers, but few cities in the north have rivers. This drought has lasted for a year. Their water supply pressure is very high, and the city where they are originally does not have this problem for the time being, but it will soon, because it is very simple, many people go to the river to fetch water and transport it to the countryside for farming, resulting in The supply of river water exceeds demand. Who knows, almost every household now has a car. It is not difficult to transport water.

"Nip it in the bud." An Ran said with a smile.

When the Queen Mother heard what she said, she didn't say anything. Then she looked at An Ran's kitchen and asked, "Prices have risen sharply recently. Have you not cooked meat for your children for a long time? Let's not talk about pork. That stuff is very expensive. I think you haven’t bought it for a long time. Have you tried the chicken? Where’s the duck, and where’s the fish?”

An Ran couldn't help but feel funny after hearing her inquiry, thinking, why, are you planning to give me some when you ask this? The Queen Mother is extremely stingy and will definitely not give it to her. If she doesn’t give it to her, why ask? Is this interesting?

In fact, if the Queen Mother opened the refrigerator, she would find a large bowl of fish inside, which was intentionally frozen because An Ran wanted to eat fish jelly; and half a bowl of braised chicken nuggets, which was a large bowl of stir-fried fish. Miao didn't finish the rest.

Although prices outside have skyrocketed, and many people can no longer afford food or even meals, due to Enron's thorough preparations, their living standards are not much different from before the doomsday, or even a little better - the original person is usually reluctant to eat because he doesn't have enough money. But Enron now has rice in hand, which can be exchanged for a lot of money. Naturally, he is not afraid of running out of money, so his living standard is naturally better than before.

When the Queen Mother saw that An Ran had listened to her inquiry, she only smiled slightly and said nothing, so she automatically thought that An Ran had not eaten anything good recently, and secretly thought that she had done the right thing by not letting her son come back, otherwise the mother and daughter would have been in trouble recently. On a bad day, he might end up eating too much at their house. Wouldn't his son be impoverished by then?

"You have no job and no income, where do you get the money to buy things?" The Queen Mother thought she was considerate and stopped asking An Ran those embarrassing questions, and then asked.

An Ran said foolishly: "I saved some money before, and I can still support it for a while. My parents give me rice and vegetables. I only need to buy some daily necessities, so the expenses are not big."

Anyway, the Wang family didn't know how much money Yuan Shen had, so they were not afraid of being exposed by her when telling this lie. Only An Ran knew that Yuan Shen spent all her savings to buy this house.

When the Queen Mother heard what she said, she stopped asking questions and immediately said, "Food and vegetables are too expensive now. Your father and I are going to plant some radishes and cabbages in our hometown's fields."

An Ran was not surprised. It was precisely because the Queen Mother and the Queen Father had replanted crops and had some food that Liu Meihua wanted to hook up with Wang Xinguo.

So he just said: "There is drought everywhere now, how can there be any water in my hometown?"

The Queen Mother said: "Don't be afraid. Let's first see if there is water in the well at home. If not, isn't there water in the river? We fetch water from the river and put it in the car to take back. Even if it consumes gasoline to run back and forth, it will still be enough. Calculated in detail, it is still cost-effective, after all, we can manage it for several days once we water it, and we don’t have to water it every day.”

Although the vegetables may not grow well if you don’t water them every day, it is still more cost-effective than buying vegetables.

After hearing this, An Ran couldn't help but secretly thought, it seems that from now on, some people are starting to use the river water to grow vegetables. No wonder the river water can no longer hold it.

I wouldn't be afraid of a single race of people, but if tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people draw water from the river to cultivate their fields, the river won't be able to hold it. After all, due to drought, the river water is already very small.

Yes, Wangfu owns a car. It is indeed cost-effective to put some water in the trunk and take it back to plant a small piece of land.

As long as the food money can be saved, this expense can be saved a lot.

"Vegetables are expensive now. I'm afraid someone will steal them once I grow them." An Ran said.

The Queen Mother said: "We have also considered this. Don't be afraid. I have already told your Aunt Wang to help take care of her. In return, we will bring her water."

The so-called Aunt Wang is a neighbor of the Wang family's hometown.

An Ran nodded after hearing this.

The Queen Mother completed the visit mission assigned by her son and returned - never mentioning that she had planted vegetables and would send some to An Ran when the time came.

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