"You didn't? Then Bi Qigu, what was the opportunity for you to change? Is it to enter a higher school?"

It was forced by the stars.

The answer is so simple and rude, but it must not be said.

Bi Qigu thought for a while, and said with a guilty conscience: "Because I want to participate in the sorority, so I tidied it up."

Kaori Orimoto's eyes lit up, "Really? Did you know in advance that I would come?"

"Well..." He did know this in advance.

Kaori Orimoto's eyes became brighter, she smiled and chatted with Hikigaya about the things they did in junior high school.

"Bikigu, do you still remember..."


On the other side, Xingjian returned to his home after sending Tianfang Caishui home.

By the floor-to-ceiling windows of the second living room, Xing Jian tossed a bottle of anti-wolf spray with a half-smile.

This bottle is what he picked up from the KTV corridor, as for the bottle that was handed over to Hikigu...

It's just a prop.


Suddenly, the phone rang.

Xingjian took out his mobile phone and answered the call.

"Moses, is this Master Qingchuan?" A calm middle-aged male voice came from the receiver of the mobile phone.

"it's me."

"Master Qingchuan, the matter has been settled."

"Very well, by the way, you probably didn't hurt him, did you?"

"Don't worry, Master Qingchuan, we let the most careful elite thugs in the group go, and we promise not to hurt a single hair of him."

"Well, that's fine."

After the short exchange, Hoshimi hung up the phone.

He put away his phone and continued to toss the anti-wolf spray.

"It's really amazing..." Xingjian looked at the night scene outside the window with emotion.

Only when he wants to accomplish something can he fully appreciate how rich his "inheritance" his cheap father left him.

Throughout Chiba, both black and white forces, large and small, have friendship with his father, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as "friends everywhere".

And this is just an insignificant part of his cheap father's circle of friends.

After all, the friendship between Qianye's big and small forces is just the foundation laid by his father before he won the title of "Stock God".

The real highlight is still the big figures in various circles that his father made friends with after he became the "stock god".

Yesterday, when he was busy with Xue Nai's commission, he accidentally found a hidden ledger in his father's study.

The contents of the ledger are very interesting, it is the transaction record left by his father when he was a "broker".

That's right, he just discovered that his father had been a "broker", but not full-time, but only occasionally.

It is to help some bigwigs who have resources but no channels to find suitable partners.

His father was a "broker" and he was doing serious business, but the bosses wanted to keep it a secret, so it was not easy to make it public, so he could only let his father act as a middleman and introducer.

"Tsk tsk tsk~~ It's amazing, it's really amazing." Xingjian rarely admires others, but his cheap father is definitely worthy of his admiration.

It is not an easy task to start from scratch and occupy a place in the class-solidified Japanese upper class.

If he is allowed to come, he thinks that there is a high probability that he will not be able to do this.

Awesome, really amazing, his cheap father is definitely worthy of the title of "dragon and phoenix among men" and "the proud son of heaven".

"En! It's decided!" Xingjian grabbed the anti-wolf spray that was free falling.

On the anniversary of his parents' death next year, he must go to the cemetery to show his filial piety.

With such a rich inheritance, his conscience would be disturbed if he didn't thank him.

"By the way, what about this thing?" Xingjian looked down at the anti-wolf spray in his hand.

Apart from the unpacking, this thing is completely new.

It's a bit wasteful to just throw it away like this, so let's give it away.

But to whom?

Yukino?No, if Xue Nai is angry, it is really possible to spray him with this thing.

Qinzi is guarded by monsters, so she can't use it.

Then it can only be given to Shiwa or Nanami.

Xing Jian thought for a while, he would give it to whoever came first, Shi Yu or Qi Hai.

"Everything is settled, go find Yukino to play~"

Xingjian walked briskly towards Yukino's house.

At the sorority party, Tianfang Caishui sat close to him all the time, which made him a little angry.

Now he needs to find Xue Nai and help him lower the fire.


After a while.

In Yang Nai's apartment, Yang Nai, who was sitting in front of the computer and watching the monitor, gritted his teeth and growled, "Here we go again! Here we go again!! You bastard!! I'll kill you sooner or later!!"

310. "Qinzi's Invitation"

The next morning, Xing Jian woke up with no energy.

He stared at the ceiling, in a trance, he began to think about why people should live, what is the meaning of life...


After a while, the illusion of lack of energy receded like a tide, and Xingjian also came out of the sage state thinking about life.

He covered his forehead and sat up with a slightly tired expression.

Obviously it's just adding Shi Yu, why is he so tired?

Could it be that Shi Yu, that little fairy, has a special aura?


While thinking about it, the cell phone next to the pillow vibrated several times.

Xing Jian picked up the phone and looked, and found that Shi Yu and Qin Zi had sent messages at the same time.

"Xingjian, do you still remember what you said on Wednesday? 』——Qinzi

"See you, can I come over today?" 』—— Hill of Kasumi

Xing Jian rubbed his forehead while thinking about how to reply to Qin Zi and Shi Yu.

First of all, it's Qinzi's question. What did he say to Qinzi on Wednesday?

I remembered that in order to calm Qinzi and Xue Nai's Shura field, he comforted Qinzi to date her on weekends.

"A date..."

Xingjian got up, walked to the window with her slippers on, drew the curtains and opened the window, and took a deep breath of the cool morning air.

"Huh~ awake~" Xingjian twisted his neck, picked up his phone and replied to Qinzi and Shiyu.

"Qinzi, I remember, where do you want to go on weekends? 』

"Shiwa, I'm sorry, I'm going to my aunt's on weekends, family dinners and dances, I don't want to go, but there's no way...orz"


The information on both sides is returned in seconds at the same time.

"Xingjian, you just remember, this afternoon, I will give you an address, I will send you a message, you come here directly, and I will show you the "real" world. 』——Qinzi

"Okay...then I won't come, by the way, is Hoshimi your aunt's house in Tokyo?"I think I've heard you mention it before, but I can't remember. 』——Shi Yu

Seeing Qinzi's reply, Xing Jian raised his eyebrows slightly.

The "real" world?Is Qinzi going to take him to see the world?Is it a monster?Or a ghost?

Is it female or male?If possible, he hoped to be a mother, and he wanted to test whether his dreams could work on these ghosts and ghosts.

It would be interesting if it works.

Xing Jian, who started to be interested, took his mobile phone and replied to the two of them.

"Okay, I'll be ready. 』

"My aunt's house is in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. After the family dinner and the dance are over, if I have time, I will come and play with you, Shiwa. I don't know where your house is yet. 』


The information on both sides is still returned in seconds.

"Okay, I'll let you know when the time comes. By the way, remember to wear sneakers, you may have to go into the mountains, and remember to fully charge your mobile phone, or take a power bank. It will most likely last all night." 』—Qinzi.

"Chiyoda Ward, a traditional wealthy district, is indeed Hoshimi-kun~ Also, if you can come to my house, I will tell you my address. 』—Shi Yu.

The arc of Xing Jian's eyebrows raised slightly increased.

sports shoes?into the mountains?overnight?It seems that this "journey" will be very exciting.

He took the phone and continued to reply.

"I see, by the way, do you want to bring some self-defense things?" 』

"Okay~ If I have time, I will definitely come, Shiyu, just wait for me for nothing. 』


This time, only Shi Yu's message came back in seconds.

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