"The relationship between you and Xiaoxue is very complicated. I don't understand it, but it's definitely not as easy as you and me to reach an agreement. It's not that easy to ask her to do something for you."

The body lying on Bibi Dong's side moved slightly, and she said in a leisurely tone, "Anyway, I have already reminded you, what you do is up to you."

Ye Hai narrowed his eyes and did not speak.

He always felt that there was an unfinished meaning in Bibi Dong's words, but he couldn't hear it.

Would Bibi Dong think so kindly for him?

It used to be, but since she became a priest, Bibi Dong's personality has changed a lot. Ye Hai is not sure about her temper for the time being, but it is definitely different from before, and Ye Hai can't completely trust her.

So Ye Hai didn't plan to accept Bibi Dong's "kindness".

"Okay, take care of your injury, and I'll come back to you if I have something to do."

After Ye Hai finished speaking, he turned and left.

Ye Hai left the palace and saw Qian Renxue waiting for him outside the door.

"wait for me?"

Ye Hai asked.

"You" Qian Renxue opened her mouth, but stopped talking.

Ye Hai said, "I didn't say anything about you and me."

"I don't care!" Qian Renxue felt relieved, but she pretended not to care, and then asked, "You really don't want to sit, and then gave me the Pope's seat? Or? You know I want it, so you gave it to me?"

Ye Hai knew that what Qian Renxue wanted to hear was the latter reason, but as a straight man, he must have the self-awareness of a straight man, so he sneered: "A broken pope, who is rare."

Qian Renxue bulged her cheeks several times with anger, and said, "You don't care, do you? Don't ask me in the future!"

After saying that, he walked away angrily.

Ye Hai returned to the Pope's Hall with a calm expression. He thought for a while and asked Ju Douluo, "What is there that is particularly valuable in our Spirit Hall?"

Chrysanthemum Douluo glanced at Ye Hai strangely and said, "The most valuable thing is naturally the soul bone."

"How many?" Ye Hai asked.

Ju Douluo shook his head and said: "I don't care about the warehouse, where do I know? Besides, many extremely valuable things will be placed in a place that only the Pope knows, where can someone of my level know."

Ye Hai pondered for a while, and then said, "Apart from the soul bone?"

Chrysanthemum Douluo thought about it for a while, and said, "The swords or armors made by some god-craftsmen, as well as soul tools passed down from far overseas, as well as some treasures with peculiar functions or extremely high value, etc. It has a very long history and has a lot of valuable things. Only the popes of the past dynasties can count them. If you ask me, I can only tell you a general idea."

"Do you know where these are placed?" Ye Hai asked.

When he was in the Spirit Hall before, he didn't pay attention to these things at all, because he felt that other things were secondary, only his own cultivation was the most important, so he didn't care about these foreign things at all.

Ju Douluo frowned and thought for a while, then said, "These are all in the warehouse, and the key is not with me either."

Having said that, Ju Douluo looked at Ye Hai suspiciously and said, "You don't have any idea about the warehouse of the Spirit Hall, do you? It stands to reason that your cultivation base has reached this point, and other things don't care about you at all. It can't improve much, what do you want to do?"

Ye Hai immediately turned around and went to Bibi Dong's bedroom.

He thought of a way to check and balance Qian Renxue!

Chapter 426 Willful

"You said, you want to empty the warehouse of Wuhun Temple?"

Bibi Dong was taken aback, and immediately showed an angry and funny look, and said, "Is this what you thought of? Coerce Xiaoxue to do things for you, or exchange things with her?"

Ye Hai shook his head and said, "Just in case, I will give her whatever she wants. Anyway, there are so many things in the warehouse, and she can't use them all at once. I just keep them for her."

"You ah you" Bibi Dong pointed at Ye Hai and said with a smile, "You are such a big man, and you still do things that only children do."

Ye Hai said without being ashamed: "Don't worry about being naive or not, it just works."

Bibi Dong shook her head and smiled. Although this was a little unreasonable and naive, it could really stop Qian Renxue.

"Hey, that's not right, even if Xiaoxue becomes the Pope, she won't agree to anything you ask her to do?"

Bibi Dong felt something was wrong. Although Ye Hai and Qian Renxue's relationship was not full, it was definitely more than a friend.

After thinking for a while, Bibi Dong looked at Ye Hai and said, "You guys broke up again?"

She is very aware of Ye Hai and Qian Renxue's personalities. Qian Renxue's temperament is like a river in winter. If she has the ability to open the thick layer of ice outside, there will be water inside.

If you can't open this layer of ice, you will hit your head on the ice and break your blood.

Ye Hai's temperament is that if you are tough on him, he will be tougher than you

These two meet, tsk tsk, that's interesting

Therefore, Bibi Dong could easily judge that Ye Hai and Qian Renxue were definitely at odds again, which made Ye Hai prepare for the future ahead of time.

Ye Hai rolled his eyes and said, "Your daughter has become a priest and has a good temper. I can't control her."

Bibi Dong smiled and said, "Do you think I might help you deal with my daughter?"

Ye Hai walked to the bed, looked down at Bibi Dong, and said with a smile, "If you don't give it to me, I'll knock you out, and then search for it by yourself."

"Okay, I'll give it to you, it's useless for me to keep it anyway." Bibi Dong glanced at Ye Hai, took out a ring from her index finger, handed it to Ye Hai, and said, "Storing the soul tool, the entire martial art The most important things in the Soul Palace are inside, and the key to the warehouse is also inside."

Ye Hai took the ring and sensed it through his spiritual sense. This is a large space, with a length, width and height of more than 20 meters.

There are piles and piles of items placed in different categories.

There are spirit bones, weapons, highly valuable medicinal herbs, and many treasures whose specific functions cannot be identified.

These things are the accumulation of Spirit Hall over the years, occupying half of the huge space.

Bibi Dong said, "Since I took this storage soul tool from Qian Xunji, I haven't touched the contents of it very much. Well, so are the herbs, so many things have lost their efficacy."

Ye Hai took out a jade box and opened it, the herbs inside were already dry and rotten, he sighed: "It's a bit of a waste."

"There's nothing to waste, things I don't like, even immortal grass, are like dung to me." Bibi Dong said lightly.


Ye Hai shook his head, threw the jade box on the table, and took out a long knife.

The blade is very sharp, even if it has not been used for decades, the sharpness is not reduced at all. At first glance, it is a weapon made by a famous craftsman.

Withdrawing the long knife, Ye Hai took out another soul bone, which was a skull, emitting a scorching light.

There are a lot of soul bones in the ring. Ye Hai counted them, and they are at least 50 yuan, and they are all of high quality. The age of the soul bones is more than 5 years. He held the skull and soul bones, and said in doubt:

"Why don't you reward the people below with so many soul bones? The rational use of resources can make the forces around you stronger."

Bibi Dong looked at Ye Hai and said, "Apart from Yueguan and Guimei, who else will the other Titled Douluo listen to me? Even if I cultivated to the realm of a priest, I would still use my strength to coerce them to do things. Thousands of families have controlled the Spirit Hall for so many years. In their hearts, Qian Renxue is the orthodox, and I am just an escrow."

Ye Hai nodded and said, "Okay, I know, then they won't get a soul bone from me."

Bibi Dong laughed out loud, she hesitated for a moment, and said: "Actually, if the soul bone is not nourished by the soul power, it will lose its effectiveness within a hundred years at most, and if it exceeds 50 years, even if it is absorbed, the effect will be greatly reduced. These spirit bones are dusty in my hands, after you take them away, try to make these spirit bones have owners."

Ye Hai smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have soul bones from my own people. Let alone 50 yuan, I can use up all 500 yuan."

Bibi Dong said, "These spirit bones are of high quality. There are some ordinary quality spirit bones in the warehouse. You can take them with you."

After a pause, Bibi Dong continued: "Also, you can take away all kinds of property in the Spirit Hall, as well as things of high value."

Ye Hai raised his eyebrows and said, "Are there any conditions?"

"No conditions." Bibi Dong said.

"Why? You didn't want to give it to me just now?" Ye Hai said stunned.

Bibi Dong smiled and said, "I suddenly remembered just now that everything in the Spirit Hall is the result of my decades of hard work, why should I give this fruit to Qianjia for nothing? You can Take everything you take!"

With that said, Bibi Dong took off the three rings on her left hand, handed them to Ye Hai, and said with a smile, "I don't have many other things, but I store a lot of soul tools."

Bibi Dong used her right hand to wield weapons. She didn't have a ring or bracelet on her right hand, but her left hand was quite ornate.

Each finger has at least one ring, the index finger and middle finger each have more than three rings, and the entire hand has more than ten rings.

Three bracelets of different colors are worn on her white wrists.

Bibi Dong's left hand has fair and delicate skin, and her hand is very beautiful. She can easily handle gorgeous decorations. She is very beautiful with these rings and bracelets.

Ye Hai took the ring and said, "Well, then I'll go first."

Bibi Dong nodded and said, "Go ahead."

Ye Hai walked out of Bibi Dong's bedroom and went directly to the underground warehouse of the Pope's Palace.

This is the most important warehouse except for the Pope's ring. Only the Pope and the Great Enshrined have keys.

Ye Hai opened the warehouse door and stepped into the underground warehouse.

The things here are almost the same as the things in the Pope's ring, but the quality is much lower and the quantity is much higher.

Ye Hai swept away and put them all into the storage ring.

Then Ye Hai went to several other warehouses and put most of the things into the storage ring.

The only things left are gold and silver.

Ye Hai couldn't hold it anymore, so he looked at the gold and silver on the floor regretfully, and then left.

Chapter 427: Heaven and Earth Energy Increase

Seven days later, late at night.

The space node where the Rakshasa Secret Realm is located emits an invisible wave, and hundreds of streamers fly out in all directions, which are extremely obvious in the dark night sky.

Ye Hai, who was guarding nearby, rose into the air and smashed the hundreds of streamers down with a hammer.

However, Ye Hai clearly felt that the streamer light formed by these monsters was much stronger, and one of them made him faintly feel that the power was not weak, and the breath was almost infinitely close to the priest!

However, it was still within the range of Ye Haineng's handling. After he smashed this hammer, Ning Fengzhi Sword Bone Douluo, Tang Hao, Tang Xiao brothers, and Ju Gui Douluo, who were sleeping nearby, immediately got up and cast the spirit of martial arts. to help Ye Hai clean up these monsters.

"Damn, I can't even sleep peacefully!" Tang Hao roared, and under Haotian's real body, a hammer smashed to death a super Douluo monster.

Under the leadership of Ye Hai, several people cleaned up these monsters relatively easily, and harvested a lot of refining materials.

There was no fighting on Qian Renxue's side.

Except for the first synchronous burst of these two nodes, the subsequent two or three bursts are not at the same time.

But the outbreak of space nodes does not distinguish between day and night, and it may break out in the most drowsy night.

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