"Wen Nai?"

"Yes, she is the screenwriter of the anime, of course she must be present."

"Let her inform the supervisor of the flight in advance that we are going." Nishino Mu said.

"it is good."

Chapter 88

Even though Fumino Furuhashi told Supervisor Bianhang that they were going to visit the animation dubbing studio, Nishinoki still called Supervisor Bianhang and told him about it himself.

It is conceivable that Supervisor Bian Hang would definitely not be willing if the investor wanted to come, but as a veteran who has been in the industry for many years, he would naturally not express his inner dissatisfaction.

In fact, not only did he not express any dissatisfaction, but he also opened the door of Nishino Mu's car with joy on his face: "President Nishino is very welcome to come to guide the work!"

Xi Yemu was a little flattered, and quickly got out of the car: "Supervisor Bianhang is polite, I'm just here to take a look around this time, you can continue to work as you usually do, don't pay attention to me."

"Since President Nishino said so, we will naturally work with peace of mind." Supervisor Bian Hang said with a smile: "Others are busy, so I came out alone to greet you. Please forgive me, President Nishino."

"It's okay, work comes first."

The two shook hands and walked while chatting. Rizu Ogata followed behind them. The three walked through the long corridor and came to the door of the dubbing studio.

The dubbing room is separated by soundproof glass, one side is the work area of ​​the supervisors, and the other is the performance area of ​​the voice actors.

Nishino Mu, Ogata Rizu and Bian Hang Supervisor walked into the work area and were immediately seen.

Qingshan Qihai, who was taking notes on the notebook, was reminded by her companion, raised her head joyfully, and looked at Xi Yemu with sparkling eyes.

Guqiao Fumino, who was lying on the table to catch up on sleep, heard the sound of the door opening, raised his head sleepily, waved to the three of them, and fell asleep again.

Nishino Mu was afraid of affecting the performance of the voice actors on the opposite side, so he greeted several supervisors briefly, and under the arrangement of supervisor Bianhang, he and Ogata Rizu sat down on two empty chairs that seemed to be added temporarily.

A male voice actor who was speaking in the performance area opposite played two roles.

"I am admired by tens of millions of people (proud) and have a strong influence on human beings. The shrine is much better than this dilapidated house (contemptuous)"

"That was before, now you can only curl up in this dilapidated house to survive (peace)"

"When she comes back, I will expel her (pride)"

Aoyama Nanami stood up, approached the microphone, and asked in a childish voice: "Excuse me, what kind of god are you two? Why are you in my shrine? (Curiosity, no fear)"

"My god has taken a fancy to your shrine, if you obediently get out, I will spare you!"

"You came to rob my shrine? (Surprised, suddenly realized)"

"Hahaha, that's right. (Arrogance)"

"You are not a good god, let alone a powerful god, why did you come to rob my shrine? (Innocence, doubts)"

"Don't be presumptuous, I may not be kind, but I am strong! (turning into anger from embarrassment)"

"But I think I can throw you out with one finger. (Serious, honest)"


This conversation opened Nishino Mu's eyes. He closed his eyes and listened carefully. He really thought that it was three gods talking to him, not two voice actors.

Especially Qingshan Qihai, although they didn't play two roles, but they played a naive, ignorant and powerful ignorant god vividly.

I really don't know how she can make a child's voice as an adult, and I am curious to know if she can make Mikoto's voice.

"Aoyama-san is really powerful," Ogata Rizu exclaimed softly.

"She is a top domestic voice actress," Nishino Mu said, "but your achievements in mathematics are no worse than hers."

"But I don't like mathematics."

"Huh?" Mu Nishino knew this news for the first time. He asked Ogata Ritzu: "How can you make such great achievements in mathematics if you don't like mathematics?"

"It's talent," Ogata Rizu said seriously: "I learned mathematics very easily and didn't find it difficult. When I was in college, I wrote down some of my understanding of mathematics in a notebook. Later, my professor found out. Won the World Mathematics Prize."

"Mathematics is not difficult?" Nishinomu twitched the corner of his mouth and asked repeatedly in disbelief.

Ogata Ritzu nodded affirmatively: "Mathematics is really not difficult, but Chinese is difficult, followed by psychology."

"I understand." Nishino Mu thought of the time when he was admitted to Dongda University. He got up at 5 o'clock every day and went to bed at 24 o'clock. He was so tired that he was dying, and mathematics was the most difficult.

"Ogata, did you just write some notes on mathematics?" Nishino Mu couldn't bear it, and asked again.

Ogata Ritzu thought for a while: "Under the teacher's request, I answered a few questions and came up with a few questions."

"What are the questions?"

"The questions that the teachers can't answer."

Nishino Mu didn't ask any more interesting questions, and shifted his gaze to Fumino Guqiao next to him.

The beautiful screenwriter really woke up. She took a sip of water from her teacup, looked at Nishino Mu and Ogata Rizu next to him: "Why are you here?"

Nishino Mu said: "Ogata mentioned it, and I just wanted to see it, so I brought her here."

"That's it, Supervisor Bian Hang, I'm sorry to trouble you here, let's go for a walk." Guqiao Fuminai said.

Supervisor Bian Hang nodded: "Go."

"Thank you for supervision." Fumino Guqiao happily pulled up Rizu Ogata and winked at Mu Nishino.

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