Like this time.

This time it was the fourth batch of abyss monsters that appeared, on average once every two days.

After killing the last monster, Ye Hai suddenly felt a move in his heart. He felt it quietly for a while, and then asked Tang Hao next to him, "Uncle Hao, did you feel anything?"

Tang Hao nodded and said, "I can clearly sense that the energy of heaven and earth has increased. Cultivating in this environment, whether it is a human being or a soul beast, will speed up the cultivation speed."

Ye Hai also felt the same way. Before the increase in the energy of heaven and earth was not obvious, Ye Hai only felt a slight increase in the energy absorbed into the body along with the cultivation.

Until this time, perhaps the quantitative change caused the qualitative change, and ordinary Titled Douluo could feel the obvious increase in the energy of heaven and earth.

Ning Fengzhi walked over and said with a smile, "If the energy of the heavens and the earth continues to increase as the plane war continues, I may break through the limitations of my martial spirit and reach level [-] or even higher!"

Martial spirit not only changes for better or for worse when parents combine, but also mutates under very special circumstances. For example, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass became poisonous after absorbing poison attribute spirit rings, and By chance, he evolved into the Blue Silver Emperor.

Under the stimulation of powerful soul power, it is really possible for Ning Fengzhi's martial soul to evolve, but the process will be very slow and difficult.

Ye Hai nodded and said, "Father-in-law, Uncle Hao, go and rest first, I'll deal with it here."

Ning Fengzhi and Tang Hao were not pretentious, they went back to the tent set up nearby and went to sleep.

Ye Hai showed Tang Hao the collected refining materials, and Tang Hao was also amazed, saying that if he was given time, he would definitely be able to create a batch of weapons that could cause damage to Titled Douluo!

Tang Hao said that even with the eight-ringed Soul Douluo, if he held this kind of weapon, he could kill and injure the Titled Douluo!

Tang Hao, as one of the few master craftsmen on Douluo Continent, Ye Hai believed in his vision.

However, Tang Hao's personal strength is very useful now. Ye Hai can't let him go to the forge. After thinking about it, Ye Hai wrote a letter and sent it to Lou Gao, the chairman of the Blacksmiths Association, saying that there are strange refining materials here. , ask him if he is interested.

Tang San was able to attract the divine craftsman Lou Gao with such ingenious little things as hidden weapons. Ye Hai felt that all kinds of peculiar crafting materials might also attract Lou Gao.

Ye Hai thought about it for a while and wanted to go to Qian Renxue's side to have a look.

The abyss monster is to provide the refining materials, and there is nothing else, but the angels guarded by Qian Renxue and the gods produced by the gods, Ye Hai always feels that there are other functions.

A stone that contains pure and powerful energy can only be used as a "battery" to replenish the pure energy for spirit masters who have consumed too much?

Soon after arriving at the space node, Ye Hai saw Qian Renxue sitting cross-legged near the space node with her eyes closed to cultivate her soul power.

Ye Hai walked over and found a place to sit beside Qian Renxue.

"The energy of heaven and earth seems to have increased"

Qian Renxue opened her eyes and said lightly.

Ye Hai smiled and said: "Under the plane war, as long as you don't lose, you will definitely earn it. The increase in energy of the world is one of the benefits."

Qian Renxue nodded, threw a divine stone to Ye Hai, and said, "Look at it."

Ye Hai took it over and wondered: "I have a lot of divine stones there, but I haven't seen them before. What are you doing for me?"

Qian Renxue said, "Grandpa Jin Crocodile accidentally discovered that the energy in this divine stone can be purified, and after being absorbed into the human body, it can purify the soul power in the body. If the energy in the divine stone is used to purify the soul power in the body, It will make the breakthrough of the realm a lot easier.”

Ye Hai nodded and motioned Qian Renxue to continue.

Seeing Ye Hai's unsurprised look, Qian Renxue was a little speechless. She said, "Do you know how difficult it is to purify your soul power? How many people are stuck at level 80 and can't advance to a level for several years or even decades. The reason is that the quality of the soul power is not enough to break through the realm. I forgot that your soul power is extremely strong, so it’s okay.”

Ye Hai thought for a while and said, "I have a way to improve the quality of my soul power and condense the core of my soul power, do you want to listen?"

The method of condensing the soul core can be researched by human beings after 1 years, and it is not a very important secret.

Qian Renxue raised her eyebrows and said, "Are you willing to tell me?"

Ye Hai coughed slightly with a guilty conscience. He emptied the Spirit Hall a while ago and left it to Qian Renxue, which was just a Spirit Hall with no reserve resources. He felt that he should compensate Qian Renxue a little.

Ye Hai said righteously: "This is not only for you, but also for the soul masters of the entire continent. If everyone can break through relatively easily, then the number of Title Douluo will also increase a lot. In the future, we will fight plane wars. Confident."

Qian Renxue nodded, Ye Hai's words were quite useful to her, after all, Ye Hai put the words "for her" at the top

Afterwards, Ye Hai told Qian Renxue about the method of compressing and purifying soul power, as well as the method of condensing soul cores.

Qian Renxue carefully tasted the secret method Ye Hai told her, then frowned and thought for a while, after a while, she looked up at Ye Hai and asked, "In other words, you already knew it before level [-]. These secrets?"

When Ye Hai was at level [-], Qian Renxue had already cultivated to nearly level [-]. If she knew these secret techniques at that time, she would most likely be able to condense three soul cores!

Chapter 428 The role of the god stone

In Douluo II, the formation of soul cores usually occurs at the earliest stage when the title Douluo is advanced.

Huo Yuhao, the protagonist of Douluo II, was a matchmaker, condensing his first soul core at level seventy.

In Douluo III, rank [-] condensed soul cores became common.

According to Qian Renxue's talent, it is very difficult for her to condense her first soul core at level [-], but everyone thinks she is the most powerful, and Qian Renxue thinks so too. also.

Ye Hai rolled his eyes and said, "Please, can you figure out the situation? I kindly shared the secret with you, but you think I should have told you earlier?

Qian Renxue's cheeks bulged, and finally said, "I want it."

What Ye Hai said really made sense.

How can there be no reason to gain other people's benefits for nothing?

Qian Renxue knew that she was wrong, so she didn't argue, but was secretly angry, this guy didn't know how to let him

"Just now, what did we say?" Qian Renxue asked casually.

Ye Hai said: "Speaking of the divine stone can improve the quality of soul power."

"Well, yes." Qian Renxue nodded, pondered for two seconds, and said, "The energy in the divine stone is very pure, higher in quality than soul power, but not as good as divine power."

"However, I have tried it, and the energy in the divine stone is easier to convert into divine power."

Ye Hai raised his brows and said, "Is there still such an effect? ​​How long will it take for you to completely transform into divine power if you use the divine stone?"

Qian Renxue stretched out a tender white finger and said, "Double the speed, it only takes me about five years to completely convert it into divine power."

After a pause, Qian Renxue said: "This is not what I mainly want to say, what I want to say is, you should know about the God-given spirit ring, right?"

Ye Hai suddenly turned to look at Qian Renxue. At this moment, he thought a lot.

Ye Hai didn't know how the "God Bestowed Soul Ring" was formed, but he could speculate roughly.

The "God Bestowed Spirit Ring" could allow the Spirit Master to form a spirit ring that perfectly matched his attributes and was no more than a million years old.

The divinity left behind by the gods can enable a soul master to cross the threshold of [-]th rank, and at the moment of reaching [-]th rank, a million-year-old spirit ring is formed.

Combining these two points, the "Spirit Ring bestowed by the gods" is likely to be a bead with a little divine power that was pinched by the gods.

Since no one has completely transformed their soul power into divine power after becoming a priest, Bibi Dong is still several years behind, so Ye Hai is also not sure what special effects it will have after the body is completely transformed into divine power.

However, based on the characteristics of the "God bestowed spirit ring" and divinity, Ye Hai boldly guessed that after the priest's body was completely transformed into divine power, he could consume some of his divine power to form a "God bestowed spirit ring"!

As for why it doesn't work now, it may be because divine power and soul power are mixed, and the quality is not enough.

It is inferred from this that when a priest is recognized by a certain god and inherits the god's position, he has the divinity of the god's position.

From this moment on, the priests have advanced to gods, possessing all kinds of powers of gods.

And the gods can separate their divinity, even if there is only a trace of divinity, it has a powerful formidable power, comparable to the soul ring of a million-year-old soul beast!

If the above guesses are true, Ye Hai probably understands why after the soul beast transforms into a human form, he can form a soul ring himself without killing the soul beast.

Because soul beasts over 10 years old have a huge amount of energy in their bodies, compressing such a huge amount of energy into a small human body will produce qualitative changes and improve the quality of the energy.

Such high-quality energy has reached a certain threshold and can spontaneously form a spirit ring.

This may also be why only soul beasts over 10 years old can transform into human form to re-cultivate, because soul beasts under 10 years old cannot condense such high-quality energy.

According to this kind of speculation, it becomes very easy to resolve the contradiction between humans and soul beasts!

Humans are not the only way to obtain soul rings by killing soul beasts!

Ye Hai thought for a moment, then said to Qian Renxue, "Then what?"

Qian Renxue said lightly, "I doubt that when my soul power is completely converted into divine power, I can create a god-given soul ring. If it is possible, then humans and soul beasts have been rivals for thousands of years. Perhaps We can really join hands and face the plane war together."

Ye Hai raised his eyebrows, he really didn't expect that Qian Renxue was even bigger than her mother, Bibi Dong, and could put her eyes on the soul beast.

In fact, this is also where Ye Hai is troubled. Every soul beast over 10 years old is at least equivalent to a Super Douluo above level 95.

There are dozens of 10-year-old soul beasts in the entire Star Dou Forest. It can be said that the number of high-level combat power of soul beasts is far higher than that of humans.

If these soul beasts are also drawn over to form a situation where the entire Douluo Continent unites against the enemy, the pressure on humans will be greatly reduced.

But human beings and soul beasts are inherently opposites. If humans want to be strong, they must kill soul beasts. Low-level soul beasts will kill humans without wisdom. Even high-aged soul beasts will kill humans without hesitation.

If the problem of spirit rings can be solved, so that the improvement of the strength of spirit masters is no longer limited to killing spirit beasts, then the conflict between humans and spirit beasts will surely be eased.

Not all soul beasts can take care of the overall situation, but as long as some of them can participate, the situation will be much better.

After all, winning the plane war, the benefits are for the entire plane, not just humans.

Ye Hai shook his head slightly and decided to attack Qian Renxue first, "Don't be too optimistic, there is no way to convince others with empty words, and these are all your speculations, first prove that your speculations are correct, and then talk about other things. Bar."

Qian Renxue blinked and said, "I'm not optimistic, are you too optimistic?"

She could feel that Ye Hai had a fleeting surprise just now.

Ye Hai: ""

Qian Renxue glanced at Ye Hai and continued: "Also, the divine stone has a very special effect, which I think is the most important."

Having said this, Qian Renxue's expression became solemn.

and also?

Ye Hai was very surprised. Could this divine stone be Dali Pill?How can there be so many special effects?

Qian Renxue's lips moved, and the voice entered Ye Hai's mind: "Recently, it is the day of awakening the martial arts for children of the right age. One of my subordinates got a divine stone from me and went to awaken the martial arts for the children."

"During the ceremony, she accidentally mixed the divine stone into the materials for the ceremony. She thought it was a mess, but guess what?"

Qian Renxue looked at Ye Hai, and said word by word: "The group of more than 20 children all have soul power, including those weeds and farm tools!"

Chapter 429

Generally speaking, only with innate soul power can one cultivate to become a soul master.

A person who is born without soul power, even if there is a martial arts spirit that smashes the sky, cannot become a soul master, but if you have soul power innately, even if it is only one level, even if the martial arts is just a weed or a hoe, it is still Those who can become soul masters just have no potential in the later stage.

People with innate soul power are far less than one-tenth.

Take the Holy Spirit Village as an example. Before Tang San, there was not a single person with spirit power for several years, and it was only this year that Tang San appeared as a special case.

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