An Ran thought that she would definitely not hear the name of an acquaintance. After all, she didn't know anyone in the middle-level cultivation world. However, she heard Qi Ling say: "My master is Immortal Li Yan."

"What?!" An Ran thought she didn't hear clearly and asked again.

As a result, the weapon spirit repeated it again and said: "Immortal Li Yan."

An Ran couldn't help but be surprised, thinking, could this Li Yan be the Raider Li Yan from a mission she did a long, long time ago? The wish-maker felt that she didn't deal with Li Yan harshly enough, so she only gave him a three-star rating, so that when she saw this person in the future, she would deal with Li Yan even more harshly?

If so, what mission and role does he play in this world of immortality? Then, is there any dispute with the original person?

So An Ran, who had no interest in the master of the weapon spirit at first, now became completely interested.

Immediately he asked: "For what reason did your master come down from the upper world?"

When the system scanned the system at that time, the answer given was that the owner of the weapon spirit had committed a crime in the middle-level cultivation world and was notorious. The other party came to the lower world to avoid being hunted, but it did not elaborate on what he had committed. An Ran I wanted to know more at this time, so I asked this question.

Naturally, the weapon spirit would not lie to An Ran. He said honestly at the moment: "There are too many fairies who like him. The other male fairies can't stand it. They framed him for stealing the treasure of the fairy world. In order to save his life, he had to escape to the lower world."

……I see! This is really a bit like the Li Yan I met. So many fairies like him. I'm afraid it's probably because he listened to the system and wanted to conquer so many people.

As for the second half of what the weapon spirit said, she had to weigh it. After all, Li Yan might have said it to the weapon spirit. Anyway, it was a stupid weapon spirit that couldn't understand the relationship between humans. It's not just what Li Yan says.

The reason why she was so suspicious was because she didn't believe in Li Yan's character, so she felt that the second half of what he said might not be true, and that it was possible that he had actually stolen the treasure.

After knowing this, An Ran no longer asked about the weapon spirit Li Yan. He thought to himself that if this person was a raider, he might have a cheat. Even if he escaped to the lower realm now, he might still ascend to the upper realm one day. It is possible to become the first god to successfully ascend in so many years. After all, fast travelers cannot be underestimated.

However, I heard that Feng Shangshen came back from meeting friends outside and saw a weapon spirit from the middle level of cultivation on An Ran's table. He couldn't help but curiously asked: "Where did this come from?"

An Ran said: "When I was in the lower world, I picked it up from a secret realm. I didn't know what it was at the time. Now that I have transcended the tribulation and become an immortal, I just used some spiritual power to activate it, and then I realized that it was something from the immortal world. "

After listening to Feng Shangshen heard about the origin, he no longer paid attention, but An Ran asked: "If you want to check someone in the lower world, is it easy to check?"

Tingfeng Shangshen couldn't help but be surprised when he heard her asking this question, and said: "Who do you want to check?"

An Ran pointed to the weapon spirit on the table and said: "The weapon spirit said that its owner is in the lower world. From its description, I found that that person is making trouble. I want to see where that person is and don't harm the lower world. I am I came up from there, and I don’t want to see anyone harming me there.”

In addition to wanting to know Li Yan's movements, this is also true.

It's not that all fast travelers are troublemakers, but this Li Yan is obviously the kind of person who doesn't have any moral conscience for the sake of the mission. She is really afraid that with his character, he will do evil in the lower world.

Tingfeng Shangshen said: "If there is only a name, it will be difficult to find it, unless there is his blood. In that case, there is a magic weapon that can find the person based on the blood."

An Ran thought about it. In any other time and space, you can't find someone by just his name. Even in modern times and with the popularization of the Internet, it's not easy to find someone by his name. What's more, in order to avoid being hunted, the person pointed out Maybe if the name is changed, it will be harder to find.

It seems that we can only rely on fate to see if we can see Li Yan and confirm whether it is the same Li Yan.

If it is confirmed that it is Li Yan, we will see what happens if we want to deal with him in this world.

If Li Yan did something outrageous, or did something to the original person, then she would go along with the flow and make the wish of the previous wisher come true.

If Li Yan didn't do anything bad in this world, and didn't do anything to his original self, she wouldn't be able to do anything to him. She would have to wait until the next world meets him.

Since he knew that meeting Li Yan could only rely on luck, An Ran didn't worry too much and continued to practice.

When it came to cultivation, she wanted to just let it go and do whatever she could to practice, but she couldn't stand it when Feng Shangshen forced her to practice seriously.

Hear what Feng Shangshen said: "I want to spend a long time with you."

Although he sounded moved, An Ran was very rational and realistic, saying: "No one has become a god for many years. It would be good if I can cultivate to become a heavenly immortal, a true immortal, etc."

"Then don't think about becoming a god for the time being, and cultivate to become a true immortal first. Are you willing to leave early and let me be alone in the future?"

Hearing what Feng Shangshen said was too pitiful, An Ran could only sigh and said: "...Okay, I will try my best."

In fact, she felt that Tingfeng Shangshen could keep an eye on the stars. The stars were so talented, and they came to the God Realm to practice at a very young age. It could be said that they were ahead of the starting line, and it was really possible to become a god.

When the stars become gods, he will not be lonely. After all, he will have his daughter by his side.

As for her, with her talent, she thought it would be really difficult to become a god.

But because he agreed to Tingfeng Shangshen, Anran has been practicing very hard, and usually eats the treasures of heaven and earth that Tingfeng has collected for many years.

In fact, An Ran really felt that it was a bit wasteful, but I heard from Feng Shangshen that they ate these at will, so they could practice quickly and become gods. If she eats them at will, she should be able to become a god; when she becomes a god, they will Go or buy or cultivate the treasures of heaven and earth yourself, feed them to the stars, and let the stars become gods. Then the whole family will be together, how nice it would be.

Although An Ran felt that it was a pity to waste so many things in order to become a god, but Ting Feng Shang Shen was stubborn and refused to listen and insisted on her eating. She had no choice but to listen, secretly thinking that she had wasted so many good things. It would be too bad if she still couldn't cultivate to a god. If it really didn't work, she would buy something from the system to make up for it, and try to cultivate to a god, so as not to waste Tingfeng Shangshen's things.

Originally, An Ran thought that he might never meet that Immortal Li Yan in his life. After all, in the vast sea of ​​​​people, it would be too difficult to meet an acquaintance among hundreds of millions of people.

As a result, things are always so unpredictable.

However, An Ran went to the market that day to see what good things were on sale recently. When he was resting in a nearby teahouse, the sound of two fairies chatting came from next door.

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