A majestic and oppressive momentum permeated the land of the underworld, and black clouds suddenly condensed in the blood-red sky, welcoming the owner of this land.

"!! Yes, someone is here..." Yeren also made Ye and his two sweat cold, and they felt the threat of death.

Wearing a black robe, the [YOUSEVER] pendant on his chest swayed gently, and his long hair like the night sky swayed in the wind.

"It's your friend, idiot." Ye Ren shouted at Long Cheng and Tianma.

"I've come to see you, Tianma. I didn't expect to see Brother Longcheng again. What a pleasant surprise."

Aaron stepped into the void and smiled slightly at the two of them.


'Aaron... the original golden hair has now turned into jet black...but why...why, as the King of Pluto, you came here in person! ? 'Tianma stared blankly at Aaron, not knowing what to do for a while.

'Pluto has actually come within our reach, such a great opportunity must not be missed! Rang Ye stretched his hand behind him, and gently pulled out the dagger behind him.

"Hades! Come to your senses!!!"

Without any warning, Ye suddenly burst into a violent fit, stabbing Aaron in the sky with the dagger in his hand.

Regarding this, Aaron just glanced at Rang Ye indifferently, and stopped in the air strangely.


"With a lowly body like yours, you dare to interrupt between the lonely and the constellations of Pegasus and Equuleus... It's simply reckless!"

The tyrannical repulsive force erupts will make Ye Hongfei.

"Rang Ye!" Ye Ren came behind Rang Ye and caught Rang Ye with his own body, but the two were still knocked to the ground by a powerful force, and they couldn't get up again for a while.

"Yeah, Rang Ye!!!"

Seeing the two struggling to stand up, Tenma couldn't help shouting excitedly.

Long Cheng was not very worried about the two of them, he could feel that Aaron had no intention of killing.According to Aaron's current strength, it only takes one look to take the lives of Ye Ren and Rang Ye, not to mention that they are still in the underworld.

"Aaron, you..."

"Ahh... I really like you alive and kicking, Tianma." Aaron held Tianma's face in his hands, showing a hearty smile.


"Withstanding the attack of me, who is the kingdom of death, you stubbornly saved your life. Although you are protected by the wreath made by Sasha, it must not be a coincidence that you came here.

So, Tianma, why don't you just join the Pluto army... how about changing the world with me.

Paint the earth black with silence and peace...and bring down Athena. "

"Tianma, don't be fooled by him!" Yeren shouted from the side.

Long Cheng just watched (OMO) and didn't try to persuade Tianma not to join Hades Army.

He knows Tianma too well, it is impossible for the other party to join the Pluto army.

Tenma grabbed Aaron's hands and showed a sunny smile.

"I don't want it."

Then Tianma waved his hand and looked at the land of the underworld with disgust on his face, "The result of cooperating with you is to create such a world, it is much better to follow Sasha and Brother Longcheng...

I'm Athena's Saint now, Aaron.In order to protect the world you once loved, I will stand by Sasha's side.

Aaron, this is for you too! ! ! "

439. Ashmita, I Think

"This is indeed the conclusion that only Pegasus can draw." Aaron touched the wreath on his wrist and showed a gratified smile.

"Brother Long Cheng too, why are you so obsessed with this world full of pain? Death is the salvation of all living beings, and I will end this land."

"If you really do that, I, the big brother, will definitely beat you up."

"Yeah, I will definitely stop you at that time, even if I beat you up."

"It's really what you guys can say. It doesn't matter, you are my possibility... How will the relationship between the four of us end... The next time we meet, Gu will fight you."

During the speech, a black airflow mixed with golden light spots condensed in Aaron's hands, and then merged into Cerberus' body, recovering his injuries.

The three-headed dog faithfully came to its owner and took Aaron to fly to the distant sky.

"Next time we meet, I will definitely punch you in the face too!!! This is the second promise, Aaron!!!" Tianma shouted towards the sky.

'You always keep your promises, and I look forward to seeing you again. '

"See you again in the sanctuary. Our four childhood friends haven't been together for a long time.

Ah, I'm really looking forward to it..."

Long Cheng stared at the direction where Aaron disappeared, smiled lightly and shook his head.Aaron has hinted clearly that when he recovered the three-headed dog's injury just now, he deliberately mixed some [Holy Grail of Netherworld] power.

Only four people know about Aaron pretending to be Hades, namely Aaron himself, Long Cheng, Cailos and Perdita.

Needless to say, Aaron and Long Cheng.On the surface, Partita is the guardian of Uranus, the magic palace of the stars, and cooperates with Yaoma, that is, Kairos, to use Pegasus' god-killing power to destroy the gods in the heavens.In fact, she is Athena's subordinate god, and she cooperates with Yaoma to awaken Tianma's sacred clothes, so she can ignore it.

Kairos almost single-handedly contributed to the development of the mythical world of Pluto, and he even stole Aaron from Heinstein City, so he will not tell this matter.

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