Yu Tianheng's legs were as steady as an old dog. Tang San took four or five steps back to offset the impact. As a control spirit master, he didn't use his strength to rule the roost.

Of course, if the first martial spirit Tang San developed was the Clear Sky Hammer, then the situation would be another matter.

But Tang San wasn't fighting alone, Ma Hongjun spewed a five-meter-long flame from behind Tang San, hitting Yu Tianheng.


Yu Tianheng struck another Thunder Dragon Claw, which directly smashed Ma Hongjun's flames away, but his offensive was also blocked.

At this time, the Shi brothers also caught up with Yu Tianheng. The Shi brothers' turtle shells turned into two shields in their hands, and the three of them marched side by side, attacking Tang San again.

Tang San's expression was calm, he glanced at the situation in the arena, and saw that the formation behind the Emperor Fighting Team had been smashed by the three of Dai Mubai, so he said loudly, "Xiao Wu, come back!"

When Xiao Wu heard the words, she quickly pulled away and rushed towards Ye Hai.

At the beginning of the battle, Ye Hai retreated to the edge of the Dou Soul Platform and found a place to sit down.

Tang San and the others retreated while fighting, and the direction they retreated was the direction Ye Hai was.

Tang San was also very helpless. An old hen brought three chicks, and there were three fierce eagles opposite him, and he couldn't do anything about it.

If it goes on like this, his old hen will be stewed.

So he can only ask for help from the enthusiastic "audience" in the arena.

No matter whether Ye Hai is willing or not, as long as he is by his side, Yu Tianheng doesn't care who you are, as long as you are from the Shrek team, fight first!

Ye Hai patted his butt and stood up in advance, avoiding to the side, who knew that Tang San would change direction and step back toward him again.

"Little San, is that on purpose? If you do this again, I'll throw you off the Soul Battle Platform first."

Ye Hai said.

Tang San:""

What kind of teammate did I have?

Hearing Ye Hai's voice, Yu Tianheng was stunned for a moment, and the attack speed of his subordinates slowed down. After a while, he suddenly widened his eyes!

He understood where the familiarity he had when he saw Ye Hai before the team battle started!

I just saw this kid yesterday, and it left a deep impression on him. When I think about it now, old hatred and new hatred come together, Yu Tianheng gritted his teeth and said, "Go on, let me do him!"

Ye Hai stepped back and said lightly, "I advise you to get Tang San out first, otherwise, you will have no chance."

Yu Tianheng was unmoved, and a Thunder Dragon Claw slapped Ye Hai.

He didn't know that Ye Hai was just sitting on the "cold bench" in the Shrek team and would not let him take action easily; Yu Tianheng preconceived that as long as he was on the field, he would be the enemy, either you go out sideways, or I go out sideways , there is no "spectator" in the field.

The Thunder Dragon Claw was about to approach, Ye Hai quickly kicked, and this footprint hit Yu Tianheng's chest, and the huge force hit him, almost kicking him to the ground.


Yu Tianheng plowed the ground with both feet, and stopped after retreating seven or eight meters.

Yu Tianheng said so heartily: "Fight Tang San first, this guy will be dealt with last!"

Seeing Yu Tianheng being kicked out by Ye Hai, Tang San said with joy on his face: "Brother Hai, you're not making a move, at most it's a little dance, a fusion of martial arts!"

Tang San saw that Xiao Wu was not far from them, and while resisting the attack of the Shi brothers, he retreated towards the other side, giving Xiao Wu and Ye Hai time to use their martial soul fusion skills.

When Xiao Wu was still five meters away from Ye Hai, she jumped high and rushed towards Ye Hai.

Ye Hai flipped his right hand at the same time, and the dazzling golden light of the "Golden Dragon Seat" lit up, gradually echoing with Xiao Wu's pink soft-boned rabbit martial spirit.

A few seconds later, a pair of crystal high heels appeared on Xiao Wu Bai Nen's feet.

Xiao Wu smiled and said:

"Next, please watch Xiao Wu's performance!"

PS: Good night, the four chapters plus more are over, there should be another chapter around 10:30, thank you readers for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets

Chapter 104 Why are you still answering?

Martial Soul Fusion Skill?

Yu Tianheng turned around in amazement, but what he saw was Xiao Wu shrouded in a pink-gold light.

The next moment, Xiao Wu teleported directly to Ye Lingling's side,

Yu Tianheng's pupils shrank suddenly!


Their martial soul fusion technique is teleportation!

Yu Tianheng's mind didn't even have time to think of another thought, when he saw a shadow behind Yufeng who was holding Ye Lingling in the distance, and he kicked Yufeng directly with a heart-warming kick.

The next moment, Xiao Wu teleported to Yufeng's side again and kicked out again, knocking Yufeng out.

"Everyone defend!"

Yu Tianheng roared wildly.

But Xiao Wu's teleportation speed was close to the speed of a human's reaction.

The result of being unable to prevent the latter is

was blasted.

Xiao Wu kicked Oslo, Duguyan, and Ye Lingling out of the game with one kick.

When the Shi brothers saw this, the tortoise shell was attached, and the head and limbs were directly retracted into the tortoise shell, making it impossible for Xiao Wu to start.

Yu Tianheng watched sluggishly, Xiao Wu's body was like a phantom, constantly flickering in the Imperial Fight team, but in just eight seconds, except for himself and the Shi brothers, all the other four were kicked out.

Xiao Wu also kicked Yu Tianheng twice, but he relied on his tyrannical body to resist and was not kicked out.

Ten seconds later, Xiao Wu teleported to Ye Hai's side, her body softened and she almost fell.

The teleportation and the constant attacks had drained Xiao Wu's physical strength.

Xiao Wu teleported to Ye Hai's side, just wanting him to help him. After all, Tang San and the others still had to deal with Yu Tianheng and the Shi brothers who were almost intact. They couldn't take care of her, so Ye Hai who couldn't take action on the scene would become the best choice.

But what Xiao Wu didn't expect was that Ye Hai didn't help her

Not only did he not help her, Ye Hai took two steps back when he saw Xiao Wu rushing towards him.

With a thud, Xiao Wu threw herself on the ground.

Xiao Wu resentfully raised her head and looked at Ye Hai, complaining, "Help me to die? How can you hide from me like a plague?"

Ye Hai coughed lightly: "Master said, don't let me shoot"

small dance ""

Why do I want to cut off my robes with this guy and cut off friendship!

Yu Tianheng and the Shi family brothers in the field were already at a disadvantage under the attack of Dai Mubai, Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ma Hongjun.

Without Ye Lingling's battery life and Dugu Yan's control, Yu Tianheng and the other three were just trapped animals in a cage, and within 3 minutes, they were eliminated.

In this battle, Xiao Wu's performance was amazing.

With the power of one person, the second half of the entire Huangdou team was cleared out of the battle field, a perfect one-for-four, and the four also included Duguyan with control ability and Ye with healing ability. Lingling.

As long as one of these two was present, Tang San and the others wouldn't win so easily.

In addition, Tang San's tactics also played a big role. Tang San's tactics could be described as an old sow wearing a bra, one set after another.

Tang San anticipated all the reactions of the Imperial Fighting Team, then predicted these reactions, formed tactics and told others, so that after Dai Mubai and the others saw the Imperial Fighting Team's response, they could directly think of the corresponding countermeasures in their minds. , saving a lot of time.

In addition, the formation of the Royal Fight team is very problematic.

The third spirit ability of the Shi brothers was an offensive spirit ability with high damage and a wide range, and the two of them had extremely strong defense, and the tortoise shell could block Yu Tianheng, who released the spirit ability behind him, so they were placed in the front row.

In that case, it's usually fine.

But the battlefield changes from time to time. The Shi brothers’ role in defense is more than attack, and things like blindfolding are just a gimmick. Back and forth, left and right, and when the formation changes, it can guard against attacks that may follow.

In this way, the fault tolerance rate will be greatly increased.

Just like just now, without the defense of the Shi brothers, Dai Mubai, who directly attacked the flank, easily pierced through the Imperial Fighting team, splitting them in two, resulting in a completely loose formation, unable to take care of both ends, let Xiao Wu I found an opportunity to clear out four people at once.

If the seven members of the Huangdou team were close together, even if Xiao Wu had the ability to teleport infinitely, there was no way to clear four people within ten seconds.

Without Ye Lingling, the Huangdou team still has the strength to fight. In the case of six to six, the Huangdou team still has a great chance of winning.

But there is no if in the world, if you lose, you lose, whether you lose in terms of strength or tactics.

Until Yu Tianheng stepped down from the Soul Battle Arena, his brain was still clouded.

Seeing Yu Tianheng's dazed look, Qin Ming sighed and said:

"It's not bad to suffer a little loss, at least it can kill your arrogant temperament, but I hope you can learn from this failure. In the past, the teacher told you not to be blinded by victory, but now the teacher wants to tell you not to be blinded by failure. Eyes, who can win and never lose? I tell you"

"I can!"

A clear voice came from behind Qin Ming.

Qin Ming turned around abruptly and looked behind him.

He heard undisguised footsteps just now, thinking it was just passing by, but he didn't expect it

Why are you still on the phone?

He saw the eight spirit masters who were on the Soul Battle Stage just now, as well as Flender, Zao Wou-Ki, and Grandmaster all coming over. The one who spoke just now was the one man and the woman who used their martial soul fusion skills to turn the tide. among the men.

Qin Ming didn't know why: "What did you say?"

Ye Hai said with a faint smile: "Mr. Qin didn't ask, who can win and never lose?"

After a pause, Ye Hai said slowly: "I said, I can."

Qin Ming: ""

Is this guy so crazy?

Qin Ming glanced at Flender and said, "President, I'll teach my younger brother some philosophy of life, don't you object?"

Flender chuckled and said, "He understands the philosophy of life more than you."

Qin Ming was a little confused. Is Dean Flender pretending to be confused or pretending to be confused?

What he meant was to teach Ye Hai a lesson, but as a result, Flender really discussed the "philosophy of life" with him?

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