Xing Jian went back to the bed and sat down, and said some unhealthy love words to Shi Yu.

After chatting for a while, Shiyu paused the chat because he wanted to have breakfast.

Xingjian held the phone and waited for the meeting, but seeing that Qinzi still didn't reply, he ignored it.

This girl, Qinzi, is probably busy with something, and she will reply naturally when she is free.

"Today is Saturday..." Xing Jian, who was free, thought about it and decided to go play with Xue Nai.

He didn't even change his clothes, he just put on his pajamas and prepared to go to Xue Nai's house.

"Jingle bell~~Jingle bell~~"

As soon as he reached the entrance, the phone rang.

He took out his phone and looked at it, his eyebrows raised slightly unconsciously.

It's Bi Qigu's call, probably not to thank him.

Leaning against the wall, he connected to the phone, ready to hear what Hikigu would say.



The phone was connected, neither Hoshimi nor Hikigu spoke, only the slight breathing sound in the receiver could prove that the other party was listening to the phone.

The determined Xingjian waited unhurriedly for Bi Qigu to speak first.

On the other hand, Hikigu obviously doesn't have as much patience as Xingjian.

After about 10 seconds of dead silence, Hikigu spoke.

"Student Xingjian, you have gone too far..." Bi Qigu's voice was hoarse and depressed, as if he was suppressing his emotions.

"Oh? What did I do? Why didn't I know?" Xingjian's attitude was as casual as ever.

"..." After being silent for a while, Hikigu said in a low voice: "Last night, I met a group of Yakuza on the way home with Orimoto. There were three of them, all of whom were Kong Wu. Powerful polar male."

"At that time, Orimoto and I broke into the scene of their violence, so they separated a person and prepared to drive us away."

"But when he saw the folded book, that person became lustful and wanted to do something with the folded book."

"At that time, Zheben was so frightened that he fell to the ground and looked at me beggingly, asking me to save her."

"I didn't know where the courage came from at the time, so I rushed up to fight that person, it was to buy time for Kaiben to escape."

"After all, I just smashed the scene of their violence, and they didn't want to kill me because of it. If I stop them, I will be beaten severely at most, which is better than letting Kaiben be humiliated."

"That's what I think, and that's what I do."

"I thought I was going to get beaten badly, but..."

After a pause for a while, Biqigu's voice became more and more gloomy, "But it was not what I thought. I was indeed beaten, but it didn't hurt at all. At that time, I thought it was the adrenaline that made me forget the pain. A I hung around that yakuza all the time, and he was very cooperative with me."

"He seemed to have forgotten the existence of the book, and used different tricks to throw me on the ground over and over again."

"Heh~ It's ridiculous, a Yakuza with amazing hand-to-hand skills was actually held back by me for a whole few minutes?"

"As if he was performing, he 'beat' me with all his strength in front of Orimoto, until Orimoto cried and said, 'Let him go, I'll go with you'. I knocked him down easily."

"Then, those two Yakuzas who had been watching the show also came over. In desperation, I finally remembered the bottle of anti-wolf spray you gave me."

311. "The Hero Saves the Beauty"

"I took it out in a hurry and went to the doctor, and sprayed it on the approaching Yakuza."

"Then they covered their eyes and fell down screaming."

"At this point, a group of powerful Yakuza fell into my hands, and I was finally able to escape with my money."

"Changben was terribly scared, and her parents were not at home, so she wanted me to stay with her."

"I refused, because when I was escaping, I found something was wrong. I went back to my home and checked my body carefully."

"Then I found out that after being beaten for so long, I didn't have any scars, not even a bruise, except for some dust on my clothes!"

"Huh~~~" Bi Qigu took a long breath and continued: "Afterwards, I went to check the place where I met those Yakuzas. Xingjian, do you know what I found?"

"I found the remnants of pepper spray on a piece of plastic paper in the corner. I picked it up and smelled it, and even wiped it on my own eyes. I found..."

Bi Qigu gritted his teeth, and said word by word: "That's not anti-wolf spray at all! It's water! Pure water!!"

"Huh~~" Bi Qigu seemed a little tired, "Xing Jian, I've finished what I need to say, now it's your turn to explain."

Xing Jian, who patiently listened to everything, said lazily: "Is that so~ it turned out that there was water in the bottle of anti-wolf spray, really, why would someone play such a prank? What if something happens, Hikigu Don't worry, since there is something wrong with that bottle, then I will give you a box of original packaging to ensure that the original packaging is absolutely genuine."

"Xing! See! Qing! Chuan!" Bi Qigu gritted his teeth and roared in a low voice: "Are you still denying it?! Why are you doing this!! Orimoto is almost scared out of her psychological shadow!!"

Leaning against the wall, Xingjian said in surprise: "Not bad~ Bi Qigu, you still have a day when you speak with confidence, I thought you would always be that cowardly, it seems that people You still have to push to see where your potential lies.”

"Star! See you! Qing! Chuan! You..."

"Okay, stop yelling." Xing Jianfeng interrupted Bi Qigu calmly, "Shouting is exhausting, can't you talk well? Also, calm down when things happen, don't be so impulsive, think about the whole thing carefully The cause, process and result of the matter, and then see what you get from it.”

"Now, Bi Qigu, think about it carefully, after what happened last night, what have you gained?"

"..." Hikigu remained silent, only the sound of his slight breathing remained in the receiver.

Xingjian waited for a long time, but did not hear Bi Qigu's voice.

Wanting to play with Yukino, he scratched his head, and said casually: "Okay, if you don't tell me, I'll tell you for you, after "Heroes Save the Beauty", Kaori Orimoto will become your best friend who shares weal and woe, no, the description is a little bit That's not accurate, it should be Kaori Orimoto who received your favor, and it's not just an ordinary favor."

"Because of "Heroes Save the Beauty", there is a high probability that Kaori Orimoto will take the initiative to approach you and become your girlfriend. Even if she doesn't become your girlfriend, she will definitely become your relative and friend who can talk about everything."

"After all, Bi Qigu, you always seem a bit decadent and world-weary, but I have to say that you are a good old man with real value, and you are a good old man with ability. In my opinion, you may be better than Ye Shan in some aspects .”

"It's just that your appearance is so bad that people don't want to get close to you and understand you."

"But after "The Hero Saves the Beauty", Kaori Orimoto is different from other people. She will definitely walk into you and get to know you, and then you can use your charm to keep her by your side. Make her your best friend, even your girlfriend, even your wife."

"That way, you can get out of being alone."

"How? Am I right?"

"..." Hikigu remained silent.

After waiting for a long time, Xing Jian, who did not wait for Bi Qigu to reply, scratched his head, "Hey~ You said something, are you dumb?"

"...Xing Jian, you have gone too far." Hikigu said in a dull voice: "You did this to complete your own "task" that's all, you never thought about what happens if something happens How to do."

"What if?" Xing Jian put down his hands and said with a smile: "I don't have any chances in what I do. Since I want to do it, the only thing I can do is success."

"...Alas~" Hikigu didn't reply, but let out a long sigh with complicated emotions.

Xingjian: "Hikigu, do you mind if I speed up the progress of your relationship?"

Hikigu: "..."

"Heh~" Xingjian laughed, "If that's the case, then Bi Qigu, you are really naive. Maybe you should ask your father whether the process is more important than the result. Your father will definitely give you an appropriate answer."

Hikigu: "...Xingjian, the process and the result don't matter in this matter. What I care about is why you do things so...unscrupulously. Don't you consider other people's feelings? You Do, does Minister Yukinoshita know? If she knows, you..."

"Shut up." Xingjian said very gently.

Hikigu: "..."

Xingjian raised his eyebrows and smiled as warmly as the warm sun in March, "Hiqigu, if Xue Nai finds out about this, I think you will most likely regret it."

"..." Bi Qigu stopped talking, after what happened last night, he saw Xingjian's unscrupulous and unscrupulous.

I finally understand that not all rich kids are as talkative as Minister Yukinoshita.

At this time, he didn't know whether it was good or bad for Minister Yukinoshita and Hoshimi to be together.

But one thing he can be sure of is that with Hoshimi's protection, Minister Yukinoshita will always be "upright" and hold his head proudly forever.

But as a price, someone will definitely taste Hoshimi's methods because of Minister Yukinoshita's "integrity".

For example, he is the first lucky one.

"Ah~" Bi Qigu was a little tired, he covered his eyes and said calmly: "Vice Minister Xingjian, can I quit the service department?"

Xingjian said lazily: "No~ You can't quit just yet."

"Then may I ask Vice Minister Hoshimi, when can I quit?"

"When Xue Nai sees that you have made a girlfriend, you can quit. By the way, don't forget to come to the service department to participate in club activities next Monday."

"Really? I see..."

Hikigu silently hung up the phone.

"En~~~ The task is completed, go to Xiaoxue Nai to ask for the final payment~"

After the call ended, Xingjian stood up, stretched his waist, and opened the door to Yukino's house.

312. "The panacea that makes people unable to extricate themselves"

At the same time, Kotoko Iwanaga, who was staying at home, was thinking about a very serious matter.

Do we need to prepare some medicines that can make Xing Jian feel uncontrollable and unable to extricate himself?

That's right, she was going to implement the decision she made earlier tonight.

It is true that she took Xing Jian to see the world, but it was only a cover to cover up her real plan.

The place she wants to take Xingjian to is just an abandoned sanatorium in the suburbs.

The nursing home is at the foot of the mountain, and there is a road leading directly to the entrance of the nursing home. If you drive, it is estimated that it will only take about 40 minutes. There is no need to enter the mountain as she said.

In addition, staying up all night is also fake. The fierce spirit in the nursing home is just a piece of war scum to the deserted skeleton beside her. As long as you find the specific location, it will be gone with a slap.

According to her calculation, the round trip plus the treatment of the evil spirits only takes 100 minutes.

After that, she will be able to bring Xingjian back to her home to complete the crucial link between the couple.


"Tsk~" the bored Qinzi couldn't help but tsk softly.

She couldn't be sure whether Xingjian would obediently do what she wanted. Although that guy, Xingjian, seemed to be loose and free-spirited, he actually had much stronger self-control than most people.

If he has an idea in his heart, it is almost impossible for outsiders to shake it.

In her opinion, there is a high probability that Hoshimi is planning some lofty goal, otherwise it is impossible for her and Yukinoshita to remain untouched.

Xingjian's plan is a good thing for Xingjian, but it may be difficult for her to accept.

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