Yubihama clenched her pink fist unconsciously.

Before, when Xingjian and Xiaoxue hadn't dated, Xiaoxue kept telling him to be careful about Xingjian, saying that Xingjian had an extremely bad temper and liked to base his happiness on the pain of others.

At that time, she still didn't quite believe what Xue Nai said, after all, in her eyes, Xingjian who always had a smile on her face didn't look like that kind of bad person at all.

Now, after experiencing it personally, she finally knows why Xue Nao said that.

"Why did you do this?" Yubihama lowered her head, clutching the corners of her clothes tightly with both hands.

"Of course it's to restrain you." Xing Jian turned back and continued to move his body, "I said that, except for the dead, no one can keep a secret unless the interests are aligned."

The body was almost stretched, Xingjian walked to the door, picked up the fruit platter on the ground and put it on the table.

Then, he looked at Yubihama, and continued with a slight smile: "Yubihama, now that our interests are the same, we all 'betrayed' Xiao Yukino."

"..." Yubihama was silent.

"Well~ Actually, Yubihama, you don't have to worry too much. As long as you don't expose Shiwa's existence to Yukino, this incident will never happen. After all..."

Hoshimi walked up to Yubihama, leaned down and whispered to her, "After all, it's just a dream, and everything that happened there is uncountable."

"..." Yubihama clenched her silver teeth, her cheeks puffed up slightly.

Can't count? !Doesn’t that feel so real that it’s indistinguishable from reality? !

"Also..." Xing Jian smiled strangely, "Yubihama, I did manipulate your body, but only on the surface of the body, I didn't manipulate your tongue, you stretched it yourself just now... ...."

"I didn't!!" Yubi Binqiao interrupted Xingjian with a blushing face. She stared at Xingjian, as if she was using this behavior to increase her little confidence.

Hoshimi and Yuigahama looked at each other for a while, then straightened up, raised their hands in surrender with a smile, "Yes yes yes~ I manipulated it, who made me a sinful man~"

Hoshimi smiled, and raised his hand to touch Yubihama's head, but Yubihama avoided it vigilantly.

298、"It's still hot"

He didn't care, retracted his hand, and said with a smile: "Okay, my task is considered complete, so I won't talk about you anymore. Goodbye, student Yubibin."

After saying that, Xingjian turned and walked towards the door.

"By the way, I almost forgot." After walking two steps, Xingjian suddenly remembered something, and he turned his head to look at Yubibin, "Yubibin, Yukino is very worried about your situation, you don't want her to bother you any more If so, remember to return to the Ministry of Service as soon as possible."

"However, I suggest that you should not come to the service department in the next few days. Your acting skills are not very good. You can't hide it from Qinzi, and you may not be able to hide it from Xue Nao. If you show some abnormal attitude towards me, it may be a little bit trouble."

"I suggest you delay for a few days, and come to the service department after you are sure that you will not show any abnormal attitude towards me."

"Or I'll let you know after I've solved the problem of Biqigu. When you come to the service department together, the two of you must come together. Qinzi and Yukino won't care about some minor abnormalities."

"Well~ That's all, I'm leaving, goodbye~"

After explaining the precautions, Xingjian left gracefully.

But when he was holding the doorknob, Xing Jian said again: "I will not keep hiding Shi Yu's matter, I know better than you how good Xiao Xue Nai's nose is, no matter how good I conceal it, Xiao Xue Nai One day it will smell abnormal."

"So..." Xing Jian opened the door and said without looking back, "Before the next semester starts, I will definitely confess everything to Xiao Xue Nai."

After speaking, Xingjian closed the door and left.

This time he really left without going back to explain anything.


"Eh? Is Xingjian classmate leaving now? Don't you want to stay and play with Yui?"

"No, I still have something to do at home, so I need to go back early."

"Well~ okay, then I won't keep you. By the way, here are your clothes. I've packed them for you. And here's an umbrella. Take it."

"Eh? Is it okay?"

"Of course, it's still raining outside now, so what if you don't need an umbrella, take it, and you can just return it to Yui tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you Auntie."

Hearing the small conversation coming from the living room, Yuigahama hugged her curled legs unconsciously.


She fell sideways on the floor, staring raptly ahead.

Because it's a dream, so don't worry about it?

Did you do that kind of thing just to warn her not to meddle at will?

That's what kissing feels like...

In the empty bedroom where there was only one person left, Yubihama's thoughts were as messy as a ball of wool that had been ravaged by a kitten all day.

"..." She pursed her lips, her thoughts becoming more and more confused.

That was her first kiss...it just disappeared, a bit reconciled...


It's still raining.

Hoshimi, wearing ill-fitting clothes, walks in the street in the rain with a cold expression.

Yubihama's father should be shorter than him, and the cuffs and trouser cuffs of this dress are a bit shorter.

But although it is short, it is not tight, but very loose. It seems that Yuigahama's father should be a little bloated than him.

This is also normal. There are not many people who can maintain their figure in middle age.


Walking and walking, Xing Jian smelled a sweet breath.

After running around all afternoon, his stomach was empty at the moment, as soon as he smelled the fragrance, he immediately felt hungry.

Without hesitation, he followed the scent and found a small shop by the side of the road.

"Brother, would you like some silk fish roast?"

Jian Xingjian stopped, and the middle-aged aunt guarding the store greeted her skillfully.

"Two servings." Xingjian stepped forward, looking at the fish-shaped snacks with great interest.

The color is golden, the smell is sweet, and it makes people very appetizing.

Two servings, one to eat by himself, and one to take back to Xue Nai.

"Well~" The middle-aged aunt skillfully took out the freshly baked silk fish and bagged it, and at the same time did not forget to ask: "Brother, do you want any drinks?"


"Hello, two silk fish burnt, 300 yen as a favor."

Xingjian paid the money, took the goods and left, all in one go.

After walking away, he took out a silk fish burnt that was still hot and took a bite.

The skin is crispy, with a "click" sound after one bite.

The red bean stuffing inside is soft, glutinous and sweet. As soon as you take it in, the heat of the stuffing mixed with the sweet smell goes straight to your brain.

It tasted good, but Hoshimi only took one bite and put it back in the bag.

It is too sweet!The sweetness of the red bean filling itself cannot be so sweet. There is too much sugar added in it, which is a bit sweet.

It was the same with the crepes last time, and so is the sashimi this time. Why does it always have to be so sweet?

"Alas~" Xing Jian sighed helplessly, it seemed that he was not blessed to endure it, so he could only take it all back to Xue Nai.

Thinking of this, Xing Jian quickened his pace.


Soon after, Hoshimi returned to the apartment.

He didn't go home to change his clothes, and rang the doorbell of Xue Nai's house in this suit.


The door opened, Xue Nai took two steps back to let Xing Jian in.

Xing Jian was not polite, stepped into the entrance, threw the umbrella into the umbrella bucket, and closed the door behind his back.

"No~ the silk fish roast I brought you is still hot." Xingjian raised his hand and shook the bag in his hand.

"En..." Xue Nai took the bag and touched it, and it was still warm.

She stepped aside, took out a silk fish burnt and ate it in small bites, while watching Xingjian change her slippers.

After just a second glance, she found that Xingjian's clothes didn't fit her well, and Xingjian's hair was a little fluffy, which looked like it had just been blow-dried.

"Where have you been?" Xue Nai asked casually.

"Yugahama's house." Hoshimi replied casually after changing his slippers.

"..." Xue Nai paused her hand, her eyes changed slightly, "Did you ask anything?"

"I'll tell you later, I'll go dry and change my clothes first." Xingjian picked up another bag and shook it, "I didn't bring an umbrella when I went to Yubihama's house, and I got wet all over her house , her mother let me take a bath, look at my clothes..."

Xingjian tugged at the collar, "It's a bit short, and it's very wide. This is Yubibin's father's clothes. It seems that her father's figure is not very good."

"..." Xue Nai raised her eyebrows slightly, but pretended to be serious and reproached: "Xing Jian, don't judge her parents at will, it's not good."

"Ah, yes, yes, yes, my eldest lady, you are right~"

"Don't call me Miss!" Xue Nai was really upset.

"Oh~ Got it, Second Miss~"



"So, that's all for Xingjian's report?"

In the living room, Xue Nai who was sitting on the sofa smiled dangerously and looked at Xing Jian who was pillowed on her lap.

Just now, Xing Jian reported to her the content of today's work.

"I went to Yubihama's house in the rain, and dug out from Yubihama the reason for her conflict with Hikigu."

With that one sentence, Xing Jian didn't say anything else.

He didn't say what the cause of the conflict was, how long he had been talking with Yubihama, and didn't say what Yubihama's house looked like.

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