Tingfeng Shangshen couldn't help but look a little awkward when he heard An Ran asked this. He obviously didn't want to answer, but seeing An Ran staring at him, waiting for his answer, he reluctantly said after a while: "...more than 50,000 years old, specifically. I don’t remember exactly how old I am, and there have been many eras in between, so it would take a lot of time to sort it out from beginning to end.”

Sad, he really doesn’t want to answer. He looks much older than An Ran. In fact, before meeting An Ran, he practiced, practiced, practiced every day. When he got bored, he went to the lower world to experience a calamity. Although it sounds like I have lived for many, many years, but in fact, most of my time is spent cultivating, and a small part of my time is going through tribulations. The total number of years I have spent dealing with people is not as long as the time I spent with An Ran.

An Ran couldn't help but be dumbfounded after hearing this, and secretly thought that he had lived long enough that he couldn't even remember how old he was. Such a thing wouldn't happen to a young person.

"It's been a long time! Aren't you bored?" An Ran asked.

Tingfeng Shangshen felt better after seeing that Anran didn't mind his age. Hearing Anran asked him this, he said: "Occasionally, when I do, I will go to the lower world to experience calamities and temper my character. You may have heard that, There are people in the God Realm who commit suicide because their life is too long and their character is not strong."

An Ran nodded. After all, he had been in the God Realm for so many years and had overcome tribulations and became immortals. Naturally, he had heard that some gods couldn't stand the long life and found it too boring. They didn't want to live anymore, so they simply disbanded and fell into reincarnation. .

An Ran also understands that these people would rather not live forever than live the life of reincarnation. Indeed, sometimes it is quite boring to live forever.

However, she feels that the main reason is that the technology in the divine world is not developed well, and there are too few things to play with. If it were like the real world, with the Internet, games, movies, TV novels, etc., there would be something to do every day, and I guarantee that you would not be bored. Anyway, she felt , she wants to have a long life in the real world, and will never feel bored and commit suicide, because there is something new to do every day. Even if it is not good, she can hang out in the entertainment industry or watch the fun in the entertainment industry to pass the time.

Originally she wanted to update the world's technological development level, but then she thought that if she could develop a complete set of Internet, computers, mobile phones, programs and other things by herself, even if she lived for tens of thousands of years, it would be hard enough. After much thought, , I think it’s better to be more leisurely, enjoy life, and not worry about it.

On this day, An Ran took out the unactivated medium cultivation world weapon spirit that had been hidden in the space.

Because An Ran has become an immortal and has the ability to activate the weapon spirit, and has come to the upper world again, she is not afraid that people from the immortal world will come to her after activation, so An Ran plans to activate the weapon spirit as usual and then ask it some questions. Condition.

The original person knew nothing about the intermediate and advanced realms of cultivation, so he couldn't ask for any clues. Now that An Ran has been in the God Realm for many years, he already has some clues, so he feels that he should be able to ask questions more clearly than the original person. , so I decided to ask and see if I could help clear up some of my doubts.

So far, her mission is basically completed, but there are still some questions that remain unanswered.

Although the system has scanned the memory center of the weapon spirit, the memory of the weapon spirit is huge, and it is impossible for An Ran to read it completely. At that time, he only selected keywords to look at it, but he may not have a complete understanding. Now that he can activate the weapon spirit, he can naturally read it in person. Ask it to see if there might be a new answer.

In the original world, the activation of this weapon spirit was a complete accident - there was a thunderstorm and lightning struck into the house, and it happened to hit the weapon spirit that the original body was studying on the table at the time. Whichever contact point is reached, the weapon spirit is activated. Afterwards, the original body will naturally be unable to maintain the operation of the weapon spirit. It depends entirely on the fact that there is a fairy stone in the weapon spirit, which keeps it going until it is found and taken away by people from the medium cultivation world. .

Now An Ran didn't have to rely on any accident to open the weapon spirit. She had seen it. Although she was a bit behind the Earth Immortal level now, she had no problem opening the weapon spirit, so she activated the weapon spirit immediately.

Weapon spirits are treasures or artifacts that become spirits, but they are also divided into levels. For example, the sword used by the gods in Tingfeng has a sword spirit. When the treasures of the divine world become spirits, they are no different from humans. They also have their own He only comes back when his master uses him, and usually plays with others outside. This is normal. You must know that not only the weapons and spirits in the God Realm become spirits, but also many mounts, pets, etc. become spirits. In a sense, weapon spirits are no different from mounts and pets. Many gods in the God Realm use weapon spirits, mounts, pets, etc. to make them worse people, better subordinates, and better humans. There is no difference in treatment.

But this weapon spirit in the intermediate cultivation world is far different. It feels similar to the artificial intelligence she came into contact with in the interstellar world. It seems to understand everything, but in fact it is different from humans. At the very least, it cannot understand humans. Feelings, answer questions and say something, unable to think.

Therefore, she was wrong about whether the weapon spirit was good or bad. The reason why she made the mistake in judgment was mainly due to the memory of the original body.

The original person had never seen a weapon spirit that could talk, so he regarded the weapon spirit as a real person, and the memory in his mind was beautified. Therefore, An Ran, who read the original body's memory, thought that the weapon spirit was similar to a human being, and did not help him afterwards. Original body, what kind of trick is this?

Now after she activated this weapon spirit and chatted with it for a few words, An Ran found that it was incomparable to the weapon spirits in the God Realm. It was just at the level of artificial intelligence. There was no difference between it and it was probably good or bad at that time. Those who killed the original body took it away purely because the other party had this ability.

Knowing that it was still an artificial intelligence level, Enron stopped asking about things it already knew and started asking it about things it had doubts about.

"How does the upper realm control the leaders of the lower realm?"

As expected, Qi Ling couldn't think. He didn't know that this was a confidential question, so he quickly gave the answer: "In the head of the leader of the big sect, there is a warning array in the upper realm. Once the other party has the idea of ​​​​war, the upper realm will send If someone interferes with his thoughts, if he is strong-willed and cannot interfere, he will directly seize the body and control the situation."

So that's it, An Ran thought to himself, it's a bit similar to the setting of a different-dimensional hacker.

"Who is your master?" An Ran asked casually again.

The original person should have asked this question, but he probably felt that it had nothing to do with him, so he forgot about it after asking it. His memory was very vague. When An Ran asked the system to scan the last time, he did not check the name of the owner of the weapon spirit. After all, At that time, for her, she just wanted to see how the master of the weapon spirit came to the lower world, and was not interested in his name. After all, in An Ran's opinion at the time, since he had escaped to the lower world, his name must have changed. Got it? It's no use either.

But now, An Ran was a little curious, so he asked this question at this time, and then prepared to ask someone in the intermediate cultivation world to find out what was going on with this person. Of course, this was purely out of curiosity and had nothing to do with the mission.

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