"Um~" He looked at the water stains on the sofa and the floor with some distress, he wanted to get up and clean it up, but the prickly pain in his lower back made him struggle for several times but failed to get up.

"Xingjian-kun, let me clean it up, you just need to rest." Qihai hurriedly stepped forward and held down Xingjian.

"Okay, then I'll open the door, it should be breakfast." Saying that, Xingjian wanted to get up.

"Xingjian-kun, I'll go." Qihai turned her head and walked towards the entrance.

Xing Jian, who was slumped on the sofa, chose to give up after struggling twice.

Forget it, let's rest today, my back hurts, and I can't exert any strength...

It's all because of that little fairy, Qinzi.

"Ah~ That's right~" Xingjian's face turned bitter, and he remembered that he had to ask Qinzi to come down for breakfast.

It's not good for Qihai to do this matter, after all, Qinzi's current state is inconvenient to meet outsiders...

"Alas~" Xingjian sighed, endured the soreness all over his body, forced himself to stand up and went to the bedroom on the second floor.

To be honest, if he hadn't used "Resurrection" last night, he would have to eliminate his exhausted negative buff no matter what.

"Xingjian-kun, why are you up?"

As soon as Qihai got the incubator back to the living room, she saw Hoshimi struggling up the stairs holding on to the handle.

She quickly put down the incubator, trying to help Xing Jian.

"Qihai..." Xing Jian turned around and ordered: "Don't help me, you can set up the breakfast first, and I can start immediately after I call people down."

"..." Qihai silently withdrew the foot that had already stepped on the stairs, "Well...I see..."

Is it really so...

She pursed her lips, lowered her head and lifted the incubator, came to the coffee table and was sitting down, taking out a plate of hearty breakfast and laying it out.

Why do you feel so uncomfortable?Isn't it a matter of time?

On the day she found out that Hoshimi-kun had a girlfriend, she expected this scene to happen sooner or later.

If so, why is it so uncomfortable?

Could it be that she really...

Qihai shook her head, her beautiful eyes bleakly eliminated a certain possibility from her mind.

She emptied her mind and continued to do what she was doing mechanically.


331. "Kotoko and Nanami's First Meeting"

On the second floor, Xing Jian, who entered the bedroom, sat down on the edge of the bed, gently shaking the Qinzi who was tucked into the bed.

"Qinzi, get up and eat~"

"Hmm~ I don't want to eat...let me sleep...I don't want to..." Qinzi who was woken up murmured deliriously.

Across the quilt, Xingjian couldn't hear what Qinzi said clearly, he lifted the quilt, put his palm on Qinzi's fragrant shoulder and pushed.

"Qinzi, get up and eat~"

"Hmm~~" Qinzi subconsciously tightened her body with a chill on her back, "Xingjian...I admit defeat...I won't come...I was wrong...don't..."

Listening to Qinzi's babble, the corners of Xingjian's mouth curled into a slight arc. He slid his palm down and stroked Qinzi's smooth jade back, and said softly, "Qinzi, if you don't get up again, I will continue~"

Hearing this, the drowsy Qinzi suddenly woke up, dragging her delicate body that seemed to be filled with lead, wrapping up the quilt and rolling to the corner with difficulty.

With her back to the wall, she looked at Xingjian half shyly and half vigilantly.

"Xingjian...I really can't come again..." Qinzi's voice was very hoarse.

Xing Jian couldn't help feeling pity when he heard it. He looked at Qin Zi and said gently: "It's morning, eat something, take a bath and go to bed, don't be hungry."

"Oh~ so it's eating..." Qinzi, who had exhausted a lot of energy, was indeed a little hungry. She lifted the quilt and opened her jade arms with a smile, "See you~ hug me down~"

"En?" Xingjian tilted his head slightly, his smile became more and more warm, "Qinzi, what should you call me?"

"Ah~ I'm used to it, and I can't change it for a while." Qinzi scratched her head, opened her jade arms again, and repeated again, "Qingchuan~ hug me down~"

"Yeah~" Xing Jian nodded with a smile, "Wait a while, I'll find you some clothes to wear."

"En..." Qinzi blushed and glanced at the white dress thrown at the end of the bed.

The dress she wore last night was already so dirty that she couldn't wear it anymore.

"Qinzi, are you wearing a shirt or a T-shirt?"

"T-shirt! White!" Qinzi blinked expectantly.

After staying overnight at her boyfriend's house, she had no clothes to wear, so she had to wear her boyfriend's clothes. She must have this kind of classic link!

"Okay~" While searching for a white T-shirt in the closet, Xingjian paused unconsciously when he touched a certain white shirt.

This shirt was worn by Shi Yu last time... He still had time to wash it, and he wondered if Shi Yu's scent would still be left on the shirt after so many days?

Xingjian thought about it, and took a white T-shirt from another compartment of the closet just to be on the safe side.

"Qinzi, should I help you wear it or do you do it yourself?" Xing Jian asked back on the bed.

"En~~" Qinzi raised her slender neck and opened her jade arms, the meaning was self-evident.

Xing Jian couldn't help laughing, he took a step forward, knelt on the bed with his left knee, kicked his right leg on the ground, and easily put the T-shirt on Qin Zi.

Then, enduring the soreness all over his body, he hugged Qinzi with difficulty.

"By the way, I almost forgot." Xingjian put down the qin, and took the prosthetic limb that was put aside to fit the qin.

"It's all right now, let's go." Xingjian picked up the piano again and went to the living room on the first floor.

In the middle, Xingjian remembered something and whispered in Qinzi's ear: "Qinzi, my mobile phone, wallet and bracelet are still at your house, can you ask your maid to bring them to me? The mobile phone is not here. I'm a little unaccustomed to being around..."

Qinzi stuck to Xingjian's face, smiled and said: "It's okay to send it over, but it can't be delivered by a maid, otherwise the blindfold may be exposed, I'll let the little monster bring it for you, and the three sets of cultivation methods are the same. and bring it here."

Xingjian: "Yes, as long as it can be delivered."

He was a little flustered without his mobile phone by his side, and he didn't know if Xue Nao and Shi Yu had sent him a message last night.

It's bad if you don't reply for too long...


In the living room, when she saw Qihai, Qinzi maintained a polite and elegant smile and looked at Hoshimi, "Qingchuan, can you tell me who she is?"

Xingjian introduced with a clear conscience: "Qingshan Qihai, my friend, a part-time housekeeper, will come to help me clean up the house every Sunday, right? I seem to have told you Qinzi before, right? Have you forgotten?"

Qinzi smiled unabated, "First, did you make a mistake? You didn't tell me about it. Second, why are the domestic service staff girls the same age as you? Is it Obasan?"

"Okay, okay~" Xingjian rubbed Qinzi's soft face, and said with a smile: "Qinzi, you are still jealous at this time, I almost wonder if my hard work all night was in vain."

"Huh~" Qinzi wrinkled her nose, and pinched Xingjian's face with her backhand, "Isn't this the time to be jealous? You are a big carrot, and if I don't know you, how dare you say you are right? Did Miss Qingshan think about it?"

Qihai on the side blushed when she heard this, and hurriedly denied: "You misunderstood, I really have nothing to do with Hoshimi-kun, we are just a simple employment relationship."

"Ouch?" Qinzi crossed Xingjian and looked at Qingshan Qihai, who was pretty and blushing, "It doesn't matter but it's called "Xingjian Jun"?"

"..." Qingshan Qihai opened and closed her lips, wanting to know but not knowing where to start.

"Okay, okay, don't be jealous." Xingjian embraced Qinzi in his arms, and introduced to Qihai at the same time: "Qihai, her name is Yanyong Qinzi, as you can see, she is my girlfriend, and she is a jealous jar. "

"Huh~" Qinzi snorted softly, covered Xingjian's with both hands, and said seriously: "Miss Qingshan, this is my man, he already has a master, you must not intervene...in, otherwise, hum~~"

Qihai shrank her neck, waved her hands in a panic, "No, no...I don't have that kind of thought..."

"It's fine if you don't have one." Qinzi withdrew her gaze, and didn't care about the housewife in front of her.

After three or five seconds of contact, she had already judged that the housewife and Xingjian did not have any deep relationship.

But it doesn't exist now, it doesn't mean there won't be any in the future, routine warnings still need to be done.

"That..." Qihai took out her phone with trembling hands, and asked cautiously, "Miss Yanyong, can I ask your age?"

"En?" Qinzi raised her eyebrows slightly, and said with a slightly dissatisfied expression: "I'm going to be 16 soon, about the same age as you, do you think I'm a child?"

Qihai breathed a sigh of relief, she put away her phone, and said with evasive eyes: "No...no, I'm just asking..."

Miss Yan Yong's appearance and figure are a bit too young, she looks like a little loli who just entered junior high school.

Just now, he thought that Mr. Xingjian had done something unforgivable, and he was wondering whether he should kill his relatives righteously...

Now after asking clearly, she realized that she was thinking too much.

That's right, after all, it's Hoshimi-kun, so how could he do something outrageous.


and many more!

Qingshan Qihai suddenly discovered a serious problem.

Before, the hair she found on Xingjian's shoulder was black and very long.

But Miss Yan Yong in front of her has short light blonde hair.

Is the gap between the two too big?Could it be that Mr. Xingjian is on two boats?

"..." Qingshan Qihai, who guessed the truth, kept flickering eyes.

"Qingchuan, feed me~" Qinzi, who was hungry, acted coquettishly in Xingjian's arms.

"Yeah~ Hey~" Xingjian rubbed Qinzi's little face indulgingly.

"..." Qingshan Qihai, who was witnessing everything on the side, opened her lips, wanting to say something but dared not speak.

She originally wanted to say: "Xingjian-kun is already very tired, let me feed you..."

She thought about it, saying this might spoil the atmosphere at this time, so forget it......

"Qingchuan, this soup tastes good, you should try it too."

"Qingchuan, I want to eat that~"



After a breakfast, Qi Hai felt full without taking a few bites.

She looked at the two people who showed their affection, and a slight depression flashed imperceptibly in the depths of her eyes.

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