Only Qinzi, Yukino, and him are there, so one can imagine what the situation will be...

The tragic Shura field will not be calmed down by the pattering rain.

At this moment, let him steal a moment of leisure...


On the other side, when Xingjian hung up the phone resolutely, Yubibin listened to the busy tone on the phone with a dazed expression.

"..." Yubihama glanced at the hung up phone, and fell into silence for a moment.

After gaining momentum for a short while, Yubihama stood up abruptly while pinching his phone, and roared in an angry and exasperated voice: "Hoshimi Kiyokawa! You big liar!!"

He clearly agreed to answer her question, but ended up hanging up like this? !

As for the excuse Xingjian gave, she didn't believe it! !

She is very familiar with Xiaoxue's cold voice, as long as it appears within her hearing range, she is 100% guaranteed to be able to distinguish it immediately!

And just now, she didn't hear Xiaoxue's voice!

so!See that big liar is lying!He just wants to renege!

"Liar! A liar full of lies!" Yubihama clenched the corner of her skirt angrily.

If Xingjian really reneges on what she promised, then she will never do it in the future!absolute!I will never believe in Xingjian again!

Now, she gave Xing Jian another chance, as long as Xing Jian came to her to fulfill her promise within one day, no, three days, she could still let the past go.

If overdue!Not only will she never believe in Xingjian from now on, but she also wants to sue Xue Nai!


Let's just file a complaint...

Yuhihama softened...

If she really wanted to sue, she didn't know what to say, Xiaoxue was very jealous, as long as things had something to do with Xingjian, Xiaoxue's thinking would become very strange.

She was afraid that if she said something wrong, Xiaoxue would take her first...

"Alas~" Yubibin sighed resentfully.

Don't think about it anymore, let's go back to the private room quickly. She has been out for a while, and it will be hard to explain if she doesn't go back.

"Squeak --"

She pushed open the door of the compartment, and saw Miura Yuiko standing opposite her with a satisfied face.

"Yui, it's good that you can recognize the nature of that white hair. Now go back and vent it." Miura Yuiko, who has always been majestic like a lioness, revealed another side of the lioness at this time.

She held Yubihama's hand tenderly and led her out.

"..." Yubibin Zhu opened and closed his lips with mixed emotions, and finally silently chose to give up explaining.

The reason why Miura organized this small party today is very clear to her, it is to restore her old smile when she is depressed.

Right now, let's obey Miura's wish, let's vent a little, and have a good smile.

Back in the private room, Yuigahama took over the microphone from Miura Yuiko, and sang aloud under the eyes of others.

"Childhood dreams, maybe just graffiti that won't fade. Write down..."

In the brisk melody, Yuigahama followed the rhythm to vent the depression accumulated for several days......

Outside the store, the pattering rain is washing away the dust accumulated in the city for a long time...


"It's raining?"

Hoshimi House, Kasumigaoka who heard the sound of rain sat up from the bed.

She raised her eyes to look out of the window, and the rain like a cloud of smoke came into view.

She raised her willow eyebrows slightly, and her heart couldn't help but feel a little bit of joy.

It's really raining, then she can go and give Xing Jian an umbrella.

As for whether Xingjian has an umbrella or not, that doesn't matter, she just wants to enjoy the feeling of giving Xingjian an umbrella.

In addition, I also stopped by Xingjian's school to swear sovereignty, so as not to make other foxes think wrongly about her man.

"Heh~" Xia Zhiqiu chuckled, got up and sat down in front of the computer desk, took out the cosmetics in his handbag and began to dress himself up beautifully.

With her capital, without makeup, she can instantly kill 98% of women with her figure and plain makeup.

If you dress up beautifully, you can easily defeat 99.99% of women.

Going to Xingjian's school in this way will definitely give Xingjian a lot of embarrassment, and at the same time, it can also hit the vixens who are thinking about Xingjian, making them feel ashamed and retreat when they face difficulties.

After a long time, Xia Zhiqiu, who had painted exquisite makeup, looked at himself in the mirror with his eyebrows like distant mountains and skin like peach blossoms, and couldn't help but raise his orchid fingers and praise him.

"What a beautiful woman who is ashamed of the moon and flowers, and the fish and the wild goose~ I don't know which lucky man to get cheaper in the future~"

"Pfft~" Before the stinky beauty was finished, Xia Zhiqiu couldn't help laughing out loud.

If you want to say who is cheaper, isn't that already an answer?

In her situation, it is difficult to escape from Xingjian.

Well~ Anyway, she didn't have the idea of ​​running away, rather, she was thinking about how to tie Xingjian firmly by her side.

"Heh~" She chuckled lightly, got up and carried a gust of fragrant wind towards the bedroom door.

It's time to deliver an umbrella to Xing Jian, and if we continue to dawdle, if the rain stops, we will have to find another excuse.



288. "The Encounter of Danko and Kasumi Hill"

After an unknown amount of time, Kasumigaoka wandered the streets of Chiba holding a transparent umbrella with a confused expression.

Looking at the completely unfamiliar scenery around her, Xia Zhiqiu felt a little headache, she seemed to be lost...

On a rainy day, the range of vision is limited. He wanted to follow the road that Hoshimi took her home from Sobu High School to Sobu High School, but because of the rain, he unknowingly walked to a completely unfamiliar street.

"Tsk~" Kasumi Hill was a little upset.

Do you want to take a taxi to Hoshimi's school next?

Although it is possible, it always feels that the sense of ceremony is lacking, and the wasteful atmosphere in her fantasy is suddenly gone.

"Forget it, let's take a taxi..." Kasumigaoka reluctantly came to the side of the road holding a transparent umbrella.

It was already a bit late, and if she continued to delay, she was afraid of going to school, but Xing Jian had already left.

It would be nice to miss out on a close call, but it wasn't what she wanted.

"Huh? That's..." Just as Kasumi Hill was about to take a taxi, she suddenly noticed a group of girls coming out of a mass-market KTV on the side of the road.

She looked sideways at the group of girls, and suddenly found that the school uniforms they were wearing seemed to be the girls' school uniforms of Hoshimi's school.

With a happy expression, she retreated to the inner side of the road and watched the group of girls.

Ask them first, if you are close, you can walk there by yourself, if you are far away, you can take a taxi.

Kasumigaoka made up her mind and walked towards the girls who were standing in front of the KTV shop.

Halfway through Kasumi Hill, this group of girls "split up" and "separated themselves". Judging from the fact that most of them need two or three people to share an umbrella, it is probably because some of them did not bring umbrellas , so it can only be divided into small teams, and let those with umbrellas drop by to send those without umbrellas.

Xia Zhiqiu looked at the scattered little girls, and randomly picked a girl with a pink dumpling head to follow.

The reason why she chose this girl was very simple. First, she was walking alone, so it was easier to talk to her.

Secondly, this girl looked more talkative, and she knew that she was much easier to talk to than the blond girl with a strong face over there.

Asking for directions, of course, is to find a kind person.

"Please wait a moment." Xia Zhiqiu called the pink-haired girl not far in front of her.

"Eh?" Yubihama turned around and looked at the black, long, straight girl who was completely unfamiliar with confusion.

When the black, long and straight girl walked up to her, Yubibin couldn't help feeling emotional.

What a beautiful girl, just looking at her face is almost as beautiful as Xiaoxue...

And this figure... so outrageous!This person's body feels better than hers! !

And the smell is great too!At first glance, she looks like a quiet literary girl, but upon closer inspection, she feels very astringent, the kind that boys will like.

If you take a closer look, you can still see the indifference of "Flower of the High Mountain", coupled with the astringent feeling, it makes her a little bit excited even as a homosexual...

"Well, what's the matter with you?" Yuigahama asked softly.

"May I ask how to get to Chiba Municipal Sobu High School?" Kasumigaoka asked while maintaining a safe social distance.

"Eh? Zongwu high?" Yubihama was a little confused, she didn't expect this beautiful girl to ask about her high school.

After being stunned for two seconds, she raised her finger and said, "Go straight from here to the intersection, then turn left and go straight. Zongwu High School is in the middle of that road."

"Okay, thank you." After thanking Xia Zhiqiu politely, he turned around and wanted to leave.

According to the description, the distance is not far away, so she can just walk over by herself.

"Wait..." Yuigahama, who couldn't hold back his curiosity, called Kasumigaoka who was about to leave.

"What's wrong? What's the matter?" Xia Zhiqiu turned to look at the pink-haired girl.

Yuigahama: "Well, I'm a second-year student at Sobu High School. May I ask, what do you do at Sobu High School?"

"I'm going to find someone." Thinking of Hoshimi, Kasumi Hill's eyes burst out with a little light unconsciously.

Yubihama blinked, and immediately realized that the person the black, long, straight girl in front of her was looking for must not be easy for her.'s her boyfriend! !

Thinking of this, Yubihama's heart of gossip, which had been suppressed by depression for several days, began to recover.

She wanted to know which god in Zongwu Gao could find such a perfect girlfriend.

To be honest, according to her aesthetic standards, the Hei Changzhi in front of her has more "girlfriend power" than Xiaoxue.

After all, the figure is a big plus item...

"Well, can I take the liberty to ask, who are you looking for?" After asking, Yubibin hastily added: "Maybe I happen to know the person you are looking for."

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