Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1451 Extremely Drought World 5

For the time being, Enron has no plans to exchange rice for money and buy other supplies, because the price of staple foods such as rice and flour will be the highest in the future. Although other daily necessities have also increased in price, the price increase speed is not as outrageous as rice flour. After all, food is We must eat, and we can make do without daily necessities, so it is normal that the price increase is not as fast as that of food. Therefore, it is not cost-effective to exchange money for rice to buy supplies now. It will be more cost-effective to exchange money for supplies later.

Although Anron has a lot of various supplies, what she saves the most is water.

Just as food prices have risen to sky-high prices, water prices have also risen to sky-high prices.

Although the country has developed seawater desalination technology, it is obviously impossible to rely on seawater desalination to allow everyone to use water casually as before. Water, like food, is necessary for human beings, so the price of water has also skyrocketed.

So Enron bought a lot of water storage barrels and stored a lot of water. If it is not used for other purposes, but just for drinking, it is guaranteed to be enough for more than ten years.

The reason why the most stored thing is water is very simple. Although all kinds of things are stored in her space, there is not much water. After all, she never thought that such an arid world would come. She has saved more than ten items. There is already a lot of mineral water.

But more than ten bottles of water are still rare in this world. In order not to be unable to even drink water in the future, Enron saved a lot of water. As a result, the most stored thing turned out to be water.

Fortunately, water is very cheap now. I bought a water storage bucket, put it under the faucet in my bathroom, and connected it, which is convenient.

I stored a lot in the space, and then placed a one-ton capacity one in the living room. The water storage bucket has a faucet. If needed later, you can open the faucet to receive water.

With such a heavy weight, if ordinary people put it in the bathroom, they would definitely not be able to put it in the living room. However, An Ran could first receive the space and then take it out and put it in the living room. If someone asked her how she put such a large water storage bucket, When she came to the living room, she said that she could just pull a water pipe and connect it, so she wasn't afraid of being suspected.

Time passed quickly, and soon it was the end of September, which is when rice is harvested everywhere.

Soon a news spread throughout the Internet: According to reliable sources, the amount of rice harvested in the world this year is less than half of last year, only about 30%.

As soon as this news came out, the Internet was in an uproar, and soon after, the price of rice skyrocketed.

Although some people say that the national grain reserves are said to last for a year, others jump out and say, who knows whether there is really grain in those grain depots.

In short, with people's hearts unstable, many people flocked to supermarkets to grab rice.

Since no major problems have arisen for the time being, the officials have not dealt with these matters for the time being, and people are just looting.

In fact, the officials are having a headache at this time. On the one hand, they have to worry about how to make it rain so that they can plant crops; on the other hand, they have to maintain order so that the country cannot be like some countries in Africa that have been in turmoil due to long droughts and insufficient food. I don’t know how many people have died of starvation or war; I still have to worry about how there will be food to sustain such a huge population if the drought continues.

So it was really not a big deal to grab food like crazy and not cause chaos.

So An Ran watched as the price of grain skyrocketed from the previous twenty yuan per pound to fifty yuan in a short period of time, and then continued to rise.

You must know that because it was thought that new rice was about to be launched, the increase in grain prices slowed down for a time, and some grain-producing areas even lowered prices slightly. But now, the increase can no longer be contained.

When the price rose to ten yuan before, some people said they couldn't afford to eat. Now that it has risen to fifty yuan, or even more, more and more people say they can't afford to eat. This is normal. Anyone can spend two yuan a month. You can't even afford three thousand yuan to eat rice.

In addition, food prices have also increased. The money spent on food a month must be at least more than 10,000 at the previous level. Who can afford this? Therefore, many people can only save money and have to eat. Just reduce the cost of food and try to keep it within 5,000.

More than two thousand yuan in food expenses, an average of more than seventy yuan a day, was good before the apocalypse, but not enough after the apocalypse.

Although the price of vegetables is not as crazy as the increase in food prices, driven by the increase in food prices, it has increased almost ten times compared to before the end. There is no way. Some people are in poor conditions and cannot afford rice, so they buy cheaper rice. Vegetables are used to satisfy hunger, causing vegetable prices to rise. Moreover, due to drought, grain production has decreased, and vegetable production has also decreased, so it would be strange that prices do not increase.

In other words, now more than 70 yuan a day is only equivalent to the previous level of more than 7 yuan.

Spending only more than seven yuan a day is not a good life.

Moreover, the prices of foods such as potatoes, corn, and sweet potatoes that can fill the stomach are soaring. The only things that are rising slowly are those vegetables that are not very filling, as well as things that were already expensive but are now even more expensive, even more expensive than rice. , for example, pork has now risen to more than 100 yuan per catty. It is so expensive that everyone would rather buy rice. At least rice is still only 50 yuan for the time being. Because ordinary people have reduced their consumption, their price increases are not as fast as that of grain. quick.

It’s not possible without saving. Although prices have skyrocketed, wages have not increased much. How can it be done without saving? It’s not enough!

The reason why wages haven’t increased much is because many companies are about to be out of business due to soaring prices. How can they still have the money to increase wages? If you think the wages are low, then don’t work. Anyway, there are many people doing it. After all, prices are so expensive now. , no one dares to lose their job, even some people who used to have a little money on hand, so they stayed at home and only spent a little money every month to get by, but now because their expenses have increased, they have to go out and work in order to eat. work, which also invisibly increases employment pressure. Not only does wages not rise, but they also worry about unemployment.

There is also a small episode in the middle.

Because of the increase in food prices, Wang Xinguo, who usually comes back during National Day (National Day is also a long holiday in this world), did not come back.

Originally, Wang Xinguo wanted to come back, but the Queen Mother told him that if he came back, An Ran and Miaomiao would definitely follow him back to their home for dinner. Do you know how much it costs to eat just one day now? If two people stay at their house for seven or eight days, they will have to eat at least one or two thousand meals. After all, when he comes back, he will definitely buy some fish, meat and other delicious food. The mother and daughter have no money, and they may not have eaten well in a long time. When the time comes, they will eat with all their might. Mother and daughter will not have to eat so much.

And now his salary, excluding the mortgage and his own expenses, is not enough to feed the three of them at home, so how can he waste it on An Ran and his daughter.

Wang Xinguo was persuaded by his mother, so he did not come back during the National Day.

Thank you to Zhao Yilin, Ziyan, Shentu, the weak and pitiful book chaser, LTS911, and Qinan for the gifts~~Thank you for your monthly votes, subscriptions, recommendations and collections~~Thank you!

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