Nishino Mu sat up straight, forgetting about the interrogation, and excitedly played the feeding game under Ying Lili's contemptuous gaze.

Four p.m.

Nishino Mu walked out of the house again.

Ying Lili and Shiina Mashiro held hands and stood alone at the door.

"He's out again."

"Is there anyone outside?" Shiina Mashiro asked suddenly.

Ying Lili was taken aback, and nodded: "It's definitely a love letter. Nishino is on a date. We were cheated by that guy Hayasaka."



The two women reached a consensus and hurriedly contacted a taxi...


This is a romantic aquarium. Mu Nishino was wearing a silver-gray long windbreaker, and walked side by side with Kaguya Shinomiya next to him.

It was clearly late autumn, but Shinomiya Kaguya didn't seem afraid of the cold, wearing a beautiful tunic dress with a white sweater over it.

"are not you cold?"

Behind the glass window are black, white, blue and other colored fish. There are many kinds of fish, but Xi Yemu doesn't know much about them.

He glanced at the octopus casually, took a few photos, and then focused all his attention on Shinomiya Kaguya.

"It's not cold, are you cold?" It would be a lie to say it's not cold, but Shinomiya Kaguya is willing to give up the temperature for the sake of demeanor.

"I am cold."

Chapter 219 I Am The One You Like

"If it's cold, I'll take off your clothes to protect you from the cold." Shinomiya Kaguya looked at her clothes and planned to take off her knitted sweater.

It would be a lie to say that I was not moved.

"Don't do it," Nishino Mu covered Shinomiya Kaguya's hand that was about to take off his clothes: "Just kidding with you, I'm not only not cold, but also a little hot."

After finishing speaking, he took off the windbreaker and put it on Shinomiya Kaguya: "This is for you, don't say it's not cold, I see little bumps on your arms."

"Thank you." Shinomiya Kaguya wrapped herself in a cloak with an intoxicated expression on her face. This was the clothes worn by Nishino, and it smelled good.

The two walked together in the aquarium like an undersea tunnel, ignoring other people passing by, and time seemed to stand still infinitely.

Shinomiya Kaguya glanced at Nishino Mu's hand beside her, and wanted to reach out to hold it many times, but the shame of a woman and her reserve as the eldest lady of the Sigong Consortium made her unable to make up her mind.

"It seems to be a shark house ahead." Noticing the road sign next to him, Shinomiya Kaguya's eyeballs rolled slightly as a reminder.

"Hahaha, sharks are quite fierce, but in the aquarium, no matter how powerful they are, they will not do anything to us."

Nishino Mu guessed that Shinomiya Kaguya might be afraid of sharks as a girl, and told her that no matter how fierce the sharks were, they were still in the aquarium.

"Sharks are sea beasts that have been moving all their lives, especially the way they open their mouths wide. It is very scary. Even in the aquarium, ordinary girls would be very scared."

While Shinomiya Kaguya said that, his body trembled slightly, trying his best to pretend to be timid and fearful.

Xi Yemu noticed her abnormality and quickly reached out to hold her.

coming!Shinomiya Kaguya fell on Nishino Mu's body, and exclaimed: "What's wrong?"

"Since you are afraid, don't go to see the sharks anymore, let's go to the sea lion show."

It's very strange, just a light pull, how could Shinomiya Kaguya be pulled into his arms.

While Nishino Mu thought so, he sensed that Shinomiya Kaguya was sticking tightly to his body, and wanted to push her away, but after pushing her, he didn't push her, so he simply grabbed her hand and returned the same way.

Shinomiya Kaguya happily followed Nishino Mu, and decided to go back and give a raise to the woman who claimed to be able to conquer all men.

The sea lion show is really popular, and many people gather here.

The sea lion area of ​​the aquarium is a huge circular swimming pool. There are two sea lions performing on the platform in the middle of the swimming pool. The content of the performance is to hit a small ball with each other.

The two sea lions come and go, playing simple ball bumps against each other, which is very entertaining.

Nishino Mu and Shinomiya Kaguya took a good look at the crowd for a while, and one of the sea lions was negligent and missed the ball.

The trainer immediately came to the stage, picked up the ball, patted the heads of the two sea lions, and shouted loudly: "In this ball game, it was Xiaolu who won the game. We will provide him with plenty of food during the rest time. Xiaomi who failed, we will not give up on him, and we will encourage him well. If you want to praise Xiaolu, you are welcome to take a photo with him. If you want to encourage Xiaomi, you are also welcome to take a photo with him. The photo is only [-] yen once. There will be beautiful photos on site.”

"How about it, Nishino, do you feel that Xiaomi is particularly pitiful?" Shinomiya Kaguya tugged at Nishino Mu's sleeve.


Nishino Mu looked up, and saw Xiaomi snuggling up beside the breeder, rubbing his smooth body back and forth.

"Let's encourage Xiaomi."

Although he didn't see where Xiaomi was pitiful, Nishino was not interested in fighting Shinomiya Kaguya's idea of ​​taking a photo with the sea lion.

"Let's go. Hello, we want to take a photo with Xiaomi!" Shinomiya Kaguya and Nishino Mu walked to the payment booth.

"Are you two together?"


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