Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 112 The Wife in the Game 8

[Guild] Zhuoerbuqun: [Hug] Don’t worry, I will help you get it back. If he doesn’t give it back, I will kill him to death!

[Guild] Xiao Xiao Ai: Thank you, husband, you are so kind. [cute][cute][cute]

[Guild] Xiao Xiao Ai: Husband, let everyone in the guild above level 65 go over and focus on him. I don’t believe he can deal with so many people by himself!

[Guild] Zhuoerbuqun: I know, I have this plan.

At that moment, Xu Zhuoran called all the guild's online level 65 or above players and came towards An Ran and the two men aggressively.

An Ran saw that it was indeed what he thought. Xu Zhuoran was not willing to fail. When he came back from the resurrection point, he gathered a group of masters from the guild to take revenge. He was afraid of increasing the burden on Yisu in the sea, so he hurriedly followed Yisu in the sea's advice and escaped. It wasn't that she didn't Zhengyi, but her level is too low and she doesn't have the capital to be righteous yet. Staying here will only hinder a drop in the ocean, so there is no need to squeeze in and die to show her loyalty.

A drop in the ocean saw that she had hidden it, so she held her staff and faced Xu Zhuoran and others.

Xu Zhuoran thought that he was outnumbered and didn't need to be afraid of a drop in the ocean this time, so when he saw a drop in the ocean coming, not only was he not afraid, but he even went there to ask for equipment without shame, saying: "I suggest you quickly buy the equipment we just dropped. Come back, or else... Huh, don't say we're bullying others if it's a waste of time..."

As a result, before he finished speaking, he saw a huge fireball coming straight towards him. Xu Zhuoran was startled. If there weren't many people around, he might have jumped up and turned around to avoid the attack, but because of the surrounding There were too many people, and he couldn't be embarrassed like running around with his head in his arms. After all, he was only a short-lived man. It would look like running away in the face of an attack. It was too inconsistent with his status. Thinking that there would be a priest behind him to increase his health, There was no problem, so he stood there calmly and quickly shouted to everyone on the voice channel to stop standing, and quickly besieged the drop in the ocean.

Xu Zhuoran thought that he had more people, and this time he would definitely be able to kill Canghai Yisu, the boy who had caused him great disgrace. However, he underestimated Canghai Yisu's abilities. This guy was a crispy mage, as agile as an archer, jumping up and down. After escaping repeated attacks from everyone, Xu Zhuoran yelled at the side at the top of his lungs for everyone to gather fire. Although he tried to hide as far away as possible in order to direct the battle, he was killed by Cai Hai Yisu without paying attention.

Xu Zhuoran, who was killed by a drop in the sea, continued to command on the voice channel without giving up, but within a few minutes, the others were also sent back to the resurrection point one by one by a drop in the sea.

Xu Zhuoran saw that he had called so many people but still couldn't kill a drop in the ocean. Although he already understood that this drop in the ocean seemed to be quite powerful, it seemed that it would be difficult for him to defeat him, but now he had an arrow on the string and had to shoot. After all, there were so many people. Looking at me, if I hadn't beaten him down, how could he still be hanging around in this area? So the furious Xu Zhuoran, no matter how he knew that he might not be able to defeat a drop in the ocean, had to bite the bullet and continue to yell at the guild people to continue to gather fire against a drop in the ocean.

But this time, some people were unwilling to go. Without him, some people followed him and were killed twice by a drop in the ocean. Not to mention the loss of experience, many people also lost their equipment. I am the only one who can enter, and then a drop in the ocean is willing to fight. They usually have some combat effectiveness, that is to say, they have good equipment. If such good equipment is dropped, and it seems that it will not come back, will they continue to die and continue to drop good equipment? So except for some of Xu Zhuoran’s die-hards, most people stopped accompanying them. After all, this is a guild in the game, not a real company. Xu Zhuoran is not their boss, and the equipment was not given to them by Xu Zhuoran, so they How could he continue to listen to Xu Zhuoran's orders and continue to pay for equipment?

Xu Zhuoran originally didn't want to continue fighting with Canghai Yisu to avoid being slapped in the face again and again. At this time, seeing that not many people were calling, he borrowed Poxiadonkey and said that no one wanted to go. The fight couldn't be successful now and he would find another place later. So much.

Those who were willing to go with Xu Zhuoran to beat up a drop in the ocean couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when Xu Zhuoran took back the order. You must know that they were willing to accompany Xu Zhuoran to continue to cause trouble for a drop in the ocean out of loyalty, but they were also unwilling to fail or even drop the grade. It drops equipment, so it would be better if you don’t.

And watching a drop in the ocean challenge a group of elites one by one, not only did they not die, but also killed the opponent. The nearby players who were watching the excitement were stunned, and they videoed it and posted it online, attracting waves of players to marvel at the drop in the ocean. In addition to the operation, he also laughed at Xu Zhuoran and Weiwei, and gloated about who made them always act arrogant. They cleared the field and the leveling area at every turn. Now they kicked the iron plate. They deserved it. Look. Xu Zhuoran's face was extremely ugly. He felt that today was the unlucky day of his life. He had always cleared the field like this before when he was leveling up. It had always been smooth and there had never been any accidents, so he never thought that one day he would be able to kick the iron. Ban, if I had known earlier that this drop in the ocean was so difficult to deal with, he would never have troubled him and caused himself such a huge loss of face.

Damn it, I didn’t regain my position like this. How can I mess around in this game in the future? Destroy this account and start a new account. The equipment can be mailed to the new account by the old account. You can also find a power leveler to practice the level quickly. However, if you want to change to a new account and start over, you must completely break up with the past. Otherwise, if people knew that the new account was him, wouldn't the scandal still haunt him? But if everything starts over, the status, prestige, scenery, etc. that he has gained in this game for so long will be gone. The thought of everything having to start over again naturally makes Xu Zhuoran unable to bear this thought, and he will give up immediately. Got this number.

So Xu Zhuoran was preparing to retreat and asked the agent to give him a new account, while thinking about how to get back the situation this time. If he really couldn't get it back, he would have to change his account and start over.

Not to mention how furious Xu Zhuoran was over there, but here, after returning to the city, An Ran remembered that she would join Xu Zhuoran's guild in the future, and now she had a PK with him - although she avoided it afterwards She didn't fight, but she did fight the first time. Her name will definitely appear in the other party's history information. If the other party remembers her name, how can she join Xu Zhuoran's guild in the future? ? So he couldn't help but said sadly: "I'm afraid it won't be possible to join the Sovereign Guild now."

Hearing her plaintive tone, Yisu in the sea smiled and said: "Don't worry, there is a name-changing charm in the mall. This happened because of me. I will buy it for you when the time comes. If you change your name, he will know that you have fought with him before." .”

An Ran was relieved when he heard that there was such a good thing. Now thinking of his skills, he couldn't help but ask: "Are you a professional player?"

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