Nishino Mu didn't plan to go out, watching Qingshan Qihai dubbing was a kind of enjoyment, he was reluctant to leave.

"President Nishino, I've finished the first volume of "Hundred Fate Knots", can we talk about the new book?" After Fumino Furuhashi finished speaking, most people in the dubbing room looked at her in surprise.

There are only more than 8 characters in "Hundred Fate Knots" online, who would have thought that the creator would have finished writing it long ago.

"Let's go." "Hundred Fate Knots" is a masterpiece promoted by Wenyuan Novels. Naturally, Nishino Mu couldn't be indifferent. He and Fumino Guqiao walked out of the dubbing room.

The three of them wandered in the corridor, Fumino Furuhashi nodded to some familiar people from time to time, and stopped to chat with them when he met someone with a good relationship. He was more like the president than President Nishino, giving people a feeling of spring breeze a feeling of.

"Guqiao is so popular?" Nishino Mu and Ogata Rizu stood together, watching Fumino Guqiao laughing with several female voice actors, feeling very puzzled.

No one recognized him along the way. Logically speaking, he shouldn’t be. Not only does he have supernatural abilities [Focus Character], he is also the rumored boyfriend of the top female voice actress Aoyama Nanami. How come few people in the company know each other.

Ogata Rizu said enviously: "Fumino actually doesn't like to make friends, but her speech and behavior make people very comfortable. There are many people who take the initiative to find her to be friends."

"You envy her?" Nishino Mu asked.

"A little bit," Ogata Ritzu bowed her head in embarrassment: "I used to always misunderstand the meaning of the people around me, and I always lost when I played games. I couldn't make many friends. It got better after I went to college. I know some people, but now I haven't been in touch with them."

"It's normal for my former classmates to stop contacting me. Like me, I even changed my phone number and line number. I never answer when I encounter an unfamiliar number." Nishino Mu took out his white phone and handed it to Ogata Rizu: "You Look, there are many phone calls and messages from many people."

Ogata Rizu took the phone, looked at a series of missed calls, and turned pale: "You don't read the text messages?"

"Look, I don't want to reply after reading it. I don't have much time to play games, work and read books every day. If I talk to strangers a few more times, I'm afraid I won't be able to live a good life. But few people send me text messages. Occasionally I receive The news is also asking if I am there? What are you doing, and so on, I don’t even bother to care about them.”

Ogata Rizu said anxiously: "The text messages are nothing, but among the missed calls, there are cell phone numbers of people I know."

Is it the woman I provoked when I was young, frivolous and ignorant?

Nishino Mu asked cautiously, "What relationship do they have with me?"

Ogata Ritzu said softly: "Teacher-student relationship, Teacher Bronzebeard is very kind to us, let's reply to her message."

"Teacher Bronze Beard?" Nishino Mu thought of Shizuka Hiratsuka.

Ogata Riju introduced: "Ms. Bronzebeard was your world history teacher when you went to Ichinose High School as an exchange student."



"very beautiful?"

"very beautiful."

Nishino Mu's brain twitched, and he asked again: "Are you and Gu Qiao beautiful?"

Ogata Ritzu was stunned for a long time, nodded sadly, and said disappointedly: "Teacher is more feminine than us."

"What's wrong with Mr. Bronze Beard?" Fumino Guqiao bid farewell to his friends, came to Nishino Mu's side, and took Ogata Rizu's little hand: "I heard you guys were discussing Mr. Bronze Beard."

"It seems that Teacher Bronze Beard called me." Nishino Mu said honestly.

"Hey~," Guqiao Fumino immediately took out the same couple's mobile phone of Nishino Mu, and flipped through the call records: "No, the teacher didn't call me. Lizhu, did the teacher call you?"

Ogata Ritzu shook her head: "No."

"So, the teacher only called me," Nishino Muya re-read the call records, and confirmed that the day that Teacher Tongxu called was the time when Mai Sakurajima induced reporters to tweet randomly.

Ogata Ritzu said nervously, "Is there something wrong with the teacher and you need Nishino's help?"

Fumino Guqiao rolled his eyes and clasped his snow-white chin with his fingers: "What's the matter? Could it be because he was too sad and went to the hotel to get drunk, but was arrested and called for help?"

Nishino Mu's left eyelid twitched, and he comforted himself: "I guess not, if something really happened, I should call the law enforcement officers or my parents."

Fumino Guqiao changed his previous calmness, lowered his head to hide the smile from the corners of his eyes, and said in a sad tone: "Oh, it's hard to say, in an emergency, it is possible to call anyone, how can there be so much time for the teacher to see the phone clearly and make a call?" To whom."

Nishino Mu swiped his finger on the screen: "I'll call back and ask..."

Ogata Ritzu interrupted him, and said unhurriedly: "The teacher should be fine. She made two phone calls, and one of the calls rang for 30 seconds. If she was in a dangerous situation, there is a high probability that she would not have this chance. The teacher wouldn't be so stupid as to call the same person twice, let alone not get through the first time."

The smile on Guqiao Fumino's face dissipated, and Nishino Mu stopped moving his fingers on the phone. The two looked at each other and sighed at the same time.

"Nishino, why are you sighing?" Fumino Furuhashi asked.

Xi Yemu said: "I was thinking, why didn't I think of such a simple truth, how about you? Why are you sighing?"

"I was thinking, it's a pity for Mr. Bronzebeard, he taught a stupid student."

Ogata Riju looked at Nishino Mu: "Nishino is not stupid, it's just that he didn't think of it for a while."

Xi Yemu: "You're right, Teacher Guqiao, let's find a place to talk about the end of "Hundred Fate Knots"."

Fumino Guqiao brushed his hair: "Yes."

Chapter 89 Fumino Didn't Know Nishino Can Fight

Guqiao Wennai led the way, and the three of them arrived at the empty reception room.

As soon as Nishino Mu sat down, before he had time to catch his breath, he heard Ogata Ritzu ask, "What about Mr. Bronzebeard?"

This woman is still worried about Teacher Bronzebeard?Nishino Mu scratched his head: "Isn't Teacher Bronzebeard all right?"

"Nishino," Fumino Guqiao said, "it's not that Mr. Bronzebeard is fine, she is alive and free when she calls you, but it cannot be ruled out that she has other things and asks for your help."

"That's what I mean." Ogata Rizu echoed.

Is it okay not to call Teacher Bronzebeard today?At any rate, he was a world history teacher who had taught him in high school, so if he could help, he still wanted to help.

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