Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 113 The Wife in the Game 9

A drop in the ocean said: "I participated in a team when I was in college, but then I stopped playing when I started working. However, I still like playing games, so I will play some after get off work."

"No wonder you are so good at it. You actually have been a professional gamer." An Ran sighed, and then thought, I'm afraid that the results of the year were not very satisfactory, otherwise, those who make millions every year would probably not stop playing. And after working, of course, it is also possible that his job prospects are better than playing games, so he gave up playing games.

When An Ran went offline and was about to practice her inner strength for a while before going to sleep, she heard the sound of smashing things coming from Xu Zhuoran's room next door. She couldn't help but smile to herself, thinking about Xu Zhuoran being slapped in the face over and over again like a drop in the sea, leaving him in the dark. Being beaten in the game made him lose face, which he always valued the most. He must be very angry tonight.

Yes, Xu Zhuoran had a very bad night, especially when he saw the players on the Internet laughing at him, which made him even more angry. Unable to bear it anymore, he put a reward on the Internet, asking people to hunt down a drop in the ocean and kill him once. He gave 100 gold ingots and killed until the end of the round, and then criticized those who laughed at him, saying that if they couldn't kill a drop in the ocean, it showed that they couldn't do it either, and they had no right to laugh at him.

Although many people said that they didn't cause trouble for a drop in the ocean, and he wouldn't kill them, so why should they kill a drop in the ocean? It's not like him, provoking others first, and then being killed by others, which is very embarrassing. , If you don’t laugh, who is he laughing at? Xu Zhuoran was extremely annoyed when he saw it, but now that the matter had come to this, he could only comfort himself. Those people who did not dare to kill a drop in the ocean just had no right to laugh at him; and if someone could kill a drop in the ocean, come and avenge him. Qiu, secondly, it can also make a drop in the ocean understand that in the game, it is not who is good who can run wild, it depends on who has money!

But it is said that Yuanbao can only be obtained by recharging. 100 Yuanbao is equivalent to 10 yuan. If you kill five times, you can drop one level. A drop in the ocean is now level 70 and you can kill 300 times (below level 10 is protected by novices and cannot be killed), which is equivalent to 3,000. Yuan, and the equipment on the drop in the ocean is good, and it kills people who will be killed if they drop it, so this is still a good deal, so Xu Zhuoran feels that as soon as his bounty is announced, there will always be people who want to make this money. It is impossible to kill a drop in the ocean, and it is impossible that everyone cannot be killed. In this way, if the drop in the ocean is really wasted, he will have taken revenge, and let people know the consequences of offending him.

In fact, if he hadn't been in a tight situation, his reward would have been higher, but recently he purchased equipment, got gems, and gave Xiaoxiao Ai a lot of things. The money he got from his parents was all used up. We don't have much money at the moment, so we can only offer a reward of this price.

Xu Zhuoran did nibble on his old age, but he was not like what is often written in social news. If he wanted anything, he would have to ask his parents for money. He asked Xu's father and Xu's mother for money, but he was still very restrained, so Xu's father and Xu's mother always I think my son is a good boy.

Although Xu Zhuoran felt that the reward of 3,000 yuan was a bit small, he thought that using so much money to kill a game player would make people want to take the business.

But Xu Zhuoran never thought that a drop in the ocean used to be a professional gamer. How could ordinary people kill him? And the person who could really kill him was a professional gamer. How could he be so interested in his three thousand yuan? So he was doomed. This bounty has to go to waste.

This is not mentioned later, but it is mentioned at the moment. The next morning, An Ran found that Xu Zhuoran's face was ugly, and his eyes were black and swollen. He probably didn't sleep well last night. After all, he was a good-looking person, and he was treated like that. Ridicule, it’s amazing that I can sleep well.

An Ran didn't laugh at him, and of course she didn't ask him what was wrong. Anyway, she just treated him as nothing, packed up and went out.

Xu Zhuoran couldn't help but feel angry when he saw An Ran ignoring him, secretly thinking that he was really unlucky recently. His wife was annoying in real life, and things in the game were also annoying.

He couldn't solve the matter in the game for the time being, but in reality, he could mention the matter to his parents about Fang Anran not cooking for him and let them beat Fang Anran to let her know his identity.

An Ran naturally didn't know that Xu Zhuoran was dissatisfied with her behavior and planned to ask Xu's father and Xu's mother to deal with her. She only knew that time was a drop in the ocean to take her to level up and Xu Zhuoran saw that no one could kill a drop in the ocean to avenge him very quickly, and with Xu Zhuoran Zhuo Ran was still in the cold war. A few days passed like this. One day, Xu's mother suddenly called An Ran and said, "An Ran, come over for lunch today."

An Ran's heart moved. She must know that Xu's mother usually doesn't invite her over because as the director of the obstetrics and gynecology department, she has a lot of work and doesn't have time to invite her over for dinner, so Xu Zhuoran usually takes her over when she is resting. past.

But today is not a day for rest. Logically speaking, Xu's mother doesn't have time to go to her, so why did she suddenly call her? Maybe something happened?

With this thought in her mind, An Ran agreed anyway. Firstly, she had no excuse, and secondly, she wanted to see what she wanted to do, so she said immediately: "Okay."

So after get off work at noon, An Ran logged into the game and left a message for Yisu in the Ocean, saying that she was going to her husband's house for lunch so as not to have him wait for her. Then she logged off and went to Xu's father and Xu's mother's house.

Xu's father and Xu's mother lived in a villa. In fact, Xu's mother originally wanted the young couple to live with them, or Xu Zhuoran wanted to play games outside and did not want to live with his parents and listen to their nagging, so he insisted on living outside. , otherwise, if Xu Zhuoran wanted to live outside, relying on Xu's mother's strength, if the original person proposed not to live together, Xu's mother would definitely not agree, and when the young couple would have to live with them, the conflict would probably be greater than There are many more in the original memory. After all, there are more conflicts when there are more people. What's more, from the memory, Xu's mother is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Sure enough, as soon as they entered the villa, Xu's mother gave An Ran a blow. When Xu's mother saw Xu Zhuoran, she looked distressed and said, "Oh, Zhuoran, why have you lost so much weight these days?"

Then he looked at An Ran and said: "An Ran, what kind of food have you cooked for Zhuo Ran recently? How did you make Zhuo Ran lose so much weight?"

Xu Zhuoran did lose a lot of weight, but it was definitely not because of eating takeout, but because of things going wrong in the game and excessive anxiety.

But when Anran heard Xu's mother say this, she secretly thought that Xu Zhuoran should have said something to her, so she beat herself up, otherwise she would not have found her today and said such things.

Just when she was about to reply, Xu Zhuoran on the side looked angry and said: "You can eat whatever you want. She doesn't cook every day. She orders takeout. The takeout is terrible. How can I not lose weight?"

Mother Xu on the side turned ugly when she heard Xu Zhuoran say that Anran didn't cook, and said, "What's the matter with you? I handed Zhuoran over to you, and this is how you take care of him?"

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