"Well...well..." Xia Zhiqiu nodded.

"Then it's easy to explain now. My father is a stock god. In addition to investing in the stock market, he is also very good at investors. He has funded and invested in countless potential stocks, such as the case of Chef Mu Jiuzhi. Not a few”

"They have been favored by my father. After my father died, in order to repay my father's kindness, or to maintain a good reputation in the circle, they also took good care of me."

"By the way, by the way, Chef Kikuchi's "Chunguo Pavilion" was invested by my father alone. It is of course very useful to report my name to eat there~"

"Stop talking about these gossips, it's getting late, let's go to bed earlier."

Saying that, Hoshimi walked towards his bedroom with his arms around Kasumigaoka's waist.

Kasumigaoka, who was in a dazed state, didn't realize this at all, she followed Hoshimi's strength and entered Hoshimi's bedroom.

272. "Could it be that there is someone in the dream?"

After entering the bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed, when Xing Jian was about to undress her, Xia Zhiqiu suddenly came back to his senses.

She grabbed the hem with one hand and looked warily at Xing Jian beside her.



The two were relatively speechless, waiting for the other to speak first.

After a while, Xia Zhiqiu, whose concentration was slightly weaker, said quietly: "Xing Jian, I remember that you have agreed to let me sleep in the guest room?"

"En?" Xing Jian tilted his head, blinked his eyes twice, and looked confused.

"..." Xiazhiqiu said nothing, and stared at Xingmi silently.

When their eyes met, an inexplicable glow gradually appeared in Hoshimi's crimson pupils and Kasumigaoka's wine-red pupils, and the atmosphere between the two became quieter.

Quiet enough to seem to hear each other's heartbeat...


At this moment, the phone in Xingjian's trouser pocket vibrated twice.

In normal times, it would be difficult for others to notice this vibration, but in such a quiet atmosphere now, even the slightest vibration would become a discordant note.

"Information?" Xia Zhiqiu's eyes flashed a faint color.

"It should be..." Xingjian took out his mobile phone, and calmly adjusted the screen of the mobile phone to an angle that Kasumi Hill could not see.

Then, he unlocked his phone calmly to check who sent the message.

Sure enough, it was an email from Xue Nai.

"Xingjian, why aren't you sleeping?Are you playing games again? 』—— Xue Nai

Looking at the time again, it was 11:32 in the evening, half an hour later than the usual time for him to fall asleep, no wonder Xue Nao sent a message to ask.

After reading the email, Hoshi replied to Yukino in front of Kasumigaoka without changing his face.

"Sleep after this blow, no more than 10 minutes, right away. 』——Seeing the stars.

After replying, Xingjian put away the phone naturally, and explained to Xia Zhiqiu with a smile: "The message from my aunt told me to go to bed earlier."

At this time, don't panic, the more you panic, the easier it is to see your flaws!

You have to be calm and composed to make the other person believe what you say!

"Then, Shi Yu, we..." Xing Jian restrained his smile, looking at Xia Zhiqiu with obvious lust in his eyes.

Calm and composed Step two, don't explain too much!After pretending to explain a sentence casually, continue to pick up the previous topic, don't stay too much on lies and flaws!

"Hmph~" Kasumi Hills snorted softly, stood up, twisted his buttocks, and walked towards the door of the bedroom with cat steps.

When he reached the door of the bedroom, Xia Zhiqiu turned his head slightly, and looked at Hoshimi out of the corner of his eye, "Your aunt told you to go to bed early, so you should be obedient and go to bed early, and don't keep your head full of messy things all day long."

After saying that, Kasumigaoka closed the bedroom door and left.



After hearing Kasumigaoka enter the next room, Hoshimi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Xia Zhiqiu belongs to the kind of girl who is very advanced and retreats, and knows how to be polite. No one wants to check his mobile phone. Otherwise, no matter how good her acting skills are, it will be useless.

But did Shiyu notice it?

Xing Jian rubbed his chin, lost in thought.

After a while, Xingjian found out that this problem is ignored for now, as long as Xia Zhiqiu does not clearly show "I already know", he can continue to pretend to be deaf and dumb, until when he really can't hide it, then consider challenging him. Explain all the problems.


Xingjian let out a sigh of relief and turned on the bed.

"Go to sleep..." After he casually pressed the light switch beside the bed, he closed his eyes and fell asleep at the speed of light.



Xue Nai: "Playing games again?"

Xingjian: "Well... I just fought for a while..."

Xue Nai: "A little while? You left my house at ten o'clock, and now it's 12 o'clock! You said a little while!"

"That..." Looking at Yukino who was frowning tightly and had sullen eyes, Xingjian raised his hand to remind him: "To be precise, it is 11:35 now, and there are still 12 minutes before 25 o'clock."

"..." Xue Nai stared at Xingjian for a while, then said quietly: "Is there any difference? Is there a difference between being half an hour late and being one hour late? Both are late, and the nature is the same."

"..." Xing Jian's eyes twitched, feeling that this sentence was somehow familiar, as if he had said it to Xue Nai?

He can't remember the specific context...but the subject of the conversation is indeed him and Yukino...

"Xingjian, what are you thinking?" Xue Nai walked up to Xingjian, raised her head, and looked into Xingjian's eyes expressionlessly.

Xingjian: "emm..."

Isn't this delivered to your door?

Xingjian didn't even think about it, and directly hugged Xue Nai into his arms.


Before Xue Nai started to struggle, Xing Jian took her to the sky above thousands of miles for free fall.

"See you in the stars..."

The howling wind poured into Yukino's mouth, blocking all the words she wanted to say.

In the weightless state, Yukino was unable to pursue Xingjian's lateness, she could only hug Xingjian tightly, and buried her face deeply in Xingjian's chest, so as to avoid the panic surging in her heart mood.

"Xue Nai, say you love me, let's go back and read."

Amidst the howling wind, Xingjian's shouting sound reached Xue Nai's ears accurately.

"Don't even think about it!" Xue Nao, whose heart was beating as fast as a galloping wild horse, squeezed out her answer through her teeth.

"Don't say it! Then continue!" Xing Jian had a thought, and brought Xue Nao to the "Rushing Forward" project he had prepared.

Before, I didn't have fun at Disneyland.

Now, he built one himself, with a height of 3000 meters, an angle of 75, and the speed of water flow is twice as fast as the acceleration of gravity.

After making it, he always wanted to try it with Xue Nai, but he couldn't find a good opportunity, and now he was too lazy to look for it, so he took Xue Nai to experience it first.

Also, did he find himself being too gentle?Or is Yukino rebellious?How dare you lose your temper with him in the dream?

"Xing! See you! Qing! Chuan! You bastard! Wait for me tomorrow!"

Hearing Xue Nai's gnashing of teeth, Xing Jian felt much better.

Sure enough, it is the most comfortable to release nature...

Just what to do tomorrow?


At the same time, in the guest room next door to Hoshimi, Kasumigaoka was lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling and lost in thought.

Why doesn't the star view pull me into a dream?Could it be that the guy is not asleep yet?Otherwise it is impossible!

When she finally left Xingjian's bedroom, she deliberately twisted her waist and walked away in a catwalk, just to arouse Xingjian's anger.

You must know that at that time she was only wearing a white shirt that could only cover the bottom of her thighs, and she walked around twisting her waist like that twice, showing off her graceful figure, it was impossible for Yi Xingjian to hold back that sexy temper.

So, why doesn't Xingjian pull me into a dream?

Could it be that there was someone in that guy's dream?



Kasumigaoka threw back the quilt and went to Hoshimi's bedroom with bare feet.

273. "Time Management Master Coming Soon"

When holding the doorknob of Hoshimi's bedroom, Kasumigaoka seemed to suddenly remember something. She looked around and realized that something was not on her.

She let go of the doorknob, stood there and recalled for a moment, then turned around and walked quietly to the living room downstairs.

After a while, Xia Zhiqiu, who came to the living room, found her handbag in the corner of the sofa. She picked up the handbag, rummaged through it, and found a box of Okamoto 003, holding it in her hand.

"Huh~" She let out a breath, and walked towards Xingjian's bedroom with a bit of nervousness, anticipation, and resentment.

The thing is just in case, just in case, they are all young people, and they can't stand repeated stimulation. It would be a great help for her to take this thing...

In addition, there is also the reason why she can't tell. In the past few days, she is at the stage where she is the easiest to be recruited. It is not good to be careless. If she is really recruited, it will be a big accident.

Next January is the college entrance examination, and from mid-February to the end of March is the independent admissions examination for colleges and universities.

And now it's June, counting the time, if she is recruited, she won't have to take the college entrance examination next year!Surely no one really goes to the exam with a big belly, right?That scene is too abstract...


Arriving at the door of Hoshimi's bedroom again, Kasumigaoka exhaled lightly to get rid of the miscellaneous thoughts in his mind.

She raised her slender jade hand, grasped the doorknob, and gently pushed open Xingjian's door without making a sound.

Just now, when she left Xingjian's bedroom, she deliberately didn't lock the door, but closed the door gently, which was just right for her to sneak into Xingjian's bedroom without a sound.

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