
The phone rang briefly, and the call was connected.

"Moshi Moshi, is Hoshimi-kun?" Yubihama subconsciously confirmed.

"It's me, I'm listening, tell me." Standing by the window in the corridor, Xing Jian propped himself on the window sill with one hand, and held the phone in the other.

"Hoo~~" Hearing Hoshimi-kun's rarely peaceful voice, Yuigahama took a deep breath a little nervously.

After hesitating for two seconds, she slowly began to tell the whole story.

"Hoshimi-kun, the beginning of this matter has to start from the beginning of school last year."

"On April [-]st last year, Zongwu High School started. As a freshman in Zongwu High School, I got up early and got ready to go to school early, but it was too early. I thought about it and decided to go to school first. Going to do a 'Sabre' walk before going to school."

"Ah~~ I forgot to mention, Sabre is my family dog, a dachshund, it was from when I was a child... um~"

"Sorry, I got off topic, I will continue before I continue."

"I was walking my usual dog walk, and nothing should have happened, but that morning, I was too happy to be in high school, and I didn't tie the dog carefully when I was on the leash. As a result, Sabre broke away from the dog leash halfway and rushed to the road..."

"And at that time, there happened to be a high-end car passing by..."

"..." Yuigahama fell silent.

Seeing that his index finger was tapping on the window sill on the other end of the phone, Xing already had a guess in his mind.

The dog of Yubihama's family should have been rescued by someone, and this person is probably Biqigu.

No wonder he always felt that Yubihama Biqigu's attitude was a bit subtle at the beginning, and it turned out that this was the root cause.


Seeing that the index finger stopped, Xing Xing felt vaguely that he seemed to have missed something.

"Sabre was rescued..." After a little silence, Yuigahama started talking again.

Xing Jian was silent and continued to listen quietly.

"It's just that the way that man rescued Sabre was a bit... reckless... He was riding a bicycle. Seeing that Sabrey was in danger, he rode his bicycle and rushed in front of Sabrey, blocking the disaster for Sabre... "

"He was hit by a car and spent three weeks in hospital, so he missed the start of school and meeting new friends."

"I forgot to say, the person who rescued Sabre was..."

Yuigahama pursed his lips, and said the name both of them knew with a complicated mood, "Hikigaya Hachiman..."

"..." Hearing Yubihama's narration, Hoshimi's eyes gradually darkened.

car accident?It was the car accident on the first day of school last year.

He knew now what he had missed just now.

A year ago, Xue Nai had a car accident on the first day of high school. Her driver hit a boy from Zongwu High School on the way to send her to school.

Taking this as an opportunity, Yukino moved out of Yukinoshita's house and came to live alone in the apartment where she lives now.

286、『Come, call Dad』

"So it's like this..." Xing Jian murmured with deep eyes.

No wonder Hiratsuka-sensei would forcibly throw Hikigaya into the service department, that's why.


Judging from Hikigaya's usual performance in the service department, he probably didn't know that the car that hit him belonged to Yukinoshita's family, and he didn't know the identity of Yukino's "assailant", otherwise he wouldn't have known it from the beginning Stay in the Ministry of Service with peace of mind.

At the same time, Hikigaya probably didn't know the identity of Yuigahama's "dog owner". If he knew, it would be impossible for him to accept Yuigahama's kindness easily with his weird and distorted temperament.

Yubihama, with her temperament, basically would not take the initiative to talk about the car accident with Hikigaya, but would only secretly find other ways to thank Hikigaya.

In addition, judging from Yubihama's attitude towards Yukino, she should not know the identity of Yukino's "assailant".

And Yukino knew even less, she didn't know the identity of Hikigu's "victim" and Yubihama's "inducer". Although Yukino, who was protected by her parents, felt guilty about this matter, she was obedient He said "good girl" and did not investigate the matter privately.

"Tsk~" Xingjian involuntarily gave a soft tut.

He probably guessed the cause of the conflict between Hikigaya and Yuigahama.

If it is correct, Hikigaya should have inadvertently known the identity of Yubihama's "dog owner" in the recent period, and "told out" everything with Yubihama, and then the current situation appeared.

"Xingjian-kun, what's the matter?" Hearing Xingjian's soft click, Yubibin asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, you continue to talk." Xingjian suppressed the emotions in his heart, and was ready to listen to Yubi Bin after he finished speaking.

"Okay, then I will continue..."

Next, what Yubihama said basically fully confirmed Hoshimi's guess.

"I am very grateful to Xiaoqi for saving Sabre, and I have been thinking of ways to thank Xiaoqi...but...but I don't know what to do..."

"When Xiaoqi was hospitalized, I went to deliver desserts, but he fell asleep at that time, and I didn't want to disturb him, so I gave the desserts to his sister, and then I left..."

"After Xiaoqi was discharged from the hospital, I came to Zongwu High School and happened to be in the same class as me. Seeing that Xiaoqi had no friends, I felt a little guilty. I kept thinking about how to thank Xiaoqi again."

"I want to make cookies by myself and give them to small businesses to express my gratitude, but I have learned how to make them at home for nearly a year, and I haven't made any cookies that can be given away..."

"After that, I heard from Hiratsuka-sensei that the Ministry of Service can fulfill people's wishes, so I came to the Ministry of Service... I didn't expect Xiaoqi to be in the Ministry of Service!"

"You, Hoshimi-kun, should know everything about the service department."

"..." Xing Jian remained silent, he knew he was a big-headed ghost!

He joined the service department after the capture of Yukino, and he didn't know what happened to the service department before.

But forget it, this little detail can be guessed without asking. Anyway, with the help of Yukino, Yubihama must have personally made cookies and sent them to Hikigu. If you can be sure of this, then there is no problem.

Keep listening.

"Originally, I thought that after delivering the cookies, the car accident would be over..."

"As a result...As a result...Last Friday, in the middle of the workplace internship, when I went to ask Xiaoqi to join us in the restaurant, Xiaoqi...Xiaoqi told me not to pay attention to him..."

"Xiaoqi, he said..." Yubibin's voice in the receiver was nasal, "He said...even if he didn't save the dog, he was probably alone, so I don't need to feel guilty about it ...so that I don't have to worry about him anymore...uh~"

"Xingjian-kun... Is Xiaoqi too much..."

"Yeah, it's too much." Xingjian, whose guess was confirmed, subconsciously responded.

Immediately afterwards, he reacted suddenly, and immediately held the phone away from his ear.

"Sure enough!! Xingjian-kun, you think so too!! Xiaoqi is really too much!! What is 'guilt'!! What is 'don't worry about'!!"

"I'm not what Xiaoqi thinks because of pity! Because of sympathy! Because of guilt, I became friends with him!!"

"I chose to be friends with him because I really know him! It's not because of those cheap pitiful! Guilt! Sympathy!"

"Xiaoqi him! It's really too much!"

Sure enough, after someone took his stand, Yubihama's emotions that had been suppressed for several days burst out like a torrent.

Hoshimi, who had expected it for a long time, heard Yuigahama's outburst, and the corners of his eyes twitched unconsciously.

To be honest, in his opinion, whether it is Yu Bibin or Bi Qigu, there are not small problems in the handling of this matter.

First of all, Hihama, if you want to thank you, thank you very much. He made it clear when Hikigu was hospitalized, so there will be no so many things in the future.

The second is Bi Qigu, whose personality is really awkward, and he is very familiar with the strong self-esteem born from inferiority complex.

In his previous life, he was a problem writer in a small town, and he also had such a strong "lonely" self-esteem when he was in college and when he just graduated from work.

He didn't want to lecture on Yuigahama and Hikigaya's personalities, and instead directly asked another question that he cared a little bit about.

"Yubihama, how did Hikiya know your identity as the "dog owner"?"

Hearing the question, Yubihama, who was in a torrent of emotions, suddenly withered, "...Last Thursday, that is, the afternoon of the end of the midterm exam, when I went home with Xiaoqi, I met his sister. .....his sister recognized me at the time..."

"Okay, I understand, Yubihama, you don't need to say it." After clearing everything up, Hoshimi also stopped poking Yubihama's sore spot.

"Yubihama, Xiao Yukino is calling me, I'll hang up first, I will answer your question properly later, that's all."

Then, Xing Jian casually found an excuse to hang up the phone.

Next, he had to think carefully about how to handle this matter cleanly.

First of all, you can't tell Yukino about this!Otherwise, with Xue Nao's upright temper, she must solve it by herself.

He didn't want Xue Nai to get involved in such troublesome matters. On this point, his position was the same as that of Xue Nai's parents.

By the way, it will be interesting to try to get Xue Nao to call his father next time.

"Tsk~" Xingjian tutted lightly, shook his head, and sealed up the bad thoughts that had just sprouted in his mind.

287. "Rain, Xia, Tribulation"

Right now, I was thinking about something serious, why did some strange thoughts suddenly pop up?

Well, it must be Shi Yu's problem, if it wasn't for Shi Yu who teased him wildly yesterday, he wouldn't be distracted when he was thinking about business.

Xing Jian restrained his miscellaneous thoughts and continued to think about the business.

He has to deal with the matter of Yubihama and Hikigu before considering whether to tell Yukino the truth.

He didn't want Yukino to treat "human beings" other than him special because of the so-called sense of guilt!

Yukino's guilt!Let him do it!Let him clean it up!

In an instant, many solutions emerged in Xingjian's mind.

In addition to removing some unusable solutions, there are still many options that can be selected.

"Come on like this..."

In less than a quarter of an hour, Xing Jian had already determined the follow-up plan.

"Huh~" He let out a breath, raised his eyes to look at the gloomy sky, and at the same time, he was constantly revising the details of the plan in his mind.

"En? Is it raining?" Xingjian stretched his hand out of the window to confirm.

A little cold feeling bloomed on the back of the hand, proving that Xingjian's guess was correct.

He looked up at the cloudy sky and witnessed the raindrops growing from the thickness of a cow's hair to the full droplet shape.

Seeing the cloud-like rain curtain, Xing Jian's mood gradually calmed down.

He stood by the window, quietly admiring the rain scene that he hadn't seen for a long time.

At this time, the plan has been completely determined, but he does not want to return to the service department for the time being.

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