"...Don't forget about the existence of this young master, you're just picking up girls on your own, uncle."

There was blood on the corner of Kaludia's mouth, and there was indeed a smile on his face.

"The tooth of obsidian? It sounds interesting. You may be the prey in these two days."

Facing Kaludia's arrogant speech, Vesta turned around and walked towards the depths of the woods.

"...Don't be brave, I'll come to welcome you two again in two days."

417. The Skinner


A golden light flashed, and an abyss crack was cut from the ground.

"It's so dangerous, so dangerous, hey, do you want to kill me, El Cid!?"

At this moment, there were large and small sword marks on Long Cheng's body, and the clothes all over his body were torn like a beggar.

"It's useless to talk too much, let's take it!"

The golden small universe burst out from his right hand, forming a sharp fist that could cut the sky and the earth!

'Tsk, don't waste your time here.The eighth sense consumes too much, and the current body can't bear it for long, damn it! '

"Fight! Let me explode, the universe in my body!"

The small golden universe keeps gushing out, expanding towards the limit until reaching the peak!

'not enough!Peak sixth sense is not enough!People who value it... This time, we must protect it! '

At this moment, although it was only a very short time, Long Cheng broke through the peak of the sixth sense and reached an unknown height.

The golden small universe turned into an even more dazzling golden color, and fierce fists roared out!

"Clang!" The crisp sound of gold and iron clashing swept across the sky the next moment!


A line of blood appeared on the right hand from the wrist to the root of the arm, and drops of bright red blood dripped onto the ground.

"Teach me, Long Cheng."

El Cid bowed to the injured Long Cheng, then turned and walked towards the sanctuary.His right arm covered with scars has been missing for a long time, and a small wound has been added again.


"Finally found it, the true red gemstone, the Great Mars of the Constellation!" Vesta walked towards the ancient altar, whispering in his mouth.

"On the day of sacrifice...when you dedicate that heart to the sun, the human beings living in this world will perish...and a new world can be created.

With the power of Tezcatlipeca, the Almighty God of War!

And beside me in the new age...is my fateful partner, the daughter of the creation...Karbella! "

"Hey hey..." At this moment, a small voice interrupted Vesta's fantasy.

Warm blood spurted from behind and landed on the floor beside Vesta.

"Don't always skin your companions, Skinner, Nahuaipilli!"

Vesta said to the subordinates behind him with a cold voice.

"It's cold...it's cold...Master Vesta...please give me more skin..." A man wrapped in several layers of fur said tremblingly, as if he was naked in the polar region.

"As the saying goes: When a person dies, he leaves his name, and when a beast dies, he leaves his skin. Then, as a beast, I have no skin... what should I leave behind!"

The skinner swung a huge and sharp scimitar and slashed towards Vesta, but was easily caught by the opponent's palm.

"There was a scorpion with golden skin."

"Oh...gold...it seems quite warm..."

"I've branded that scorpion with the Sacrifice Seal, and his heart will be dedicated to Tezka Polipoca...the skin is left to you."

"Wow~~ I'm so happy! Then I have to peel off his skin alive and intact for Tezka Polipoca... It's as beautiful as peeling corn!!!"

The skinner let out a morbid and excited laugh and ran into the distance.

"Heh, the sacrificial day is two days later... I'm really looking forward to it...

Burning heart, eternal companion...you are already mine. "


"Here, this is cold water." Putting the water glass on the table in front of Kaludia, Karbella went to fetch another drink.

"Sasha's is orange juice."

"Thank you... thank you."

"...But..." Carbella sat beside Sasha and sighed.

"...We are both being targeted by a strange guy."


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