Ten seconds later.

Zhu Zhuqing walked towards Ye Hai slowly, returning to his original appearance as he walked.

She walked to Ye Hai and looked directly at Ye Hai:

"Thank you."

Chapter 102 In short, don't underestimate the enemy

"I think instead of saying thank you, you might as well give something practical."

Ye Hai said consciously without destroying the atmosphere at all.

"" Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but said, "Don't you only have money in your eyes?"

Ye Haidao: "The benefit is not just money, but also other things. You say thank you to me, it always makes me feel like I've been prostituted and won't give me money."

"" Zhu Zhuqing opened his mouth, but did not speak for a long time.

"Okay, let's go back first. You will definitely not be used tomorrow. Our martial arts fusion skills will be used when there is a chance."

Ye Hai walked towards the hotel and said as he passed by Zhu Zhuqing.


Zhu Zhuqing nodded and followed Ye Hai back to the hotel.

Because of the preparations for the team battle with the Imperial Fighting Team, the Shrek seven-person individual battle and the second-vs-[-] World War II were all canceled.

The fighting spirit platform of the Shrek team and the Emperor Fighting team is the huge central main fighting spirit platform.

There is still some time before the game, Ye Hai and others are waiting in the waiting area.

At this time, the senior VIP area, Room [-].

Qin Ming opened the door and walked into the room, Yu Tianheng and others stood up and saluted.


Qin Ming nodded slightly and said, "Your opponent today"

Yu Tianheng said confidently: "Teacher, we already know the depth of our opponent, so we won't be careless!"

Qin Ming glanced at Yu Tianheng in surprise. This guy is usually arrogant, why did he suddenly change his temper today?

Yufeng next to him told Qin Ming what happened yesterday, Qin Ming frowned.

He absolutely did not believe that there was a pie in the sky, and it was impossible for someone to tell them such secret news for no reason.

Either, this person came with a certain purpose; or, the news of this person is false.

However, the team battle was imminent, so Qin Ming couldn't help analyzing it more deeply, he simply said: "Remember, you can't completely trust that person's words, according to his description, Tang San is indeed powerful, but there may be someone more powerful than Tang San. "

Speaking of this, even Qin Ming, who was talking, was stunned.

Is there someone more powerful than Tang San?

Even if he was born in Shrek Academy, Qin Ming could hardly imagine that there is someone more powerful than Tang San?

Qin Ming said: "Anyway, everyone, don't underestimate the enemy. While paying attention to Tang San, don't forget about others. Also, act with a sense of restraint and try not to hurt the Shrek team members. That's all I have to say, everyone, let's play."

Yu Tianheng nodded and led the team out of the high-level VIP area to the main battle arena in the center.

Here, under the leadership of Dai Mubai, the Shrek team also walked out of the waiting area and headed towards the main soul battle arena in the center.

The main battle arena is not a star and a half higher than the other battle arenas. The huge golden beam of light shines vertically on the entire battle arena, and the entire battle arena is reflected in detail. Less, there is no open-air auditorium around, only a battle field.

The audience is all in the VIP box, and the identity of each audience is not simple.

At this time, a beautiful girl came to the middle of the two teams and smiled:

"Welcome all the distinguished guests to come and watch this Soul Fighting Competition. I am the host of this Soul Fighting Competition. The two teams standing on my left and right are the teams that will be fighting Soul Fighting today. Yes, the Royal Fight Team, and the Shrek Team!"

Yu Tianheng quietly glanced at the eight people on Shrek's side, but he found nothing.

The Shrek team all wore masks, and could only see the lower half of their face and eyes, but could not see the whole picture.

Yu Tianheng's eyes stayed on Ye Hai for a few seconds, his brows slightly wrinkled.

Ye Hai gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but he couldn't remember where this familiarity came from.

"I won't talk too much if I talk too much. Please pay attention to the soul masters participating in the team battle. From now on, you have 1 minute to summon your own martial soul. When I announce the start, the soul fighting competition will officially begin!"

Doudou's spirit is a white dove, with no attack power, but she can fly.

After speaking, Doudou flew into the air.

At this moment, Dai Mubai and Yu Tianheng's eyes collided, and there was a fierce spark. Dai Mubai roared:

"Brothers, open martial arts!"

Yu Tianheng also said at the same time: "Open martial arts!"

Fourteen people on both sides revealed their martial spirits and spirit rings at the same time.

The Imperial Fight team had two yellows and one purple, but the Shrek team would look uneven, with two yellows and one purple for the four soul masters, and two yellows for the three great soul masters.

Ye Hai at the back did not reveal his martial soul.

The Shrek team had a standard formation, Dai Mubai was at the front, Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu were three steps behind on the flanks, Tang San was further back, and Ma Hongjun was behind Tang San, protecting Oscar and Ning Rongrong.

The Huangdou team is the two brothers Shimo and Shimo at the front, Yu Tianheng is in the middle of the two, and Duguyan is behind, Yufeng and Oslo are on both sides of Duguyan, and Ye Lingling is at the end. noodle.

Doudou flying in the sky saw that everyone was ready, and softly spit out two words:


Dai Mubai roared wildly, the first and third spirit rings lit up at the same time, and his body swelled, rushing towards the two brothers Shimo and Shimo at the front with a violent attitude.


Dai Mubai's two tiger claws landed on the Shi brothers' tortoise shell and let out a roar.

What the Shi brothers were best at was defense. At this time, they were caught by Dai Mubai's tiger claws, and they didn't even move.

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At this moment, between the two brothers of the Shi family, a dragon claw covered with scales suddenly appeared, and it shone with lightning, hitting Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai didn't have time to return to the defense, but the blue silver grass around his waist pulled him and avoided the Thunder Dragon Claw.

A figure of Yu Tianheng appeared among the Shi brothers, he just glanced at Dai Mubai, and rushed directly from the gap that Dai Mubai avoided, his target was Tang San!

Because of what Ye Hai told him yesterday, he didn't need to observe too much, he could directly confirm that Tang San was the core of the entire team. As long as Tang San was captured, this battle would be considered stable.

At the same time, the Shi brothers followed suit, guarding Yu Tianheng from the left and the right. The two agility spirit masters, Yufeng and Oslo, bypassed Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing, and rushed directly to Tang San. !

The difference from the original book is that in the original book, Yu Tianheng determined through observation that Tang San was the core of the entire team, but he did not communicate with his teammates, and went straight to the depths alone. He wanted to take Tang San, but he fell into Tang San. the loop.

But this time, because they knew Tang San's strength in advance, the entire Huangdou team had a tacit understanding. When they saw Yu Tianheng rushing forward, everyone followed, including Ye Lingling at the back, the whole team seemed to be a whole. , following Yu Tianheng, rushing straight to Tang San!

Chapter 103 Such a heartfelt kick

Tang San's pupils shrank slightly when he saw the fierce figure rushing over desperately.

The decisiveness of the Imperial Fight team exceeded his imagination, and almost only made a test before rushing over.

Fortunately, he had already anticipated this situation.

There are both gains and losses, since the Emperor Fight Team has been told Tang San's strength, then they must be prepared to attack the tower with all their strength.

Originally, according to Tang San's intention, let Dai Mubai attack with all his strength, as long as they can disrupt the opponent's lineup, then they are equivalent to winning.

However, the spirits of the two brothers from the Shi family were obviously top-level spirits, and their spirit power was only slightly lower than that of Dai Mubai. The two defended together and blocked Dai Mubai who was charging at once.

Of course, this was also what Tang San expected.

In Tang San's tactics, he imagined the enemy to be even stronger than this. Of course, he also had tactics to deal with.

Seeing the Imperial Fighting Team rushing over, Tang San pondered for a while, then said loudly, "Retreat!"

Sure enough, Tang San himself and Ma Hongjun, Oscar and Ning Rongrong all retreated behind him.


Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu, and Zhu Zhuqing did not retreat. Following the attack of the Imperial Fighting Team, they were now on the right wing of the Imperial Fighting Team. On this side, there was Oslo, and further behind were Duguyan and Ye. Lingling.

Duguyan found Dai Mubai who were not far from them on the flank, and suddenly woke up: "Tianheng, they didn't retreat!"


Dai Mubai found the opportunity, and with a roar, he attacked Oslo!

Oslo is not Yu Tianheng or the Shi family brothers, he is just an agility-type soul master, let him resist Dai Mubai, an attack-type soul master with a soul power as high as level 38, isn't that a joke?

So Oslo flashed over very quickly, saying that eldest brother, I will not make an appointment.

He moved away from Dai Mubai and stopped Zhu Zhuqing behind him.

"Yufeng, protect Lingling!"

Dugu Yan stepped back, opening his mouth and spit out a cloud of green mist.

The green mist spread towards the three of Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu, and Zhu Zhuqing did the same, took out the small sausages, ate them, and continued to charge.

Yufeng's speed was very fast, coming to Ye Lingling's side faster than Dai Mubai's three, he hugged Ye Lingling and ran to the side.

Here, Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu, and Zhu Zhuqing rushed to the rear of the Imperial Fight team, while Yu Tianheng and the Shi family brothers were also rushing towards Tang San.

Because Tang San, Ma Hongjun and the others retreated purposefully, their contact speed with Yu Tianheng was a little later than Dai Mubai's and the others, and with the impact of Dai Mubai and the others, Oslo and Yufeng would have had to Joining the siege of Tang San, Dai Mubai stopped him abruptly.

Now only Yu Tianheng and the Shi brothers rushed to Tang San.

Now the battlefield is divided into two parts. Yu Tianheng and the Shi brothers are attacking the combination of Tang San, Ma Hongjun, Ning Rongrong, and Oscar. , Ye Lingling was stopped by Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu, and Zhu Zhuqing.

As a core member of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, Yu Tianheng had a very powerful attack. His claws tore apart Tang San's blue silver grass, and a thunderous dragon claws slapped Tang San.

Behind Tang San were Ma Hongjun, Oscar and Ning Rongrong, he could not retreat.

Tang San's hands were black and white, facing Yu Tianheng's Thunder Dragon Claw.


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