"Speaking of which, Pandora."


"The lonely underworld fighters marching towards the sanctuary, are all safe and sound?"

"Please don't worry about this matter. Minos of Griffon (Griffon) is one of the strongest Big Three in our Pluto army.

In front of the puppet master Minos, Sanctuary and his like are just a playground. "

As soon as the words fell, the constellation map on the sky suddenly disappeared several constellations, and the darkness began to erode the stars in the sky.

"It seems to have already begun."


On the outskirts of the sanctuary, Minos used his unique skill, Cosmic Marionettion, to toy the two bronze saints to death.

Looking at the two bronze saints whose bodies had been twisted into twists, Minos smiled happily, and then led his men to prepare to continue attacking the sanctuary.

! ?Minos looked ahead in a little surprise, only to see that at some point, the road ahead was covered with bright red roses.

The faint scent of flowers filled the nostrils, posing a deadly threat to several underworld fighters. .

"It's just in time, fighters of the underworld. I'm Yabofika. The golden saint of Pisces, Yabofika."

On the huge collapsed stone pillar, a man with light blue long hair and more beautiful than a woman held a red rose in his mouth, staring indifferently at the fighters in front of him.

438. Aaron

The depths of the underworld

Located at the waterfall of blood between the sixth prison-the third valley and the seventh prison-the first trench, there is a big tree that has grown from the blood of the waterfall since the age of mythology.

That is Mu Luanzi from the underworld, and also the target of Long Cheng and others.

Long Cheng and others continued to move towards the depths of the underworld, and soon the four of them ran out of the building and came to the land of the underworld.


Just as he ran out of the building, he heard the roar of a wild beast.

Everyone asked and looked around, only to see a three-headed giant dog with a height of four or five meters staring at the four of them.

The six eyeballs, which were bigger than a human head, stared straight at the crowd, and the sharp canine teeth gleamed with a white cold light, and the stench of saliva flowed out from the gaps between the teeth, and fell on the red and black barren land of the underworld.

"This... what is this guy!?"

Yesen exclaimed in surprise, the sense of oppression of the three-headed dog on Yesen was too great.

"This is Cerberus, the watchdog of hell, be careful!" Rang Ye reminded Ye Ren, who was the weakest among the four people present, and it was too dangerous to deal with the Cerberus with only the strength of bronze .


The next moment, Cerberus opened three bloody mouths and bit them.

"It stinks, you should brush your teeth.

Light Pulse (LightPulsation)! ! ! "

The storm formed by the dark golden small universe turned into pulsating light waves, which erupted from Long Cheng's right fist in the form of pulses.

A huge beam of light enveloped Cerberus!


Cerberus was blown away by Long Cheng, plowing a ditch hundreds of meters across the land of the underworld.

"Okay, so powerful." Ye Ren and Rang Ye looked at Long Cheng in surprise. The Cerberus, which was a fatal threat to the two of them, was unable to pass a move against Long Cheng. This really made people who did not understand Long Cheng's strength The two of them were horrified.

Walking to the side of Cerberus, Jeren gasped.

I saw that the originally majestic and ferocious three-headed dog could only struggle to stand up in the pit at this time, its gray-white fur turned black and dripping with blood.


Cerberus growled at the few people, which seemed to be serious and introverted.

"This... what is this place?" Tenma looked around and asked in a low voice, not paying attention to Cerberus in his hand.

The red and black barren land, the steaming pool of blood, the dead soaked in the pool of blood like zombies...

"People are suffering in the pool of blood...this is probably the Seventh Hell...the place where those who engaged in corruption, theft and fraud fell into."

Jean Ye explained with a solemn face that although the undead in the blood pool were not good people, their tragic situation still stimulated everyone.

"It's so cruel..." Yeren's face became serious.

"I didn't expect that passage to lead to this place." Looking at the undead in the blood pool, Long Cheng's heart didn't fluctuate at all. He had a kind heart, but it definitely wasn't for most of the people here.

"It's... a terrible place.

This is the underworld... the world he loves light and color... the world he wants to create even if he fights Sasha... Aaron..." Tenma clenched his fists tightly, his body trembling slightly. He couldn't Understand, what made that friend who was purer and kinder than anyone else become Pluto today.

"Tianma, we can definitely wake Aaron up."

"Ah, Brother Longcheng, even if you want to beat him away..."

Long Cheng knew that Aaron was awake from the beginning to the end, and suppressed Hades' awakening, but he couldn't tell Tianma now, so he could only comfort him like this.

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