In the past, when there was no Miss Yan Yong, Hoshimi would feed her with his own hands...


Soon after, Qinzi, who was full, fought against Sandman in Xingjian's arms.

"Qinzi, are you still taking a bath?" Xingjian asked softly.

"I won't wash anymore...I want to sleep..." Qinzi, who could hardly lift her eyelids, leaned against Xingjian's arms and muttered.

"Well, then sleep..."

"En..." With permission, Qinzi closed her eyes with peace of mind.

Xingjian: "Qihai, I will trouble you with the rest."

Qihai: "It's okay, this is my job..."

Xingjian didn't say anything else, and struggled to pick up Qinzi and went to the guest room on the second floor.

At this time, his bedroom is not suitable for people to rest, it is better to change the room.

After settling the piano, Xingjian dragged his tired body and headed for his bedroom. He was going to tidy up some traces that Qihai couldn't see.

But what he didn't expect was that Qihai had already started tidying up his bedroom.

As soon as he pushed open his bedroom door, he saw Qi Hai blushing and removing the quilt cover, and she was so absorbed in it that she didn't notice his arrival at all.

He walked behind Qihai with a delicate expression, and patted his shoulder lightly.

"Yeah~~~" Qihai was taken aback, she subconsciously clenched the quilt cover in her hand, and looked behind her in a panic.

"Xingjian-kun?" The blush on Qihai's face became more and more intense, she let go of the quilt, and said at a loss: "Xingjian-kun, didn't you go to rest?"

"I have one more thing to do..." Xingjian raised his eyebrows slightly, and pointed to the red hair on the bed sheet, "I want to save that, but I'm not strong right now, Qihai, can you cut it for me?" ?"

"..." Qihai's breath was stagnant, and her whole body was trembling slightly with embarrassment.

She wanted to refuse, but for some unknown reason she nodded, "...Okay..."

312. "Nanami, have you broken your mouth?"

Looking at the small bed sheet with Luohong printed in her hand, Qingshan Qihai's mind went blank, and she had no idea what kind of thoughts she had in cutting out this thing for Xingjian.

"Qihai, thank you." Hoshimi, who was standing obliquely behind Qingshan Nanami, took a step forward, and with an extremely delicate expression, took a piece of bed sheet that was only the size of a handkerchief from Qingshan Nanami's hand.

"...No...No...Don't need to..." Qingshan Qihai, whose head was muddled, couldn't even speak clearly.

She froze in place, at a loss, not knowing what to say or what to do.

"Qihai, what's wrong with you? You don't look very good..." Xingjian leaned forward slightly, looking at Qingshan Qihai with a confused expression from bottom to top.

The figure of Hoshimi appeared in the field of vision, Qingshan Nanami subconsciously met the eyes of Hoshimi.

Looking at those magnificent eyes that looked like pomegranate seeds, Qingshan Qihai's breathing was stagnant, and her heartbeat also missed half a beat.

She took a few steps back in a hurry, her pretty face blushed, and she said with evasive eyes: "'s okay...Xingjian Jun, you've been tired all should go to rest...I Will get the job done..."

"Really? Qihai, if you say that, then I'm relieved." Xing Jian straightened up, staring at Qingshan Qihai with a smile on his face.

"..." Qingshan Qihai, who didn't dare to look at Xingjian anymore, lowered her head deeply, almost hiding her head in her puffy breasts.

Xing Jian looked at it for a while, and seeing that Qi Hai didn't answer, he turned around and put the Luohong "handkerchief" in the locked drawer of the closet.

Although Qihai on the side didn't dare to look at Xingjian again, but the corner of his eye was always wandering on Xingjian's body, witnessing everything Xingjian did the whole time.

When Xing Jian closed the closet and turned to look at her, she lowered her head deeply again, making an ostrich appearance.

Xingjian: "Qihai, then I'm going to rest, if there's anything else, just wake me up."

Qihai: "Well... Hoshimi-kun, go and rest..."

"Well, then I'll go." Xing Jian rolled his eyes, walked to the door and closed it, but he didn't go out.


Hearing the sound of closing the door, Qingshan Qihai breathed a sigh of relief, but never realized that Xingjian had quietly lurked behind him.

"Hmm~" Qingshan Qihai pursed her lips, and found that her thoughts were still very chaotic, and she couldn't figure out any clues at all.

Today, she suddenly didn't know how to get along with Mr. Xingjian...

As long as Mr. Xingjian stood beside her, her head would be dizzy, and some fragmented and messy thoughts would pop up in her heart, even she herself didn't know what she was thinking.

Now, Hoshimi-kun is going to rest, and she can finally calm down and think about how to face Hoshimi-kun in the future...

First of all, you can no longer make too intimate actions with Hoshimi-kun, so as not to be misunderstood by Miss Yan Yong.

Things like ear picking, knee pillows, and massages in the past can no longer be done, even if Hoshimi-kun asks for it...

do it again...

Aoyama Nanami's eyes are gradually dimming, and if she continues to do this, it will cause Miss Iwanaga's misunderstanding, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to see Hoshimi-kun again...

It's just a housewife, and it's a housewife who only comes once a week. It's easy for others to replace her.

Presumably Hoshimi-kun doesn't want to have conflicts with Ms. Iwanaga because of a housekeeper.

"Alas~" Qingshan Nanami sighed, her already dim eyes became even more dim.

Her brows and eyes were lowered, and she was in a state of disarray, ready to use work to numb herself.

She turned around and stepped...

Then she crashed into a familiar embrace, her whole body froze, and her head froze instantly.

Before she could recover, she felt a pair of palms around her lower back, and then pushed her towards Hoshimi-kun.

That's right, she was sure that she was standing very steadily, and that she fell forward was all because of the hands at the back waist.


"Hiss~~ Pain~~"

After a dull sound, Xingjian's pain rang in Qihai's ears.

Although Qihai, who fell into Xingjian's arms, knew that Xingjian was at fault, she still inevitably panicked.

She hurriedly raised her head and looked at Xingjian in a panic, "Mr. Xingjian, are you okay?"

"You look like I'm fine..." Xing Jian bared his teeth in pain.

It really hurts, and without any protection, falling straight backwards, this feeling is not easy for ordinary people to taste.

What's more, he was sore all over now, and he was holding someone in his arms, and the fall made him feel that his internal organs were shaking so much that he was about to shift.

"Xingjian-kun, I'll help you up..." Qihai hurriedly helped Xingjian to the side of the bed and sat down.

"Hiss~~" After sitting down, Xing Jian suddenly felt a burning pain in his back, especially the few places near his shoulder blades, the pain was unbearable, as if a hole had been broken.

Wait, breach?

He fell on his back, how could he break his mouth?

"Qihai, help me take a look at my back, why does it feel like I have a cut?" Xingjian lifted up his clothes and motioned for Qihai to help him take a look.

"En..." Qihai stood beside Xingjian, bent down to look over Xingjian's back.

I don’t know, I’m scared.

Xing Jian's broad back was full of messy scratches, strips and strands everywhere, from the shoulders to the back of the waist, none of them fell down.

Among them, the scratches near the shoulder blades were particularly severe, and there were several traces of blood.

Looking at the tragic situation on Xingjian's back, Qihai's expression was particularly exciting.

Miss Yan Yong caught this?Xingjian Jun really doesn't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade...

However, with Ms. Yanyong's petite figure, even if Mr. Xingjian wanted to take pity on her, the result would probably be too much.

"Qihai, how are you? Did you break your mouth?" Seeing that Qihai remained silent for a long time, Xingjian asked actively.

"Well... There are several cuts near the shoulder blades..." Qihai straightened up, looked at the corner beside her, and said softly, "Hoshijian-kun, do you want to apply some medicine?"

"Apply some." Xingjian took off his clothes, lay flat on the bed and waited for Qihai to apply the medicine to him.

At first, he really didn't realize where the cut on his back came from. After all, he had no energy now, and his head was indeed a little slow to turn.

But later, when he exposed his back to the air, he suddenly woke up again.

I'm afraid Qinzi's girl didn't catch this hole, and the girl said proudly that she wasn't afraid, but in the end she caught a lot of holes on him.

Hmph~ This little guy still dares to be brave. After suffering this time, he must be able to understand that no matter how similar dreams and reality are, there is a difference after all.

313. "Be patient, it may hurt..."

Thinking about it in the future, I won't be as "arrogant" as last night.

"Mr. Xingjian, I'm here, bear with me, it might hurt a little."

While thinking about it, Qingshan Qihai found the ointment and returned to the bedside.

"Well, Qihai, you can come, I won't..."


Before he finished speaking, Qihai's cold little hands applied the ointment to his wound.

The coldness and the sudden sting made Xingjian gasp involuntarily.

He clutched the pillow with both hands, tensed his toes, and forced himself to endure the sour taste of applying the ointment.

"..." Qihai, who was sitting by the bed, saw Xingjian's appearance, her brows and eyes unconsciously curved into a beautiful arc.

Hoshimi-kun, this is self-inflicted...

Although I don't know what Hoshimi-kun is planning when she falls while holding her, but it is definitely not a good thing, maybe he just wants to see her panic-stricken.

Hmm~ You already have an extremely close girlfriend, but you still want to tease her. Isn't this self-inflicted?

Thinking like this, Qi Hai's thoughts gradually became clear. She looked at Xing Jian lying on the bed, and carefully applied the ointment evenly.

In any case, Hoshimi-kun is still Hoshimi-kun, and he will not restrain his teasing temper just because he has a girlfriend.

"Xingjian-kun, it's done."

Soon after, the ointment was applied.

Xingjian was naked to the waist, laying on the bed not wanting to move, he buried his head on the pillow filled with the fragrance of the zither, and said in a muffled voice, "Qihai, come to my house to be a maid, the treatment can be negotiated."

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