Now that she already knows that this is the "amusement park" for Hoshimi and his sweethearts, she shouldn't stay here any longer, and it's best not to come in again in the future.

Otherwise, Xiaoxue might be interested if she finds out...

"Is there no project you want to play? What a pity~" Xingjian shrugged regretfully.

Although he has noticed the expectation hidden in Yubihama's eyes, but Yubihama doesn't say it himself, and he will not take the initiative to ask Yubihama to "play" with him.


In addition to "playing", he still has one thing that has not been resolved.

"Yubihama, you've got me now..." Xing Jianruo looked at Yubihama meaningfully.

"Eh..." Yuigahama, who vaguely realized something was wrong, lowered his head and took two steps back, " long as you live up to Yukino, I won't take the initiative to say it..."

"Really? Then I believe you." Xing Jian smiled secretly.

"Eh? Really?" Yubihama looked up at Hoshimi in surprise.

"Hehe~" Xingjian tilted his head slightly, and said with a bright smile: "How is it possible? No one can keep a secret except the dead, so..."

The smiling Hoshimi walked towards Yuigahama step by step.

"?!!" Yuigahama's eyes widened, and she looked at Hoshimi who was getting closer and closer in disbelief.

What's the meaning?Is Hoshimi-kun trying to...kill her?

Yuigahama couldn't believe it, seeing Hoshimi's bright smile, her body started to feel cold for some reason...

She stood there in a daze, as if frozen, unable to move at all.

"Yubihama..." Hoshimi walked up to Yubihama and said with an undiminished smile, "So, I'm sorry..."

"?!!" Yubihama froze, her lips trembling and unable to speak.

The next moment, her body started to move...

But she didn't command it herself, but a gentle and powerful external force manipulated her body to move.

She couldn't speak, and wanted to shout but there was no sound.

She couldn't help herself, and it was useless to struggle.

Only the eyeballs left in her whole body can move. She moved her eyeballs and looked around quickly.

Looking at it, something suddenly happened to her...

It was clearly in a high-rise water tower last second, but it appeared in a room this second.

and many more!This room looks familiar!

Yubihama looked around carefully, only to realize that this is not her own bedroom? !

She came out of the dream?Or did Xingjian turn the dream into her room? !

Feeling more and more wrong, Yubibin suddenly discovered that the mysterious force actually manipulated her to kneel down on the ground, and it was the kind of kneeling on all fours.

Then, the mysterious force manipulated her to climb up on the floor, as if learning how to crawl like a puppy.

Her head was lifted up by a mysterious force...

She saw it, saw Xing Jian sitting on the edge of the bed, leaning against the edge of the bed, constantly changing his expression.

That expression looked a little strange, like grievance, like helplessness, like evasion, like struggling...

"???" Yuigahama was confused.

Why did Hoshimi-kun make that kind of expression, obviously I was being bullied, so I should be the one showing that kind of expression.

Wait, why did my body crawl in front of Xingji, and my expression seems to have started to change?

Some Yubihama who didn't understand the situation watched helplessly as he climbed up to Xingjian, then straightened his upper body, held Xingjian's face, and kissed it without hesitation.


The soft touch caused Yuigahama's thoughts to explode completely.

who I am?where am I?What am I doing?

After a while, the answer came.

I'm Yubibin, I'm in the dream of Xingjian, I'm... kissing Xingjian? !

and many more!Not what I wanted to kiss? !But a mysterious force is manipulating her!

Who is manipulating her? !Why do such a thing!

Full of indignation, Yu Bibin looked at Xingjian's face with three points of grievance, three points of helplessness, three points of struggle, and one point of playfulness, and suddenly understood everything.


It's you!Is it you who manipulated my body to betray me? !

You scum!Beast!Don't you want to marry Xiaoxue? !Why do you still do this to me! !

Could it be that you want to marry me too? !

Furious, Yubi Bin's teeth were itching, wishing to poke Si Xingjian with his eyes.

Suddenly, Yuigahama thought of something.

If Xingjian really married her together, wouldn't she be able to be with Xiaoxue forever?

This idea only appeared for a second, and Yuigahama forced it to kill with strong willpower.

She, Yuigahama Yui, will never betray Koyuki!Never! !

297. "I didn't stick out my tongue!!"


Outside Yuigahama's bedroom, Mrs. Yuigahama, holding a fruit platter, knocked gently on the door.

"Yuyi, I have prepared a fruit platter for you, open the door and pick it up."

There was silence and no response.

"En?" Mrs. Yubihama tilted her head slightly, with a hint of suspicion flashing in her eyes.

Why is there no sound at all?What is Yui and her friend doing?

"Knock-knock--" Mrs. Yuigahama, who was suspicious, knocked on the door again, "Yuki, are you there?"

There was silence, and there was still no response.

Mrs. Yuigahama became more and more confused. When she just went downstairs to prepare a fruit platter for Yui and her friends, she clearly heard a slight conversation in the room.

Why is there suddenly no movement now?Called and no one answered.

Could it be that Yui and her friend "eloped" by jumping out of the window?

Thinking of this, Mrs. Yubibin raised her hand to hold the doorknob, pressed it, and pushed it.

The door was opened, and the scene in the bedroom was immediately panoramic.

Her good daughter was sitting on the ground with her back against the edge of the bed, her face was flushed, and she looked up at her with sleepy eyes, with a hint of confusion in her eyes, as if she had just woken up.

And the posture of the daughter's friend is a bit intriguing. I saw him kneeling in front of her daughter on one knee, his upper body leaning forward, and his whole head buried directly in her daughter's towering chest.

Seeing this scene for the first time, Mrs. Yubihama was a little surprised.

In less than a second, this surprise turned into a bewildered smile full of ambiguity and kindness.

"Am I bothering you?" She stood by the door and asked ambiguously.

Hearing his mother's question, Yubihama, who was stunned for two or three seconds, finally woke up like a dream.

wrong!It's just waking up from a dream!

"!!!" Her beautiful eyes widened, and she hurriedly argued: "Mom, it's not like this, listen to me, it's... um~"

Halfway through the talk, Yubihama realized that she couldn't explain to her mother at all.

how to explain?Could it be that Xingjian took him into a dream directly?This kind of explanation, as long as it is an adult with a sound mind, it is impossible to believe it...

"It's okay, Yui, you don't need to explain, mom understands." Mrs. Yuigahama with a bewildered smile put the fruit plate on the ground, "Yui, I put the fruit plate here, I will go to work on my business first , you guys had fun."

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Yubihama smiled ambiguously at Yubihama, then closed the door and left without giving Yubihama a chance to continue explaining.


Looking at the closed door, Yuigahama's lips opened and closed, and a sullen color gradually rose on his blushing face.

After a while, she gritted her teeth and looked at Hoshimi, who still had her head buried in her chest, "Hoshimi-kun!! What exactly are you trying to do?!"

"Huh~~~" Xing Jian heard the sound, suddenly raised his head and took a deep breath.

He patted his chest, and then said in fear: "It's so dangerous, I was almost suffocated to death."

"Hoshimi-kun!!!" Yubibin crossed his arms and glared at Xingjian with a blushing face.

"Sorry~Sorry~" Xing Jian got up, walked to the side, stretched his muscles and bones, and said: "Your mother came just now, I think it's better for me to keep quiet, so I just hid for a while."

"..." Yubibin gritted his teeth tightly, not wanting to pursue the fact that Xingjian took advantage of her in reality.

She gritted her teeth and accepted the excuse given by Xingjian.

But other than that, there is one more thing that has to be figured out!

"Hoshimi-kun! Why did you do that in your dream?!" Yubihama asked angrily.

Kissing is something only couples can do!

If it was a coincidence, she could still forgive her, but just now Xing Jian manipulated her body and kissed her for three to five minutes!

If it wasn't for his mother knocking on the door and alarming Xingjian, this bastard still doesn't know when he will be satisfied!

"Yubihama, don't you even understand this?" Hoshimi, who was doing waist-twisting exercises, looked back at Yubihama, "Of course I did that to catch you~"

"I've recorded the whole process of what happened in the dream just now, and I can broadcast it to Xue Nai whenever I want."

"..." Yubihama was stunned.

At this moment, she finally understood why Xingjian changed the dream into her bedroom, and why she manipulated her body into a gesture of kissing her actively.

It turned out that it was to forge a piece of evidence that she "betrayed" Xiaoxue.

This bastard!

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