After entering the bedroom, Xia Zhiqiu gently closed the door with his backhand. This time, he closed the door to give himself a way out, so as not to make it difficult for him to wait...

The light in Xingjian's bedroom is very dim, almost to the point where you can't see your fingers.

This guy sleeps with the curtains tightly drawn, and with the blackout curtains in dark shades, not even a little light from the outside world can come in.

At a glance, there are only a handful of bright places in the entire room.

Following the memory of the day, she looked towards the small, faint white light source by the window.

That's supposed to be...the light on the computer screen, right?

The computer desk is right next to the window, so there should be nothing wrong with it.

The faint red light below is the indicator light of the stereo, right?

Taking the computer desk as a reference, Hoshimi's bed is on...

Xia Zhiqiu looked at the bed against the wall with burning eyes, it was here, there was no mistake!

She stood on tiptoe, arched her waist, and like a flower picker stealing fragrance and jade, she slowly approached Xingjian who was sleeping soundly.

After a while, her knees touched the edge of the bed, Kasumigaoka knew she had arrived, she knelt and sat down on the edge of the bed slowly, pulled the edge of the bed with both hands, and stood upright with her upper body leaning forward.


Her nostrils fluttered, looking for the specific location of Xingjian like a large dog looking for its owner.


Sniffing and sniffing, Xia Zhiqiu paused.

Shampoo smell?In other words, Xingjian's head is right in front of his eyes?

She thought for a while, held her breath and probed down a little bit.

"Hu~~ huh~~"

The sound of even and long breathing sounded in the ears, and Kasumigaoka pricked up his ears. After confirming the specific position, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Hoshimi in the darkness with a smile.

Xingjian, you slept soundly~

Just why didn't you pull me into a dream?Could it be that there is someone else in your dream?

Thinking like this, Xia Zhiqiu's expression froze, and his wine red eyes suddenly filled with resentment.

She wrinkled her nose and whispered in Xingjian's ear.


She wanted to see how long it would take for Xingjian to wake up.

The time is less than ten seconds, so the problem is not serious, which means that at least she is more important to Xingjian than the third person in the dream.

And if it was more than ten seconds away, the joke would be big.

She came all the way to find Xing Jian, but she didn't come to wear a cuckold!


She silently counted the time, and continued to call Xingjian...


As the number in his heart continued to increase, Xia Zhiqiu's expression gradually became a little dangerous...


At the same time, Xing Ming, who was playing the super-exciting version of Riding Rapids with Yukino, suddenly changed his face.

Fuck!Xia Zhiqiu called him in his ear? !

This street writer actually still plays night raids? !

wrong!It is also possible that Xia Zhiqiu noticed something and came to test him on purpose? !


Fuck!Forget Rasha Hill in Dreams!It must be this that made Xia Zhiqiu aware of something abnormal? !

It's a natural mistake to get used to it!Habitually, I drag Yukino and Qinzi to sleep!I forgot that there is such a crop as Kasumi Hill!

Now how to do? !Xia Zhiqiu called him outside, he must wake up to face her, and he must not wake up too late, otherwise there is no way to explain it!

But wake up now?How should Xue Nai explain this?

Hoshimi glanced at Yukino who had her eyes closed tightly stimulated by the torrent, and suddenly her scalp tingled.

At this moment, stop and tell Xue Nai that he is going to wake up and go out, maybe it will immediately arouse Xue Nai's suspicion.

Yukino was already very dissatisfied at being late.

Another one ran away halfway through the game, which was simply telling Xue Nai that he had a problem!

no!Yukino can't explain it here!But I have to go out to deal with Kasumi Hill!

what should I do? !what should I do? ! !what should I do! ! !

Hoshimi, caught in a dilemma, started to work in his mind.

In the blink of an eye, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Xingjian's mind.

He immediately thought about it.

In an instant, the time and space of the entire dreamland froze...

The rafting wooden boat stopped abruptly, and the thousands of meters of water also stopped flowing. The splashing water on both sides of the wooden boat froze in the air, and Yukino's flying hair was also strangely frozen in midair.

Time stands still...everything in the dream seems to have turned into a frozen picture...

"It's really possible..." Xingjian looked at the completely still world in astonishment.

He just wanted to give it a try, but he didn't expect it to work.

In his dream, he was as powerful as a god...

"Huh? Wait, something's wrong..." Xingjian vaguely sensed that there was a problem, and moved himself to the 99th floor of the deep dream to meditate.

Here, time flows quickly, allowing him to think more about things.

He stopped the time of the dream, but if he left the dream, Xue Nao and Qinzi would also leave the dream, so wouldn't it be useless to do so? !


Unless he can maintain the existence of dreams when he is awake, but is this feasible?

Xingjian fell into confusion...

274. "Night Attack on Kasumi Hill"

"Master, why are you here?"

A weak female voice floated into Xingjian's ears from far and near from behind. He looked back and saw that it was the "Doctor" guarding the 99th floor of the deep dream.

The "Doctor" at this time is no different from what he saw in the past, he still has thick dark circles under his eyes, he still has that decadent and powerless look, and the iconic white coat and...loose clothes can't hide it graceful figure.

"How is the experiment going? Why come to meet me when you have time?" Xing Jian, who was thinking about something in his heart, turned around and asked a few words casually.

The doctor scratched his head and walked up to Xingjian, and said weakly: "The experiment is in the calculation and planning stage, and this part can be left to the artificial intelligence for statistics. I just have a little time, and I just wanted to see the sun, and you came, the lord." ...kindness...."

The doctor paused, and continued: "Master, you are here. As a dream body, I still have to come to welcome you, otherwise I will always feel emotionally difficult..."

"By the way, Master..." As she spoke, the doctor seemed to remember something, she looked up at Xing Jian, and said, "Master, you haven't answered my first question yet."

"Really?" Xing Jian thought for a while, stared at the doctor's pretty face, and expressed his confusion, "Doctor, can I maintain the dream when I am awake?"

"..." The doctor was stunned for a moment, and then asked in wonder, "My lord, why do you ask such a stupid...cough~ plain question?"

Halfway through the speech, the doctor hastily revised his inappropriate wording.

Then, before Xing Jian could react, he tilted all what he wanted to say and what he wanted to say.

"Master, dreams are the manifestation of the subconscious mind, I don't think I need to explain this point, but about the question you asked about the master... Let's put it this way..."

"As long as you are still alive and your subconscious mind is still there, your dream will always exist. Whether you are awake or asleep, your dream will be there, the only difference is the degree of activity."

"This is equivalent to the difference between day and night in reality, um~~ It may be a bit inappropriate, but you should be able to understand the specific meaning, Master."

"Also, Master, although I say this a bit inappropriately, I still hope you can listen, that..."

The doctor turned his head sideways and said with erratic eyes: "It's nothing to be addicted to women, but Lord, it's better for you to maintain the habit of thinking more. If you don't think all the time, it means that your consciousness will continue to decline..."

As he spoke, the doctor's voice became quieter, "And the subconscious mind will grow correspondingly... The speed at which the deep dreamland expands will also..."

At the end, the doctor's voice was completely silent. She glanced at Xingjian who had no waves in her eyes, and shrank her neck in fear.

Say so much all at once?Is it a little overstepped?The master won't be angry, will he?

The doctor glanced at the sky, the sky was blue and cloudless, it seems that the master should not be angry...

"That... Master..."

The doctor thought for a while, and was about to explain a few words, but Xingjian just interrupted her.

"Doctor, according to what you said, wouldn't I be able to trap someone in a dream and never let her out?"

"Eh..." The doctor was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Xingjian to ask such a question suddenly.

She scratched her head, followed Xing Jian's question and replied: "This kind of operation is completely feasible."

"Is that so..." Xing Jian rubbed his chin, and said thoughtfully, "Then can I pull someone into a dream and let her live forever in my dream?"

"..." The doctor guessed what Xing Jian was planning, she raised her hand, and reminded cautiously: "Master, it is the human consciousness that is pulled into the dream, and when the real body dies, other Consciousness will also die, this is an irreversible process..."

"I probably thought of it too." Xingjian shook his head, and said helplessly, "It really isn't that easy...Forget it, I'll deal with the matter at hand first."

After saying that, Xingjian turned around and wanted to leave.

But just as he turned around, he stopped suddenly. He turned his head slightly, and looked at the doctor behind him from the corner of his eye, "Doctor, as my dream body, what do you expect from me?"

The doctor said without thinking: "To be alive, to be precise, I hope that you live happily, Lord, that I can continue to explore the truth if you are alive, and only when you are happy, can my dreams be sunny. As a woman, rationally I I hope it will always be sunny, after all, the sun is very comfortable..."

"Heh~" Xingjian chuckled, turned around, and said casually: "Doctor, one of my joys is that I don't have to think. It's really troublesome to use my brain, but I still use my brain when I'm having fun. , after all, the pleasure of having fun is far greater than the pleasure of not thinking."

"Hehe~" Xingjian laughed twice before disappearing in front of the doctor.

The doctor who stayed in place scratched his head, turned helplessly and walked towards the sunbathing spot in the distance.

After a while, the naked doctor lay under the flames, enjoying the comfort of the sun licking his body.

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