Vesta groaned, then held out her right hand, seemingly for a handshake.

"...Hey, what are you doing, this hand..."

"That is the first respect and love for the burning ruby. Are you... afraid?"

Vesta lowered her head and looked down at Kaludia.


"Crack!!!" The two palms clapped together, making a crisp sound.

"No, as you wish!! Your seemingly interesting request!"

The scarlet small universe and the blazing brilliance of the sun rise at the same time, and the golden scorpion and the pitch-black cheetah confront each other.

'This guy, he talks about respect and love, but he uses such a lot of strength in his doesn't lose to me, a golden saint at's interesting!

Can it finally be lit? ?This heart of mine! ! ! '

"Good job." Vesta's voice came suddenly, making Kaludia slightly stunned.

"Is your heart releasing flame-like heat? This is the first time I have encountered such a heart. It really looks like the red star Mars!"

With that said, Vesta's aura became even bigger.

"Wow ah ah ah!!!"

The next moment, Kaludia only felt that his heart was about to be burned into nothingness while screaming in pain, the destruction of his internal organs made him spurt out a mouthful of blood.

"You bastard... unexpectedly shot at my will... unforgivable!!!"

"This is really amazing. How hot can it be? This sacrificial offering to the sun."

Vesta kicked Kaludia to the ground with a smug smile on his face.

" bastard!" Kaludia clutched her chest, her face becoming very ugly.

"There are still two days before the sacrificial day, let me leave a mark for you."

After Vesta finished speaking, Kaludia felt a terrible thing in her heart.


A girl in a nightgown ran towards the two of them.


Vesta let go of the weak Kaludia, turned around and was about to leave.

"Caldia!!! Are you okay, how could this be..."

"No... no problem... why did you come here?" The golden saint who fell on the ground showed a weak smile.

"I feel my heart beating uneasy...Kaldia's small universe seems to be shaking in"

"Huh?... Xiao... Yu..."

"...Damn it, you can't do it like this, Kaludia!

It's not okay to say that you are so powerful, but you are so weak when you fight. "

Carbella ran to Kaludia with the oil lamp and said worriedly.

"... How is this possible... Carbella..." Kaludia wanted to struggle to stand up, but she could only lie on the ground weakly, dripping with sweat.

"Hey! Are you alright!"

"The body...became very hot..."

Glancing at Kaludia, Carbella turned around and shouted to Vesta who walked into the crowd of beast fighters: "Hey! Stop! This guy is an important customer in my old lady's shop! do you treat this guy? What have you done?"

Vesta stopped and glanced at Carbella, "I nailed obsidian teeth into his body."

"In the body... nailed...tooth!?"

"Yes, that's the proof [sacrifice seal] of being the prey of our beast fighters. That tooth will enter the heart through the blood vessels in the right palm and take his life!

There are still two days left for him!In two days his heart will be dedicated to the sun, and the world will create and transform into a new age. "

Hearing Vesta's words, Sasha and Karbella were startled.

"You...what the hell are you talking about! Stop joking, hurry up and get that tooth out for me, monster!"

Carbella rushed forward to persuade Vesta, but the next moment she approached, Vesta hugged her in his arms.

"Don't you say such sad things, Karbella."

"What are you talking about...let go of me!"

Carbella kept struggling, punching and kicking Vesta, but unfortunately it didn't work at all.

"I knew it the first time I saw you, can't you remember everything, Carbella?"

Carbella froze.

"...The thing about the two of us in this world..."

"...don't..." came a voice dressed roughly, but with a frivolous tone, and pulled Carbella to his side.

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